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Encounters With Arrogant Celebrity Pilots

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English said:
Oh I forgot...Kenny G (soprano sax player) has a Beaver on floats. I kid you not.
I've seen him at the controls many times. Talk about a mis-match. That's a pretty macho airplane. You'd think he'd fly a gyro-copter or a hot air balloon.
Hey, don't be knocking gyroplanes. More fun than a barrel of monkeys without clothes on.

Or with.
Harrison Ford and Travolta both keep their planes at KVNY. How many hours a year does Ford fly? I used to see his Yellow and Green Beaver all over the place and would often hear him on the radio around SoCal.
A congrats goes out to Mr. Ford for just passing his multi with the toughest examiner on the field.

He's been earning ratings steadily this year -- a good avgas burner. We like high profile people that support aviation and take the time to do things right.

Jedi Nein
There's no ambiguity with Dick Collins (of Flying magazine): he lets you know right up front that he's god's gift to aviation.

I've heard that John and Martha King are interesting after a few beers...

(Do they qualify as "celebrities?")
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JediNein said:
A congrats goes out to Mr. Ford for just passing his multi with the toughest examiner on the field.
Who would that be? I guess it's not Adam "Have I Ever Told You About the Time I Invented the Airplane" Berg.
deez_nutz2000 said:
I think Shooter McGavin is working on his instrument somewhere out in LA. Morgan Freeman (currently grounded for fukking up in TEB), Angelina BigTitties, Arnold Palmer. Didnt Patrick Swayze crash or some $hit? I thought I heard a story he was drunk and smoking reds and passed out or something to that effect? Anyone know for sure?
Chris McDonald (Shooter) is a great guy. I have flown him many times in the past and he is always extremely pleasant and friendly. He keeps his plane in Santa Monica and is currently working on his instrument rating soon to be completed. Jim Kelly and Chris are extremely good friends and attended quite a few Bills games with the two and both were class act people both in the airplane and off of it.

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About the Patrick Swayze "emergency landing"... He landed his plane (a Cessna twin something, 340, 402 or whatever) on Arizona highway 89A, right next to a gas station on the northern edge of a town called Prescott Valley. From that gas station, you can literally see the beacon at Earnest Love Field (PRC). It's about 5 or 6 miles away. Way to go man.

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