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For Those About to Vote/Not Vote ALPA At SkyWest...

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Can you please summarize the Don Douglas story? I am not up to date on some of the issues.


That's a big part of the problem... DD is just one of a much larger group of people that management likes to keep people from knowing about.
"my way or no way" how old are you really? Have you ever had to deal with anyone like yourself?
I dont need to look over my shoulder- though I think you are somewhat of a lunatic- I do believe you are smart enough to keep it on flight info.. My previous career was aviation and I still do it. Damn proud of it as well. When you do see me in the crew room say hi- I wont bite and I wont even know its you!!!
I come from the old school way of thinking, I learned my attitude from people who have walked the walk, and talked the talk. You just don't get it, I don't want you or your attitude in this industry. Keep it on FI? My problem is I think the current OC is too soft, and need to step up to the plate and play some hardball. Maybe you should go back to your "previous" career. Oh, BTW I hope you are not "flying for compensation" in the "previous career that you still do it" Will you still "be Damn proud of it" when Joan P. from the FAA audits you flying for hire records? Ot how bout your C.P.? You really should quit while you are ahead, throwing ammo to the enemy is not the best of survival skills.
Go home and start doctoring those books!
I love a challenge! Enjoy I will!
I can be your best ally, or your worst nightmare. If you are on my side I will quit my job to defend yours. If you are not on my side I will give you no quarter and will watch your job slide off the table and into the trashcan, without lifting a finger to slow or stop it from happening. You might say "my kids have to eat", I say there dumpsters behind the Dennys for free. My friends are my friends and my enemies don't deserve Olive Garden dumpster divings. I might suggest you adopt the same attitude, and this industry will turn around(for the pilots)!

I hear ya dude. All I'm saying is I don't wanna piss in your cheerios! Thanks for trying to raise the profession--Unlike Skynation who's not willing to fight for anybody but himself. I'm hoping I just got done with the major fight here at ASA. I hope you guys can get ALPA, so we can stand together in this fight--4500 pilots strong. I'd say I'm standing with you PBR.

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I come from the old school way of thinking, I learned my attitude from people who have walked the walk, and talked the talk. You just don't get it, I don't want you or your attitude in this industry. Keep it on FI? My problem is I think the current OC is too soft, and need to step up to the plate and play some hardball. Maybe you should go back to your "previous" career. Oh, BTW I hope you are not "flying for compensation" in the "previous career that you still do it" Will you still "be Damn proud of it" when Joan P. from the FAA audits you flying for hire records? Ot how bout your C.P.? You really should quit while you are ahead, throwing ammo to the enemy is not the best of survival skills.
Go home and start doctoring those books!
I love a challenge! Enjoy I will!
You clearly dont understand EVERYTHING about the career. Please rat me out to my CP need his #? I'll pm you if you need it.... I get compensated very well for my other flying- is that wrong? I dont log it..
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I hear ya dude. All I'm saying is I don't wanna piss in your cheerios! Thanks for trying to raise the profession--Unlike Skynation who's not willing to fight for anybody but himself.

I just couldn't resist, really, trojan was too juicy to not swing at! I firmly believe that, in an industry where billions of dollars change hands, and labor is 40% of operating costs, management would be remiss in their duties if they did not try to pull money back across the table. That being said labor is foolish if they think that management won't try those shenaggians. Skyturd, and JEAizz are the traitors and therefore the enemy, not management. Only a fool would think that they could stand alone in this industry. I have watched all the things discussed here and elsewhere slide back across the table into managements pockets. Google insider trading and see how many stock options the executive management has traded. I do not begrudge them these options, I just don't want to be lied to and then told "we never said that". Howz Skid+ workin' for you?
I just couldn't resist, really, trojan was too juicy to not swing at! I firmly believe that, in an industry where billions of dollars change hands, and labor is 40% of operating costs, management would be remiss in their duties if they did not try to pull money back across the table. That being said labor is foolish if they think that management won't try those shenaggians. Skyturd, and JEAizz are the traitors and therefore the enemy, not management. Only a fool would think that they could stand alone in this industry. I have watched all the things discussed here and elsewhere slide back across the table into managements pockets. Google insider trading and see how many stock options the executive management has traded. I do not begrudge them these options, I just don't want to be lied to and then told "we never said that". Howz Skid+ workin' for you?

I saw the stock options in the Annual Report. Skywest Inc. pays for Jerry's Country Club membership, I think where Skynation blows him. Don't know if he charges extra for that, or whether it's thrown in there for free. I digress. I hope we can stand together and bring this whipsaw/race to the bottom to an end.

You clearly dont understand EVERYTHING about the career. Please rat me out to my CP need his #? I'll pm you if you need it.... I get compensated very well for my other flying- is that wrong? I dont log it..
Oh my,
Lesse if you don't log it it doesn't count as flying for compensation? I guess you never read the part of the SOP where it says all outside must be cleared by the company, really quite standard language at all companies. Again I will fall back on the "honor" concept, "good oral character, clause in the requirements for the ATP" You are so stupid I am becoming convinced your mess need to dragged out into the light of day. I do not need David A's number, we are well acquainted, maybe he and I need to have a chat, so I can understand the "unauthorized flying clause" in the SOP as it relates to outside flying for hire, heck he might even want the FAA to check up on this possibly clear violation FARs on your part. Lesse at best you will be in violation of the Policy Manual, at worst in violation of FARs, I wonder if the SKYW agreement for self disclosure would apply to this situation? I am sure they wouldn't want to be caught flying a pilot in violation of FARs. At any rate this might even convince you that ALPA legal would be a help. But alas even they couldn't get you out of this mess if it's true!
Please quit throwin' ammo to me, I like it!
Get ready cause here it comes
P.S. Honor and honesty only applies if you live it, not getting caught isn't the same.
P.S.S. "ratting out" only works in grade school, and prison. The truth will set you free(from this profession)
Oh my,
Lesse if you don't log it it doesn't count as flying for compensation? I guess you never read the part of the SOP where it says all outside must be cleared by the company, really quite standard language at all companies. Again I will fall back on the "honor" concept, "good oral character, clause in the requirements for the ATP" You are so stupid I am becoming convinced your mess need to dragged out into the light of day. I do not need David A's number, we are well acquainted, maybe he and I need to have a chat, so I can understand the "unauthorized flying clause" in the SOP as it relates to outside flying for hire, heck he might even want the FAA to check up on this possibly clear violation FARs on your part. Lesse at best you will be in violation of the Policy Manual, at worst in violation of FARs, I wonder if the SKYW agreement for self disclosure would apply to this situation? I am sure they wouldn't want to be caught flying a pilot in violation of FARs. At any rate this might even convince you that ALPA legal would be a help. But alas even they couldn't get you out of this mess if it's true!
Please quit throwin' ammo to me, I like it!
Get ready cause here it comes
P.S. Honor and honesty only applies if you live it, not getting caught isn't the same.
P.S.S. "ratting out" only works in grade school, and prison. The truth will set you free(from this profession)
The truth will set you free!!!! let me know if you need any more ammo... I love watching things explode!
The truth will set you free!!!! let me know if you need any more ammo... I love watching things explode!
The only thing exploding will be your career. If you were just spewing, nothing more than a quick trip to the chief pilot to explain, that you were just dropping turdz into the punchbowl. If what you posted about "outside flying" is true, then the chips will fall where they may. Your best case????, My best case? the profession I have chosen becomes a little less polluted with your likes. My worst case? I have lunch with the SLC C.P. and have to pay for my own lunch. Now quick, email Skyturd and see if he can help you.
The only thing exploding will be your career. If you were just spewing, nothing more than a quick trip to the chief pilot to explain, that you were just dropping turdz into the punchbowl. If what you posted about "outside flying" is true, then the chips will fall where they may. Your best case????, My best case? the profession I have chosen becomes a little less polluted with you likes. My worst case? I have lunch with the SLC C.P. and have to pay for my own lunch. Now quick, email Skyturd and see if he can help you.
I dont need help... I know my regs... however- if you'd like I'll buy your lunch! I'm dying to hear this conversation!

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