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Diarrhea in a freighter?

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A word of advice to the wise . . . if you're thinking about ordering that Shrimp Po-Boy sandwich with mayonnaise and then planning on flying for a few hours thereafter, you may want to reconsider. Man!!! I love seafood, and have never had a problem with shrimp before ... but on that fateful day my stomach started churning like a blender set on puree. Thank god for at least having a lav on-board (that saved enormously on the cleanup), but it really sucked that it was in the back of a small (6-pax) private jet. So, I had to walk past the pax and unfortunately they were all forced to share in the after-effects of my misery. For now i've got a clean record in the freighter biz. Happy trails!
Juan Trippe said:
A word of advice to the wise . . . if you're thinking about ordering that Shrimp Po-Boy sandwich with mayonnaise and then planning on flying for a few hours thereafter, you may want to reconsider. Man!!! I love seafood, and have never had a problem with shrimp before ... but on that fateful day my stomach started churning like a blender set on puree. Thank god for at least having a lav on-board (that saved enormously on the cleanup), but it really sucked that it was in the back of a small (6-pax) private jet. So, I had to walk past the pax and unfortunately they were all forced to share in the after-effects of my misery. For now i've got a clean record in the freighter biz. Happy trails!

ROFL !!!! You also got the funniest Avatar I seen yet !
I kmow this is an older thread but I am just now reading it so I apologize. I can relate to this thread and this is how. Two years ago I owned a tractor trailer and was on the PA turnpike heading home from Ohio. I stopped at the first service area to eat. As I got back on the turnpike I passed a sign that read ' Next service area 80 miles.'

I remember thinking that if I had to go to the bathroom between now I would be in a world of trouble because I still have 75 miles to go to the next service area. About 40 miles to go, I suddenly began to feel the pressure of needing to find a bathroom now. I was taking weight loss pills and I usually had to go to the bathroom 10 minutes after eating because of the pills. I remember thinking that there is no restrooms near by but if I had to, I could pull to the side of the road when the road curves to the left and hang my a$$ over a guardrail. No such luck, the road never curved enough to the left to hide me from the cars behind me, I had to continue.

I finally reached the service area and I knew that I was just 30 seconds from a brown blowout. I exited the turnpiuke and began to drive down the service area ramp at 75 MPH. I wanted to go as fast as I could and wait until the last minute to slow down. Finally, I knew I had it made so I threw the engine brake on high. The sound this makes is very loud and this exhaust brake helps the truck slow down. As I locked up my brakes, smoke pouring off of the tires and the exhaust brake screaming, I stopped and jumped out of my truck and turned to go to the restroom. Just then a PA state trooper comes speeding up to me with lights and sirens and asks why I came down the ramp at 75 MPH. I threw him my wallet and told him if he needs to write me a ticket he can but I have to go crap and I will see him when I get back.

Long story short, when I returned to the trooper, he laughed and gave me my wallet back and said try not to do that anymore. He also asked me if I was worried that I might get a speeding ticket and I told him that I was stressing more about not crapping my pants.
This is seriously the funniest thread I have ever read.....

Now for my .02. In my freight doggy dogg stint in the ol spanish king air, I used to

carry a little something called the "portable $h%$ kit." Self explainatory. Well

funny how you think its all good when your carrying something, but wait till your

inside the marker, and its IMC; and you gotta let em fly! Luckily, I pinched that

loaf with all my might. I had to have had the cleveland steam rollin out the side of

my headset cuz the windows fogged a bit lol. Later-

One of my classmates here at UPT, was flying with our flight commander for the first time. Evidently, the poor chap had had something that didn't settle with him (which could be almost anything in a sh**hole border town).

He asked the flight commander if he could leave his seat during taxi to go use the lav, the flight commander said no (Section IV--Crew at Stations). When he got no response, he turned around and saw only an empty jumpseat and aft cabin.

They pulled to a stop and waited. The USAF has provided us with potties but no toilet paper (pack in your own). This was not known at the time since we had just started flying the T-1 (a Beechjet 400). My classmate had to tear apart his In Flight Guide (a collection of local procedures) to clean himself up.

By some marvel of engineering, the outflow valves sit up front near the flight crew. The flight commander was treated to the odor of whatever it was that had died inside my classmate for the duration of the flight (3.5 hours).

In a separate incident, one of my IPs in T-6s was known as PIMP. We thought it was a pun on his lack of luck with the ladies. After buying a certain enlisted individual a few too many beers, we found out it meant Pooped In My Pants. His O-ring had failed during a G-Strain coming out of the bottom end of some high G maneuver.

Needs of the Air force...

When I was going thru T-1(Beechjet 400a) training as an instructor down in San Antonio, I was scheduled to fly a low level training mission. I had been sick for the last week and the flight doc had put me on antibiotics but he signed me off to fly. I was flying my portion of the flight when it hit... I got out of the seat and ran to the toilet in the back.

Of course the mission comes first, so the other two pilots decided to continue flying the low level. So here I am in the back of the plane, on a hot texas summer day getting bounced around while I filled the bowel in the back. Thank goodness the outflow valves are in the front of the Airplane.

To make matters worse I realized I had no paper, Thank God for approach plates!!!

The maintenance folks Red X'ed the plane until it was cleaned up.....

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