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Flowthru alive at LCC?

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Scott Kirby (el presidentay) stated in one of those crew news sessions, that hiring will be done out of the wholly owned boys, it doesn't matter what the ML MEC has to say about it, they don't do the hiring, so they can all lock them selves in closet and spank each other silly! It was already proven with our flight attendants, after recall letters went out to east furloughed FA's to go to the west and they turnde it down , Tempe then went directly to the wholly FA's and offered them the oppurtunity......so

give it a rest

it's the least they can do for how greatly our lives have been at PSA/PDT

Which crew news? Do you know the date?
I don't think that his intention to hire from W/O is to reward PDT/PSA pilots. I think it is to be used as a recruiting tool for PDT/PSA HR departments. Staffing the right seat has become more difficult and what is a better incentive that guaranteed flow through? Or maybe I'm smoking something.
I don't think that his intention to hire from W/O is to reward PDT/PSA pilots. I think it is to be used as a recruiting tool for PDT/PSA HR departments. Staffing the right seat has become more difficult and what is a better incentive that guaranteed flow through? Or maybe I'm smoking something.

Bingo! Cause there won't be many senior Captains going after that! For some that could be up 40k a year pay lose. I myself would lose about 20k to go and sit right seat in a 190 for 3-4 years!
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Now that was easy. You further furthered my argument further by proving what I said was true:

We followed the protocols. Period.

Man you just don't get it do you? I have tried to explain but you just don't understand what you are reading. The part you quoted from my post DOES NOT PERTAIN TO CEL PILOTS THAT WENT TO MDA.
Scott Kirby (el presidentay) stated in one of those crew news sessions, that hiring will be done out of the wholly owned boys, it doesn't matter what the ML MEC has to say about it, they don't do the hiring, so they can all lock them selves in closet and spank each other silly!

You're absolutly right. The ML MEC cannot say anything about who they hire. But they do control where those new-hires go on the seniority list...
and your point... don't all new hires go to the bottom of the seniority list? If you are refering to the MDA pilots; from what I understand you now have super seniority over other CEL pilots as a result of not being allowed to return to the WO's, which is only fair.

On a side note everyone assumes that the PDT MEC is responsible for not allowing the the MDA pilots to return. Has anyone considered this scenario:

The intention of the flow was bi-lateral, however the flow back language was never finalized and not agreed to by all parties, including PDT management. That is fact. When MDA was furloughing PDT was not short on pilots and the flow back would have increased PDT's operating cost (training + more senior pilot group). Since PDT management was not yet contractually obligated to allow a flow back, they didn't.
Bingo! Cause there won't be many senior Captains going after that! For some that could be up 40k a year pay lose. I myself would lose about 20k to go and sit right seat in a 190 for 3-4 years!

And you would have to fly from your favorite airport---PHL. What about not seeing New Bern very much and not eating as many crawdads from your dock? Will you do it? You could finally fly a jet.........you're thinking about it....I know you are....

Bye Bye--General Lee
And you would have to fly from your favorite airport---PHL. What about not seeing New Bern very much and not eating as many crawdads from your dock? Will you do it? You could finally fly a jet.........you're thinking about it....I know you are....

Bye Bye--General Lee

Out of PHL!! No way Jose!!

If I am gonna commute two Legs it will be for someone that makes it worth my time! Like UPS or Fedex..... Period! Now if I could just stop fishin and put those crawdads down my FE Written would have already been completed!!

GL! I have been on vaction and still can't put a dent into your post total!! Tell Plyt Im givin it a good effort however!!!
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