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Delta to Drop CHQ?

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SYX328 said:
From what I understand is that MESA/Freedom whatever they want to be called, bought their way in.

Everyone's doing that now! Skywest bought ASA and got a reaffirmed contract, AWAC "invested" in USAir and got a 10 year contract, etc. etc.

I'd bet mesa isn't the only one to do this. Didn't they prop up America West back in the day as well?
bvt1151 said:
You are correct for Atlanta, but not for CVG. CVG agents love CHQ flights because it means they get to be over at concourse A where nobody watches them. Its the senior position for ramp agents and has nothing to do with which airline flies in. They love ASA and Comair flights over there too. Orlando gate agents can't stand handling CHQ flights. RDU agents don't give a crap either way. Take your pick.

In Atlanta, the ramp agents hate Comair because the Comair pilots constantly write up when the rampies are lounging around the tug when we're waiting to be marshalled. Comair opened a can when they went in to Atlanta and we had Ops managers down their every week complaining to ASA how pi$$ poor their rampies were doing. It resulted in the change in parking schema, and the service did improve, at least until those ramp agents quit. At least now you don't see fuel trucks driving through lines of boarding or deboarding passengers, and one time I even saw a rampie break into a run in order to marshal an airplane in. Of course the other two wing walkers were still rolling a fattie down by baggage, so we waited, but at least I can say I saw one run.

ASA had largely resigned themselves to the fact that their Atlanta ramp was going to suck. I can't blame them. Their management would do about as much to improve the ramp as it did to stimulate labor negotiations...nothing.

Yeah CMR had a say in things in ATL but you give CMR waaaaaaay too much credit. ASA had pressure to perform and made changes in the parking scheme, etc. It took a lot of ASA crews complaining about it. Also, Skywest buying us had a little impact.
Texx said:
General Lee is like Dirty Harry. He doesn't discriminate, he hates everybody.

Get over it.

I don't hate everyone, I just am direct and to the point with my opinions. I think we at DL have a lot wrong too, and I have stated such. And, these are just my opinions, so try to remember that. The SkyWest pilot group has it's head up it's a$$. What's with their "union" and why does management appoint the leaders? Is that wrong or what? Ridiculous. And they started the whole "we'll fly anything for one pay rate" deal and now others have been FORCED to follow (via a judge).

Bye Bye--General Lee
If/when this happens I wonder where Chatauqua will put there jets? Doesnt their CEO want to get rid of them anyways?
General Lee said:
What's with their "union" and why does management appoint the leaders? Is that wrong or what? Ridiculous.

General, are you illiterate? Re-read my previous post above where I explain that this statement is incorrect. How do you go from asking earlier in this thread how SAPA reps are chosen, then make a statement that they are appointed by management, and then continue to propagate this claim even after I have already explained this is not the case?

A little lacking in intellectual integrity, I think (but then I guess being "direct and to the point" has always been more important to you than being correct).
I think you are all wrong. CHQ and Mesa are getting more CRJ 50/70/90 seaters. Comair will start to fade away. Just a guess will see in a couple of months.
So its a bad thing if Mesa is paying DAL for flying? What the difference between Air Wisky paying into US Air? Some how i don't think Mesa would not be flying for Delta if they were not moved out of PHL and maybe CLT by Air Wisky, But then Air Wisky would still be in DEN if Skywest did not bump them out.
Rogue5 said:
General, are you illiterate? Re-read my previous post above where I explain that this statement is incorrect. How do you go from asking earlier in this thread how SAPA reps are chosen, then make a statement that they are appointed by management, and then continue to propagate this claim even after I have already explained this is not the case?

A little lacking in intellectual integrity, I think (but then I guess being "direct and to the point" has always been more important to you than being correct).

Ok, I got it, they are NOT appointed by management. But, I do have a question for you. Who pays your "union" leaders? Management? ALPA pays our MEC people when they miss trips. Just curious. Can you explain to me how it works? How much credit time do those guys get anyway? Sounds like a good job. Duane Wuerth at ALPA makes some serious coin, but I am paying for that, along with every other ALPA member. How does your union work?

Bye Bye--General Lee
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I am not trying to start rumors but I am just wondering what are the chances of DAL management asking RAH to pull down 50 seaters in exchange for more 170s?

I spoke to some Comair management guy in DTW and he mentioned how the passenger response to the 170 is well above what they expected even on the 3 hour flights we have been operating them on.

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