Guitar Guy said:What, in your opinion, are the differences between Flops and NJA crews? I'm just curious as to what your reasoning is.
First off, let me state that I wish the Flops guys and gals all of the best. That being said. I'll tell you a difference.
Do you remember about 3-4- years ago when just about every Flops pilot that you ran into would say something like " Hey, when are you NetJets guys going to get your contract done? I need a raise. Har, har, har!" When I would respond by telling them to get their own union, the normal response was "we don't need a union here! KR promised us we will always be the highest paid."
So because of the arrogance and lack of understanding while we were busy with our struggle and the fact that most of them willingly drank kool-aid from a fire hose, I think our pilot groups are vastly different.