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For Those About to Vote/Not Vote ALPA At SkyWest...

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Your funny. Crawl back under your Gojets CRJ "Heavy" and dissapear! Some of us would like to see some accountability and change in this industry, but its easier to make some cute remark on a message board and hope things somehow mysteriously change for the better on their own. Worthless!

10 years in the industry, 4 Carriers, 3 ALPA. I have my opinions as do you. Spend a few more years gathering experience and more important growing up. Your attitude is most unprofessional. I'm embarrased to share the same Flight Deck with you.
Are you saying this because you think Don is innocent of what he got fired for or because you think what he was accused of was okay behavior?

I think both.

But I must admit I havn't talked directly with anybody directly involved.

I don't think he did what he is accused of and even if he did, I don't think he should have been fired.
Are you saying this because you think Don is innocent of what he got fired for or because you think what he was accused of was okay behavior?

I personally think Don was fired wrongfully by an overzealous chief pilot. I have a copy of his lawyers post trial brief. If you are interested in reading it, pm me your email address. Don has told me that he has spent over $100,000 dollars defending himself so far.
Well folks it seems Mr. (rhymes with Fencer) doesn’t like it when someone calls him out for being a self serving trader. I am familiar with Mr. Fencer’s workings at Skywest, using his position as a Check Airman to try and intimidate and bully people to his way of thinking. Since he knows I have his name and have correctly identified him on this board he now wants me to call him so we can settle this like “real men”. On its face it does sound like the “manly” thing to do. The reality is that he just wants to identify me so he can use his check airmanship powers, as it were, to “bring me in line with his thinking…..get my mind right” before my next checkride if you follow how this works.

I am brought to remember during the UPA drive at Skywest someone suggested an anonymous message board so that pilots could speak what truly was on their mind without the fear of reprisal. Immediately Dave Cain, Livingston, Black and some of the other Sapa/management cronies chimed in stating that everybody would be required to “man up” and use their real names. If they weren’t “man enough” to post behind their real name then they didn’t deserve to be listened to. Of course that’s easy to say, them being in bed with management, supporting managements arguments, knowing that come upgrade/checkride time if they had a so called bad day Brad would wave his magic wand and there was never any fear for job protection/security. Now on the flip side, what if someone does stand up behind their real name to fight for the rights of pilots and it pisses management off. What becomes of these? They start finding themselves in the chief pilots’ office or fired such as the two Andy’s, Don D, PA, BS, TroyB, and dozens of others. What about the only Sapa president in recent years that actually called it like he saw it, not being a company lemming such as Mr. Fencer? He got stabbed in the back by the incumbent insider, company Sapa people including Mr. Fencer himself protecting the status quo and their sapa lifestyles. The point I'm making is that if a guy such as Mr. Fencer, who will spend his career at Skywest…who is also a management butt kisser, can spew all kinds of things against his fellow pilots or anti ALPA and what have you but his job will remain relatively safe for the above mentioned reasons. Those on the opposite end of this who fight for the pilots come into the crosshairs of not only management but the company hatchetmen such as Mr. Fencer.

Mr. Fencer, lets call him Fence, has already proven himself to be a company insider and is good friends with Brad (director of flight ops who also went back on his promise to compensate pilots for sacrifices made), who has made himself such a company spokesperson to the point of ignorance blindly following his Skywest management leaders no matter how atrocious the offenses to the average line pilot, his credibility is shot.

Fence if you are reading this, I will not call you. We won’t break bread together. You have been around long enough to know better than the actions you continue to make. You are a thorn in the side of this industry. Your actions show you are basically anti-pilot and do what is only in your best interest. You lied on this message board as shown here by two of your recent statements:

Originally Posted by 120% Torque
Do you fly the CRJ or EMB? How long have you been a Check Airman?

CFIT Reply:

”Metro, Emb, CRJ, no LCA.”

Then you decided to tell the truth that you are a Line Check Airman

“And yes I am a lca but don't use it much these days......”

I know you are an active LCA. Between this and your tight relationship with Brad and Co via your position in Sapa, you have a nice paycheck, which you brag about and a very comfortable lifestyle. You will be a management puppet till the day you die while at the same time hurting the pilot profession. You are an airline industry terrorist. I don’t bargain or have phone conversations with terrorists. If you have something to say then say it here. The end.
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Probably, if the union gets in here it will be the worst place to be anyway.

It will be funny watching all those with ALPA stickers on their flight case peeling them off because management sees them as a target.

A check airman/sim instructor? SAD!
Why don't you call me using someone else's phone and don't idenitfy yourself?

Or is that still too scary for you?

Why don't you call me using someone else's phone and don't idenitfy yourself?

Or is that still too scary for you?

You obviously don't restrain yourself when it comes to criticising other people on this message board. So what do you intend to talk about with T120? You can just cut him down here on this message board. Besides, it's entertaining. I think it's a good choice not talking to you. You portray someone who is unprofessional and I have a hard time believing you could be non-biased while conducting a check (watch out you ALPA supporters...better start peeling off those ALPA stickers ASAP).
you apparently know my name and if you knew how to use aircraft registry you could find out that my paper airplane is a little bigger than 8.5 x11. It is at # 2 and tampering with aircraft is a felony.... but you know that. As an fo I cannot afford the airplane but through my other job and some investments Ive made, the airplane is a great deal!!!! we should go flying sometime! we disagree on alpa but we both enjoy flying right? Ill buy lunch. im serious.

People like you are part of the problem in aviation. Why don't you go back to your other job, while the rest of us try and improve this one!
Well folks it seems Mr. (rhymes with Fencer) doesn’t like it when someone calls him out for being a self serving trader. I am familiar with Mr. Fencer’s workings at Skywest, using his position as a Check Airman to try and intimidate and bully people to his way of thinking. Since he knows I have his name and have correctly identified him on this board he now wants me to call him so we can settle this like “real men”. On its face it does sound like the “manly” thing to do. The reality is that he just wants to identify me so he can use his check airmanship powers, as it were, to “bring me in line with his thinking…..get my mind right” before my next checkride if you follow how this works.

i just put two and two together and figured out who he is.
Real hot head too.

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