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Flowthru alive at LCC?

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This argument is true however the same could be said true to training for other aircraft. For example when a captain on the 73 decides to upgrade to FO on the 330.....


If I was a 737 Capt, I would not "upgrade" to an FO position. That is a "downgrade" and a pay cut at LCC.

End of theory.

Also, the training at Republic (RPA) was the US Airways E170 training program with some alterations for RPA, i.e., checklists titles and format. They have attempted to keep it similar. Any RPA pilot would easily transition into flight training at LCC with the same type aircraft and training format. The blocks have only to be filled in to meet the FAA time requirements for the training curriculum.

O come on, you thought that by me saying "easily hold CA" I ment that the upgrade or reupgrade was easy? Your more clueless than even I thought.

"easily" ment that I would be solidly within the senority number that hold CA.

AS IN: "that guy is senior enough to easily hold CA here", said the junior FO.

Thanks for proving my point. Is there some delusional drug you all take when you get a mainline number?

That little glyph immediately after my sarcastic point regarding the not-implied ease of upgrade, followed by a disclaimer in the King's English what read: I know what you mean- should have at the very least pointed out that I was kidding.

How's RAH? Ever fly into CLE?
[FONT=TimesNewRoman,Bold]in accordance with the Flow Through Letter of Agreement (LOA #_tbd__) to be agreed to by the Company and the Association."[/FONT]

Now that was easy. You further furthered my argument further by proving what I said was true:

We followed the protocols. Period.

Having said that, LET'S FREAKING FIX THEM!
Also, the training at Republic (RPA) was the US Airways E170 training program with some alterations for RPA, i.e., checklists titles and format. They have attempted to keep it similar. Any RPA pilot would easily transition into flight training at LCC with the same type aircraft and training format. The blocks have only to be filled in to meet the FAA time requirements for the training curriculum.

Pfft...irrelevant...you can teach almost anyone to fly almost anything :rolleyes:
How's RAH? Ever fly into CLE?

RAH is fine, it has its days. Basically compared to ALG/PDT or MDA/Mainline it is 10% better, 10% worse and 80% exactly the same. As a relitively senior FO in the Rep system life has been good especially if you know how to use the pref bid to your advantage. However ask me again in a month when I'm a CA below all the natives and other J4J and I may have a diff answer.

Yes I've flown into CLE many times, in the Dash and 170. O funny haha I get it, your implying i crashed or ran a 170 off the runway there or something like that. Yeah you got me, it was all me.
I have not let the facts get in my way. But you, unfortunately, don't understand the agreement. RE-read LOA 91, specifically the part you quoted above regarding LOA#TBD. The part about TBD LOA applied SPECIFICALLY to ML pilots that did NOT come from the CEL being able to flow-back. Earlier, in that same paragraph it states very clearly that a CEL pilot that goes to MDA and is furloughed WILL be able to go back to the WO carrier from which they came. Period. There is nothing about an agreement needing to be worked out. The only thing needing to be worked out was ML (read:NON-CEL) pilots being able to flow back as well. It needed a new agreement to allow that because all ML pilots were senior to all CEL pilots at MDA. But if everyone could flow back, should a ML pilot be senior to a CEL pilot on the PDT list? This needed clarification and thus a new LOA# needed TBD...

Just to save you time and allow those without access to LOA 91, here is the part in question:

"Pilots employed by a Participating Wholly Owned Carrier who become MDA pilots or US Airways pilots under this Attachment B may flow back to their respective Participating Wholly Owned Carriers. (see the period?, now read further, this is not talking about CEL pilots) US Airways pilots employed by MDA, if furloughed from MDA, may displace into positions at Participating Wholly Owned Carriers in order of their seniority as US Airways pilots [FONT=TimesNewRoman,Bold]in accordance with the Flow Through Letter of Agreement (LOA #_tbd__) to be agreed to by the Company and the Association."[/FONT]

I agree with your understanding of this paragraph
Pfft...irrelevant...you can teach almost anyone to fly almost anything :rolleyes:

Most certainly! But when the Sim costs $650/hr (a 2004 rate), the quicker...erh...the less expense, the better. The FAA approved RAH's 12 hour Bridge Curriculum for qualified E170 pilots. There is nothing to keep LCC from doing it, too. That's a 20 hour per pilot savings/$13K.

If I was a 737 Capt, I would not "upgrade" to an FO position. That is a "downgrade" and a pay cut at LCC.

End of theory.


Not true! I know about 3 Captains that took 330 FO postions for quality of Life issue!!
Many were fine with the pay cuts to hold a good line and be home more!!

So the theory continues!!!
Scott Kirby (el presidentay) stated in one of those crew news sessions, that hiring will be done out of the wholly owned boys, it doesn't matter what the ML MEC has to say about it, they don't do the hiring, so they can all lock them selves in closet and spank each other silly! It was already proven with our flight attendants, after recall letters went out to east furloughed FA's to go to the west and they turnde it down , Tempe then went directly to the wholly FA's and offered them the oppurtunity......so

give it a rest

it's the least they can do for how greatly our lives have been at PSA/PDT
Not true! I know about 3 Captains that took 330 FO postions for quality of Life issue!!
Many were fine with the pay cuts to hold a good line and be home more!!

So the theory continues!!!

That's great, but it's not an Upgrade. He may have upgraded his QOL, but as far as the FAA is concerned, he switched seats to SIC...a downgrade.


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