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For Those About to Vote/Not Vote ALPA At SkyWest...

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you apparently know my name and if you knew how to use aircraft registry you could find out that my paper airplane is a little bigger than 8.5 x11. It is at # 2 and tampering with aircraft is a felony.... but you know that. As an fo I cannot afford the airplane but through my other job and some investments Ive made, the airplane is a great deal!!!! we should go flying sometime! we disagree on alpa but we both enjoy flying right? Ill buy lunch. im serious.
Yeah I know your name it's not that hard to figger out. It speaks volume to your state of mind and level of personal integrity, that you think I or any person of honor would "tamper" with the very vehicle that could be transporting innocent people. It also speaks volumes that when you are "outed", you get worried, and actually try to sound reasonable. Its wonderful that you can afford an airplane from a prior life and can afford the luxury of being a "hobby pilot", there are lots of guys(most) who do not have the luxury of being a "hobby pilot". Instead of being a self absorbed pompus(new guy) parrot, you might consider the consequences of making enemies this early in your career. I wouldn't fly with you in anything other than a SKYW a/c, and if you are anything other than strict SOP, expect a quick and harsh trip to the director of flight ops's office, you will get no quarter from me, you better start getting your "A" game together, you still have your upgrade and PCs every 6 months as well as line checks. This is starting to get personal, and I hope you are terminated, we do not need your kind in this job, when the likes of your ilk are gone from this profession it will be a profession, and not a job. You are either with us or against us! Make no mistake you are the essence of everything that is wrong in this profession that is progressing rapidly into a job.
P.S. I guess you don't read or comprehend well, I would not break bread(nor eat lunch) with you, the social implications are as stated in prior posts.
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Yeah I know your name it's not that hard to figger out. It speaks volume to your state of mind and level of personal integrity, that you think I or any person of honor would "tamper" with the very vehicle that could be transporting innocent people. It also speaks volumes that when you are "outed", you get worried, and actually try to sound reasonable. Its wonderful that you can afford an airplane from a prior life and can afford the luxury of being a "hobby pilot", there are lots of guys(most) who do not have the luxury of being a "hobby pilot". Instead of being a self absorbed pompus(new guy) parrot, you might consider the consequences of making enemies this early in your career. I wouldn't fly with you in anything other than a SKYW a/c, and if you are anything other than strict SOP, expect a quick and harsh trip to the director of flight ops's office, you will get no quarter from me, you better start getting your "A" game together, you still have your upgrade and PCs every 6 months as well as line checks. This is starting to get personal, and I hope you are terminated, we do not need your kind in this job, when the likes of your ilk are gone from this profession it will be a profession, and not a job. You are either with us or against us! Make no mistake you are the essence of everything that is wrong in this profession that is progressing rapidly into a job.


Remind me NOT to piss you off. =)

Yeah I know your name it's not that hard to figger out. It speaks volume to your state of mind and level of personal integrity, that you think I or any person of honor would "tamper" with the very vehicle that could be transporting innocent people. It also speaks volumes that when you are "outed", you get worried, and actually try to sound reasonable. Its wonderful that you can afford an airplane from a prior life and can afford the luxury of being a "hobby pilot", there are lots of guys(most) who do not have the luxury of being a "hobby pilot". Instead of being a self absorbed pompus(new guy) parrot, you might consider the consequences of making enemies this early in your career. I wouldn't fly with you in anything other than a SKYW a/c, and if you are anything other than strict SOP, expect a quick and harsh trip to the director of flight ops's office, you will get no quarter from me, you better start getting your "A" game together, you still have your upgrade and PCs every 6 months as well as line checks. This is starting to get personal, and I hope you are terminated, we do not need your kind in this job, when the likes of your ilk are gone from this profession it will be a profession, and not a job. You are either with us or against us! Make no mistake you are the essence of everything that is wrong in this profession that is progressing rapidly into a job.
P.S. I guess you don't read or comprehend well, I would not break bread(nor eat lunch) with you, the social implications are as stated in prior posts.
wow.... now you seem to be threatening my "hobby" I call it my career. Is that what you are doing? Because that is personal... Im on my "A" game. I understand you may be prideful and hurt- but clearly I dont hide. Are you saying you're a line check airman? I look forward to your introducing yourself.....
we do not need your kind in this job, when the likes of your ilk are gone from this profession it will be a profession, and not a job. You are either with us or against us! Make no mistake you are the essence of everything that is wrong in this profession that is progressing rapidly into a job.

This cannot be said enough!

wow.... now you seem to be threatening my "hobby" I call it my career. Is that what you are doing? Because that is personal... Im on my "A" game. I understand you may be prideful and hurt- but clearly I dont hide. Are you saying you're a line check airman? I look forward to your introducing yourself.....
Whatever, google profession, do a little reading, your description of your situation defines it's self. Personal, you bet, if you think that BH, Jerry and the rest of the airline execs don't collaborate you are as dumb as you sound. If the pilots in this profession don't pull together it will truly be a job. You don't spend any time doing research about the issues, you glibly make inflamitory remarks about hot button items. You either intend to inflame passions of the pilots who have to pay their bills and support their families, or you do this to get your jollies, either way you presence is a liability. I am not prideful, nor hurt, what I am is extreme in my beliefs and harsh in my solutions. Clearly you might hide, as a new guy look,listen, watch and mostly learn. You might have been good at what you did in a previous career, guess what, you do not automatically enter another career at that level. There are lots of guys here who have worked in many and varied segments of this profession, and they have lots of experience. LCA, maybe so, maybe not, the reality is you won't ever know. I do believe you need to go back to whatever you did before, your attitude is not needed, nor welcome in this industry. If looking over your shoulder tempers your $hitty attitude, so be it. If you fly with me you will know exactly where it will be coming from.
Yeah I know your name it's not that hard to figger out. It speaks volume to your state of mind and level of personal integrity, that you think I or any person of honor would "tamper" with the very vehicle that could be transporting innocent people. It also speaks volumes that when you are "outed", you get worried, and actually try to sound reasonable. Its wonderful that you can afford an airplane from a prior life and can afford the luxury of being a "hobby pilot", there are lots of guys(most) who do not have the luxury of being a "hobby pilot". Instead of being a self absorbed pompus(new guy) parrot, you might consider the consequences of making enemies this early in your career. I wouldn't fly with you in anything other than a SKYW a/c, and if you are anything other than strict SOP, expect a quick and harsh trip to the director of flight ops's office, you will get no quarter from me, you better start getting your "A" game together, you still have your upgrade and PCs every 6 months as well as line checks. This is starting to get personal, and I hope you are terminated, we do not need your kind in this job, when the likes of your ilk are gone from this profession it will be a profession, and not a job. You are either with us or against us! Make no mistake you are the essence of everything that is wrong in this profession that is progressing rapidly into a job.
P.S. I guess you don't read or comprehend well, I would not break bread(nor eat lunch) with you, the social implications are as stated in prior posts.

Never mess with this guy. :eek:

Remind me NOT to piss you off. =)

I can be your best ally, or your worst nightmare. If you are on my side I will quit my job to defend yours. If you are not on my side I will give you no quarter and will watch your job slide off the table and into the trashcan, without lifting a finger to slow or stop it from happening. You might say "my kids have to eat", I say there dumpsters behind the Dennys for free. My friends are my friends and my enemies don't deserve Olive Garden dumpster divings. I might suggest you adopt the same attitude, and this industry will turn around(for the pilots)!
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Whatever, google profession, do a little reading, your description of your situation defines it's self. Personal, you bet, if you think that BH, Jerry and the rest of the airline execs don't collaborate you are as dumb as you sound. If the pilots in this profession don't pull together it will truly be a job. You don't spend any time doing research about the issues, you glibly make inflamitory remarks about hot button items. You either intend to inflame passions of the pilots who have to pay their bills and support their families, or you do this to get your jollies, either way you presence is a liability. I am not prideful, nor hurt, what I am is extreme in my beliefs and harsh in my solutions. Clearly you might hide, as a new guy look,listen, watch and mostly learn. You might have been good at what you did in a previous career, guess what, you do not automatically enter another career at that level. There are lots of guys here who have worked in many and varied segments of this profession, and they have lots of experience. LCA, maybe so, maybe not, the reality is you won't ever know. I do believe you need to go back to whatever you did before, your attitude is not needed, nor welcome in this industry. If looking over your shoulder tempers your $hitty attitude, so be it. If you fly with me you will know exactly where it will be coming from.
"my way or no way" how old are you really? Have you ever had to deal with anyone like yourself?
I dont need to look over my shoulder- though I think you are somewhat of a lunatic- I do believe you are smart enough to keep it on flight info.. My previous career was aviation and I still do it. Damn proud of it as well. When you do see me in the crew room say hi- I wont bite and I wont even know its you!!!

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