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Delta to Drop CHQ?

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From what I understand is that MESA/Freedom whatever they want to be called, bought their way in. They are the lowest in terms of personality and information. I have unfortunately commuted on them from MCO-SDF and lets 2 hours late with constant MX issues from the start of the day. They are on about as thin a ice that you can get. They are on Double Secret Probation with DL. They may have a 99.1% Completion Factor, but at the sake of really low OT performance.
I don't know if this one is flame, I mean the writing is on the wall... Mesa is doing exactly the same flights CHQ did out of MCO and FLL. I've heard this was a possibility from a couple of the station managers. Oh well, nature of the beast I guess....
HoserASA said:
Not true Tim. Negotiations haven't even touched compensation yet. However, mismanagement has expressed a desire for what you state, thanks to CMR and others. Jerry has even joined in and stated we would get no more 70s because our 70 rates are the highest (not). So, we'll at least keep what we have, and the other division of Skywest Inc can have the 70s!

ASA and Skywest both are making money, hence no need for a pay reduction. lol We'll see......


And we will take all "231" CRJ 50s!
sweptback said:
There was an ASA pilot long, long ago who was always thought to be padding the times. One day he called the on and in times on short final... then had to go around.

Not only did he lose his job, but the FAA came after him and took all of his certificates. Because he fudged the off and on times, the FAA's position was that he was screwing with the maintenance records.

Alex Burdette use to call the out time before pax even boarded!
Mercyful Fate said:
The bottom line is this: General hates Skywest because Skywest is making money...

General Lee is like Dirty Harry. He doesn't discriminate, he hates everybody.

Get over it.
SYX328 said:
No notice has been goven to us. We are actually more well liked in MCO/CVG/ATL than ASA and Comair. The agents would rather work our flights than their own. Maybe it could be because we don't have the attitudes that the other 2 do. We have actually been given an increase in flights from CVG and ATL and we are proud to do those flights.

Just my 2 cents.

When you were in DFW, you guys were the most hated of all the DCI carriers.
To PGTB, CMRFLYER & BVT, ( I better add FLYINPKER, that jerkoff if bound to end up here 2)

Hopefully you three clowns don't lose any more sleep over us. Don't be surprised if CHQ/RAH ends up doing even more flying real soon. PS how are those paycuts going this month?

Blackpilot, would you shut the $#%^ up already. I think you say dumber crap on here than those 3 clowns.

Inconceiveable, are you for real or are you really that much of a tool? (Never mind, I just realized you went to Riddle, that explains it).

And YES! This guy majored in English!
Tim47SIP said:
Not true Tim. Negotiations haven't even touched compensation yet. However, mismanagement has expressed a desire for what you state, thanks to CMR and others. Jerry has even joined in and stated we would get no more 70s because our 70 rates are the highest (not). So, we'll at least keep what we have, and the other division of Skywest Inc can have the 70s!

Mark, I agree. I was only speculating on what may be going on with the SkyWest blended rates and comments the CEO has made.

One thing that does puzzle me is that with the number of SkyWest hubs, the cost structure to maintain those hubs must be astronomical compared to ASA's two hubs. I really cant see how our 70 seat CASM is that much higher than their blended CASM because their 50 seat pay is higher than ours which has to add to the bottom line.

I know Delta wants to increase 70 seat capacity in ATL. I seriously doubt that Jerry can afford to position SkyWest people out there and still say they are cheaper. There would have to be allot more 70 seat flights between SLC and ATL to get those aircraft out there for the trips and I don't think Delta would go for that.

Take our cost and spread it over the same number of 700s Skywest has, 51, and our cost are down where Skywest's are.
bvt1151 said:
In Atlanta, the ramp agents hate Comair because the Comair pilots constantly write up when the rampies are lounging around the tug when we're waiting to be marshalled. Comair opened a can when they went in to Atlanta and we had Ops managers down their every week complaining to ASA how pi$$ poor their rampies were doing. It resulted in the change in parking schema, and the service did improve, at least until those ramp agents quit.

ASA had largely resigned themselves to the fact that their Atlanta ramp was going to suck. I can't blame them. Their management would do about as much to improve the ramp as it did to stimulate labor negotiations...nothing.

Hey JR. If you haven't figured it out yet, at that time the management was all the same. DAL!

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