And another on bites the dust!
Sorry to see you go Shy. I remember talking to you at length before about something before...buying a plane or something. My guess is you won't quit flying, just airline flying? Anyway, good luck!
I definitely won't quit flying... I'm going to the corporate side! I am genuinely sad to go. So many good people in 121, great pilots, fun flying, the games we'd play on other crewmembers... the pass privileges... Jumpseat privileges, wow, that's gonna hurt! I'll miss my gate agents in LGA, for sure. I'll even miss all the passengers who were good sports through the 1+ hour taxi out of LGA! Yes, I'm going to miss this job. The job I had from the time I buckled my seatbelt to the time I released it. But the job I had aside those times, I am more than happy to leave.
What a shame. What a blessing. What a relief.