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Encounters With Arrogant Celebrity Pilots

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Most people probably know that Jimmy Buffet flys everything from an Albatross to a Falcon 50, but what they don't know is that he is a regular guy around the airport. . . no entourage, no big airs.

My 11 year-old son came home from school last year and said, "Hey Dad, Jimmy Buffet came to my school today and played some songs for us at assembly".

I was touched that someone with everything he has going on would spend an afternoon at the local middle school playing for the kids, especially when he doesn't even have any kids in school (his family lives here).

Conversely, I flew Lance Armstrong on a charter a few years ago . . . I thought he was an arrogant jerk completely lacking in people skills. When I told him that the itinerary he was proposing would have to modified to conform to Part 135 crew rest requirements he acted very put out that the regs would apply to HIM, too. I was very happy when that trip was over :rolleyes:.
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Typhoon1244 said:
There's no ambiguity with Dick Collins (of Flying magazine): he lets you know right up front that he's god's gift to aviation.

I've heard that John and Martha King are interesting after a few beers...

(Do they qualify as "celebrities?")

Martha after a few beers? WOW :p
Ty Webb said:
My 11 year-old son came home from school last year and said, "Hey Dad, Jimmy Buffet came to my school today and played some songs for us at assembly".

I was touched that someone with everything he has going on would spend an afternoon at the local middle school playing for the kids, especially when he doesn't even have any kids in school (his family lives here).

I wonder if he played "Lets get drunk and screw?"

Conversely, I flew Lance Armstrong on a charter a few years ago . . . I thought he was an arrogant jerk completely lacking in people skills. When I told him that the itinerary he was proposing would have to modified to conform to Part 135 crew rest req

I've trained and raced with Lance and I'll have to agree that he is one of the biggest pricks out there. This, however, is one of things that makes him good at what he does. Very rare in sports that demand extream levels of endurance will you find athletes that are laid back and nice. The ones that are fade quickly.
Funny someone mentioned Stallone. I just talked to our regular van driver in London. Not long ago, he had Stallone as a passenger.

Stallone was b!tching and moaning about how long it was taking to get into town. Halfway to the city, right on the Motorway, our driver pulled to the side and told him that if he didn't shut up, he was going to be walking the rest of the way. Good for him.TC
Typhoon1244 said:
There's no ambiguity with Dick Collins (of Flying magazine): he lets you know right up front that he's god's gift to aviation.

I've heard that John and Martha King are interesting after a few beers...

(Do they qualify as "celebrities?")
Interesting like what? Does Martha give radar vector's to final? Does John call proceedure turn inbound? How about missed approach? ..........What does interesting mean?
BD King said:
Interesting like what? Does Martha give radar vector's to final? Does John call proceedure turn inbound? How about missed approach? ..........What does interesting mean?
I will answer my own post. Interesting means Martha yell's QUICK THRUST, QUICK THRUST. (for you folks that don't know, that is a restricted area)

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