Let me pose this question. If you owned your own business, would you want your employees to unionize? Would you welcome that? ....and you may not answer with some BS like if I owned a company they would not need a union cause I am such a great human being.
Let's pretend: your employees are beating the drums for a union for whatever reason. Would you standby and welcome that?
I'll tell you why you wouldn't and why Mr. Ricci doesn't. With a union, you lose control of your company.
You hit the nail on the head, except for one small caveat. HE LOST CONTROL OF THE EMPLOYEES, NOT THE COMPANY! There is a huge difference there. It has always been about a power struggle and PAY! For those fence sitters criticizing the union ask yourself two questions. Did you think we would actually negotiate an industry leading contract on the first go around? Because if we had that would have been an industry first. The second is, if our work rules suck so bad then why is uncle expending every ounce of energy to see its demise?