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FlexJet / Flight Options / SkyJet

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PSM? Don't leave us hanging with your F'ed up lingo.

PSM = pilot support manager

When in fact he is a management support pilot.
When you tell a dispatcher something that they don't understand they pass you on to the PSM so that you can tell him then he will translate it into simple terms for the dispatchers.
Psm is a ass kisser, pilot pusher, company man that makes 120k plus to force pilots out on the line to push the envelope. There basically there to intimidate you with suttle threats. If they can't talk (force) you into doing something wrong. Then you get turned over to kalic, montie, or reinhold that will make the threat a little more blunt. But as soon as you say you are gonna speak to your union rep they have a tendency to back off. But not always. Why you think it's against company policy for a pilot to tape record a phone call with the company? They can threaten you and say they never said it. If you tape them you get fired for violating company policy. It's a great company to work for. Welcome flex the fun hasn't even started yet
How many hours a day, week, month does a flex pilot average? Is 40-60 a week common? How many 10/24 warnings a week ? How many duty hours a day average? How many min rest nites in a tour? Very serious. Appreciate if someone could answer this accurately.
Originally Posted by gret
What a bunch of candy pants wimps. Oh heaven forbid that a guy should run his business as he see fits..it is his money. Kenn is on duty more than any of you and is probably the next best thing for you other than your mother...he signs the checks that you get every couple of weeks...can you or your mother do that?

Each and every one of you are the CEO of your respective careers. If you're worried about your employer, go someplace else..most likely you're not man enough. You want your spouse to be proud of you..but yet you don't have the nuts to take charge of your own life...disgraceful. Real men don't want to be in the same room with you.

Some of you wanted a union and you got it...what a great job you did and you even manged to screw up the lives of your co-workers who weren't interested.. The union failed and now you want to blame your employer for your union's dumbness....clowns and you voted for them.

The world does not owe you a living and lifestyle...one has to find this themselves.


Your the candy pants wimp. You are a little management stooge. Thinking screwing over a fellow pilot is your ticket to the top. And it is in KR world. But most people have more self respect to lower themselves to that. Aren't your knees sore from running behind KR with your nose up his ass?
It"s these last 3 statements by this juvenile Shanes123 and the other similar statements(BS) that leaves me totally unsympathetic to the union drive. Think I'll stick with my VW bro's down in Tennessee and not make the Faustian bargain of bringing in a union. If your "uncle" is the devil ya"ll (that's you all for you union goobers) say he is and attempts to violate our agreement, he will have a union. And I'm betting that won't happen.
How many hours a day, week, month does a flex pilot average? Is 40-60 a week common? How many 10/24 warnings a week ? How many duty hours a day average? How many min rest nites in a tour? Very serious. Appreciate if someone could answer this accurately.

I don't have the official numbers but Flex would, and has, produced them in the past. Lately, I'd say the average is somewhere around 9-10 hours per day with a few 12-14 hour days sprinkled in there. There's some min rest going on more than normal due to the busyness and mostly understaffed fleets.

I was not referring to you as "son". It was an analogy of a premises . My apologies if it offended you. Your 12 page document is worth nothing....I will take my 300 page Legally binding contract over that any day. And over a beer or 3 I would love to discuss this pressing issue with you. I may never change your opinion and you may never change mine...but I hope as professional pilots we can at least discuss a issue without a unproductive outcome.

Agian I apologize for any offense.

I wasn't really offended but apology accepted nonetheless. I'm sure we'll never convince each other on all the points we try to make but the back and forth is good for us and those reading it. I've gone back and forth on where I stand on this issue and I don't take it lightly. Just the way I didn't take my stance lightly when I was on the other side in year's past. I ultimately think we'll all be on the same list one day whether we like it not so having the discussion now is beneficial, regardless of what happen and who agrees with who.
It"s these last 3 statements by this juvenile Shanes123 and the other similar statements(BS) that leaves me totally unsympathetic to the union drive. Think I'll stick with my VW bro's down in Tennessee and not make the Faustian bargain of bringing in a union. If your "uncle" is the devil ya"ll (that's you all for you union goobers) say he is and attempts to violate our agreement, he will have a union. And I'm betting that won't happen.

Take Shanes123 with a grain of salt, he is a bitter ex-employee with an axe to grind and does not well represent the average union supporter at Flops. Most of us touting the benefits of having a union are not doing so because a union is the perfect answer to everything. We tout the benefits, because we have lived under this management without those benefits, and we know which way is better. So, you can make your bet, but history has already proved you wrong, and most likely will again. If you turn out to be right, I am sure you will look great with a 5th stripe on your sleeve... just be prepared for 14+ hour days in an airplane with squawks that aren't yet on paper.
Employees don't come to a job bitter. The company dictates if they develop a good attitude or bad. (For the most part) I am a product of FLOPS management. And bitter is a understatement .
Warlord19 - It’s these last 3 statements by this juvenile Shanes123 and the other similar statements (BS) that leaves me totally unsympathetic to the union drive.

That’s a copout. You’re basing your decisions upon anonymous, emotional, juvenile posts? Great. As a union goober/stomper/thug, I try to use rational, logical, & calm reasoning, leaving emotion and sympathy out of the equation. The union is a business decision giving me a defined set of work rules, a modicum of security, inexpensive insurance, a “say” at the table, & the potential to improve our/my position.

PSM comment: While there are a couple pilot support managers that are more “thug-gish” than any union thug, there are some that act professionally & I listen to & evaluate what they say. Don’t think its right to throw an entire group under the bus.

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