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Fallout from an age 60-Rule change

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Maybe it's really the crabs affecting his logic......

BTW, he should cut back on the "canyon blue" koolaid.......it's staining his shirt.
Dude, every SWA employees pay & QOL has gone up since 9/11/01.. All the other carriers (losing money) have cut pay and benefits. So when things get turned around, you don't think your unions going to look at the pay at other carriers? You know compare.... that sounds about right?
I think that the attitudes are on the other side. You are all back to 1993 and letting Southwest know that you are coming after us. Hello again Continental Lite, Metrojet, United Shuttle. We are hearing the same thing that was beat into Southwest 15 years ago, and the attitudes of the other pilots does not change a bit, in fact that attitude against Southwest, is what motivates many more than anything else, the fact that other pilots out there are still hoping we fail. Well, sorry if we disappoint you. If it seems that Southwest pilots have an "ego" on this board then great, why does that bother anyone? If that "ego" will be the downfall of Southwest then why let it bother you, after all it may be the very thing that helps ruin Southwest so let it catch on, and permeate the airline. I don't spend my time worrying about what a United or Continental pilot are thinking about, why care about what a Southwest pilot thinks. Does it really bother you that much if any Southwest pilot has an "ego"? Man if that is the biggest problem you face today, then you need more therapy than Flightinfo to help you with your problems with Southwest. Do the pilots at Southwest know this industry is tumultuous? Yes. Do the pilots at Southwest know that it could falter? Yes. Do we spend are time worrying about it? No. I go to work and do what’s best for my company and in turn I am doing what’s best for me. If the need arises to change what is best for the company then I will gladly do what is needed. The funny thing on this board is that many pilots are just like that friend that is in a miserable marriage. If you seem too happy with your marriage it makes them uncomfortable. They would rather you suffer with them, feel the real hate and anger that a bad marriage produces. Well, sorry if I'm happy. Misery loves company, no thanks, I think I like it here.
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SWA/FO said:
Southwest is currently one of few airlines making money. Southwest is currently holding the bar up, repeat, holding the bar up on the industry. We are holding the line, saving the profession....

you guys should hope we keep the pace. So lets review, airline making money, holding the bar up for the whole industry & saving the profession! The closest thing to bulletproof there is.......Heroes we are!!!!:D
Wow, this guy is a true American hero... can we nominate him for the Medal of Honor or something? Hold that bar up, don't drop it! Save the profession!

That must be some wicked good Kool-Aid they're passing out at SWA. And now, I feel like I need to go puke...
SWA/FO said:
So let me get this straight.... Southwest is currently one of few airlines making money. Southwest is currently holding the bar up, repeat, holding the bar up on the industry. We are holding the line, saving the profession and you guys want us to give back our pay?

When DAL wanted UAL + 1% no one was saying "hey we should give back some money, because someday we might be in bankruptcy". Not one person. So now that a bunch of Legacy carriers are playing the low employee moral, cutbacks and bankruptcy game you guys want Southwest to play along? Well, guess what, we are making money, repet making money in this environment and we are not going to play that game.

When things get healthy again, you guys will base your negotiations off of our contract (if anyone could ever convert "trips to hourly" correctly), you guys should hope we keep the pace. So lets review, airline making money, holding the bar up for the whole industry & saving the profession! The closest thing to bulletproof there is.......Heroes we are!!!!:D


With all due respect,

Will you shut the f*ck up already!!!!

You are not doing anyone, any good.
SWA/FO said:
So the minute all this happens (hope not).... I'll be the first in line to give back all my pay? What is the rational here? Employees of UAL & AA on didn't give back money on 9/12/01?

All I was trying to say is that things can change in an instant. I was just throwing out some unlikely situations that could harm WN's future. Benelli made a great post which I agree with. Enjoy life at WN, just don't think that it can't do a 180 in a very short period of time. :)
Reebo said:
All I was trying to say is that things can change in an instant. I was just throwing out some unlikely situations that could harm WN's future. Benelli made a great post which I agree with. Enjoy life at WN, just don't think that it can't do a 180 in a very short period of time. :)

I have been hearing this for 12 years now.

9/11, recession, skyrocketing fuel prices....we can take quite the punch and keep going strong.

Give me an example of what it will take to make that sudden 180 that wouldn't also devastate the entire industry??

Your post is your gut feelings, but posting it here really does not do much but have the peanut gallery chime in. Unfortunately, even though this post is more directed towards Southwest Pilots, there is no way to keep all the regulars from chiming in to provide their own "deep" thoughts. My advise to you is to submit your post to the Reporting Point, where it could reach a broader base of Southwest Pilots. There is no shortage of opinions in the Southwest pilot group, as you know, as well as many on this board. Unfortunately, like you said in your post, your opinions while flying at SWA from senior pilots, are greeted with the same velocity as on this board, a very happy Will you shut the f*ck up already!!!! With all due respect SWADude.;)
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