The DC-9's are staying til 2014 now as the company needs the lift. Bid out next month to cover remaining 330/744 retirements. Another bid in Jan to cover remaining MD-90 deliveries as well as 739's and 717's. Looking at expanding SEA to Asia, and South of the border. Going to buy 60,000 Windows 8 based tablet computers, electronic flight bag included. EFB to be introduced with 717 fleet first. BA is offering more 717's that are parked in the desert, former Mexicana Click? You can deposit up to 60 hours in the positive bank and go up to 30 negative. Hiring - Who knows, depends on the economy and the 2013 marketing schedule. Original plan was to start interviewing in late fall to hire early winter, but that plan has been delayed. Lots of rumors that HA may be in play. Just look at their route map and ours. That's it for now.