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DW is mad at Jetblue

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miles otoole said:
FWIW, the Japanese Battleship Yamamoto was sunk by the US Navy, 60 years ago today. For all you doobie smoking, non-serving ingrates, this historical event will mean less than the day ALPA caved on the 8 hour duty day. "But the weather is bad and I am tired and I don't feel like flying." 65 year retirement, 10 hour duty day, 2 legacy carriers by 2015. Duane Woerth's legacy.

Sounds like what the AA MD80 crew might have been thinking that night in LIT.
"Hey, it's only a t-storm, who cares if we are tired....? Forget diverting..."

Bye Bye--General Lee
[QUOTE=General Lee]Sounds like what the AA MD80 crew might have been thinking that night in LIT.
"Hey, it's only a t-storm, who cares if we are tired....? Forget diverting..."

Bye Bye--General Lee[/QUOTE]

General, If my failing memory serves me correctly, that trip was a several (more than 2) leg trip on close to a 16 hour duty day. This event is more likely to happen again with current regs, than with any proposed change to a 12 hour duty day and 2 legs. I have seen nothing to change this. Maybe I am wrong. I guess what bothers me is that pilots from other carriers seem to take bits of info and rumors (not paying for planes, cleaning a/c, 5 year contract, etc) and run with it. Wouldn't it be more constructive to actually ask B6 pilots about our current situation? Think of it this way...If you were an outsider to this industry and read this board.... what would you think of our profession. Do you think anybody would have pity on us or call us professionals. Remember most B6 pilots like myself are former ALPA pilots who are not interested in hurting the industry.
737 Pylt said:
Uh.... What do you think doing transcon turns will be. Sheer excitement?? I think not. Our JFK SEA legs are a killer! Then to turn around and do it again, no way. If you want to do that, knock yourself out, but not me.

JFK to DTW is a killer in a.................737!!

I bet if you flew the 767 on a transcon turn it might be just a "little" more comfy!
So what study does anyone have that states 8 hrs a day is the max recommended? What scientific data was this based on? Where is the data that the FAA and Du-Wayne Worthless used to come to their conclusions?
Lets see what the latest data shows.

Additionally, if ya'll are so worried about new flt and duty limits then use your all powerful unions to negotiate the status quo for ya. They can do that can't they? Isn't that what they are there for?
I forget exactly what I said about this the last time it came up, but this time I just can't see an overall positive for this proposal.

In relation to the entire industry, the number of daytime transcons are less than a drop in the bucket.

Let's first set down a few concepts that I hope we can all agree on:

1. If implemented, the exemption will become industy standard.
2. If implemented, this exemption will be abused.
3. If implemented, management will find a way to re-interpret this into something not currently seen, and the re-interpretation will not be in the favor of pilots.

I am not willing to support a plan that enhances the QOL for a few senior Blue JFK based pilots, but could end up degrading safety and QOL for everyone. As others have said, if JetBlue wants to fly out and back transcon, current rules already allow that as long as they use additional pilots. JetBlue management knew the rules of operation when they started their airline. Now they need to play by the rules.


With all that said, I'd be happy to let JetBlue have this if we lived in a perfect world. A world where: the original exemption would never be changed, where my company would never change my base forcing me to commute, a world where the w/x never took a dump at the worst possible time, a world where airplanes didn't break at the gate, where wheelchairs were banned from airports, ......I think that you get my drift.

Look people, if airlines want to be in the business of people transportation, there are certain inviolable costs in that business. One of which is that the FAR's must be followed. Would we all be so quick to accept a new exemption that allows you to depart with only enough fuel to the destination and no reserve if it let you get home one day earlier. I wouldn't! Let's leave well enough alone. OK?

ramble over,
FeelingBlue said:
So what study does anyone have that states 8 hrs a day is the max recommended? What scientific data was this based on? Where is the data that the FAA and Du-Wayne Worthless used to come to their conclusions?
Lets see what the latest data shows.

Additionally, if ya'll are so worried about new flt and duty limits then use your all powerful unions to negotiate the status quo for ya. They can do that can't they? Isn't that what they are there for?

Why don't you go back and read worth's original letter. He says nothing about the scientific merits of Jet Blue's proposal. The problem is a carrier (or carriers) cherry picking a broken set of regulations by exemption to suit their particular business needs, whatever they may be at that time.

The NTSB and Unions have advocated complete overhaul of flight/duty time regulations for at least a decade. But it has gone nowhere due to special interests and the FAA's compliance with them.

I would applaud Jet Blue if their efforts were directed at complete overhaul, but it appears they are not.
Great post, enigma!

This is not war. This is a job.

This is not a great crusade. This is a job.

We may love our jobs and be extremely passionate about aviation but we are not exactly looking for the Ark of the covenant or the Holy Grail. If someone wants to change the rules to benefit themselves and it may put me at a disadvantage, I'll oppose it.

I'm tired of taking one for the team.TC
Just add a third flightdeck crewmember!!! How hard is that? You would think the JB pilots would want that as it adds jobs, allows for proper rest AND you get your precious high time turn!
AA717driver, I LOVE your new avatar!

What a beauty.
AA717driver said:
Great post, enigma!

This is not war. This is a job.

This is not a great crusade. This is a job.

We may love our jobs and be extremely passionate about aviation but we are not exactly looking for the Ark of the covenant or the Holy Grail. If someone wants to change the rules to benefit themselves and it may put me at a disadvantage, I'll oppose it.

I'm tired of taking one for the team.TC

How would you expect this rule modification to effect your job flying a G550? Looks like you are furloughed, and yes if you were thinking about going back to AA then there might be implications. Otherwise as a G550 Capt. I just don't see the connection and no I do not believe in the trikle down theory as it applies to this issue. Surley would not give up a G550 job to go back to AA, would you? How many hours are willing to fly in the G550 with only two guys? I'll bet it is in excess of 10 and that does not figure in the time hanging around the FBO. Not being critical of your posts, just trying to see where you are coming from on this issue.

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