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Who let the General out of the penalty box?
General Lee said:
...and we won't give up on scope. ALL of the FOs and half of the Captains will agree.

Bye Bye--General Lee

Uh Huh. It only takes the top 51% to sell the bottom 49% up the river. Ask a USAir guy. Betcha the other half of those captains change their mind on that when approached with further paycuts and/or displacements to a smaller airplane. But, what do I know?
General Lee said:
Oh don't worry, Mookie already reemed me for stating that the "union" or association is NOT appointed by management. I got it. But, I do have a question that Mookie never did get back to me with an answer.

Mookie? Christ on a crutch, General, via two posts on this thread and a PM it was me, not Mookie, that corrected you. I don't know if I have the stamina to keep up with all your mistakes...

One begins to get the image that you don't even take the time to gloss over the responses to your posts before you launch off on another tirade to prove your preconceived ideals. Over the years and THOUSANDS of posts I've seen a pattern appear: you repeatedly state the same "talking points" (i.e. the "insulated" comment by Reber, and now this idea that SAPA reps are appointed by management), you avoid the actual criticisms level at you, your "facts," and your premises in those responses made directly to you, and then amazingly you personally belittle your critics by claiming they won't engage in a real debate with you. The problem is, just because you stamp you feet the hardest and talk over everyone else does not make you correct. It just makes you one man with a very loud opinion.

You told me in your response to me correcting you (and forgive me if this not OK to share) that your "source" in SLC told you SAPA reps were appointed by management. How can this be? Does this person even work for SkyWest? This person is certainly not a pilot here for this lack of basic knowledge of how SkyWest works shows they have no true insight to the operations here. But for you it seems, this was no matter, their statement fit nicely with your crusade currently in progress, never mind the facts... Did they tell you SkyWest possesses WMD as well?

Your ability to stay "on message" and play fast a loose with the facts would make some in the major cable news networks proud. Do you have a second career in the information industry?
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Rogue5 said:
Mookie? Christ on a crutch, General, via two posts on this thread and a PM it was me, not Mookie, that corrected you. I don't know if I have the stamina to keep up with all your mistakes...

One begins to get the image that you don't even take the time to gloss over the responses to your posts before you launch off on another tirade to prove your preconceived ideals. Over the years and THOUSANDS of posts I've seen a pattern appear: you repeatedly state the same "talking points" (i.e. the "insulated" comment by Reber, and now this idea that SAPA reps are appointed by management), you avoid the actual criticisms level at you, your "facts," and your premises in those responses made directly to you, and then amazingly you personally belittle your critics by claiming they won't engage in a real debate with you. The problem is, just because you stamp you feet the hardest and talk over everyone else does not make you correct. It just makes you one man with a very loud opinion.

You told me in your response to me correcting you (and forgive me if this not OK to share) that your "source" in SLC told you SAPA reps were appointed by management. How can this be? Does this person even work for SkyWest? This person is certainly not a pilot here for this lack of basic knowledge of how SkyWest works shows they have no true insight to the operations here. But for you it seems, this was no matter, their statement fit nicely with your crusade currently in progress, never mind the facts... Did they tell you SkyWest possesses WMD as well?

Your ability to stay "on message" and play fast a loose with the facts would make some in the major cable news networks proud. Do you have a second career in the information industry?

Wow, I must have been drunk, YES it WAS ROUGUE5 WHO INFORMED ME THAT THE ASSOCIATION LEADERS WERE NOT APPOINTED BY MANAGEMENT. You guys all sound the same, so I mixed you up. Sorry. And, can you please answer my question about how your association guys get paid? I really want to know. ALPA members pay ultimately for MEC members when they drop trips for ALPA work. Who pays for your association leaders, and are they paid well? I'd really like to know. Sorry about the prior mix up.

Bye Bye--General Lee
We all sound the same? Maybe there's a reason...

In other news: Here's your answer Gen, in the level of detail a regular old line pilot knows: SAPA reps are paid a min guarantee by the company. I don't know exactly how it works but I think its something like a reserve pilot guarantee of say, XXX hours (I don't know the exact number). If you fly the line/travel for work/attend meetings in excess of that guarantee, you get paid the extra. I am not certain of exactly how it works, but it is along those lines.

Feel free to address any of my or other's questions/points to you in a return gesture. At least attempt to before continuing the witch-hunt...
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sleddriver77 said:
Uh Huh. It only takes the top 51% to sell the bottom 49% up the river. Ask a USAir guy. Betcha the other half of those captains change their mind on that when approached with further paycuts and/or displacements to a smaller airplane. But, what do I know?

2300 of those really senior, loyal, Captains just retired. Everyone left has been touched by scope in the last 5 years.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Rogue5 said:
We all sound the same? Maybe there's a reason...

In other news: Here's your answer Gen, in the level of detail a regular old line pilot knows: SAPA reps are paid a min guarantee by the company. I don't know exactly how it works but I think its something like a reserve pilot guarantee of say, XXX hours (I don't know the exact number). If you fly the line/travel for work/attend meetings in excess of that guarantee, you get paid the extra. I am not certain of exactly how it works, but it is along those lines.

Feel free to address any of my or other's questions/points to you in a return gesture. At least attempt to before continuing the witch-hunt...

Thanks Mookie, I mean Rogue5.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Spare in SLC will not solve any problems, what happens when a plane breaks in LGA fly one out there from SLC. I dont think so. I dont like having the spares in IND or CMH either but the are closer to everything including UAL ops if we need one there.
A DAL painted aircraft does not due us any good for the United operation.

If there is a DAL painted spare, it does no good sitting on the ramp in CMH. The generic painted airplanes SHOULD be the spares whenever possible, but that does not seem to work out.

My understanding is two people in SAPA are paid 105H/month to do the association stuff, and rep's are paid line values or company business(4/day) whichevers greater when doing SAPA stuff.

This was pretty dumb. Many voted in favor of this a few years ago because it was believed flying would otherwise be lost. It was implied by management, and sold by some vocal SAPA types that it would only be 18 months.

Offer of 1.2% raise for EMB-120 and CL-65(200-900), and if memory serves the 100+ scale would have been eliminated. The proposed scales were overwhelmingly turned down by the pilot group. I think we are trying to correct the mistake made last time. Do we get any point's for that? There isn't any pilot I've talked to that wants to drive the 900 in any configuration without a good increase in pay. As for the 1.2 offered before...probably will not be made again.

I think where you and I disagree is that you are predisposed to the management vs. labor mentality. You want everyone to be equally pissed, scared, and uncertain. I know...you'll be plenty happy in the left seat of the mad dog, and your wife is hot. It's a drag what you guys are faced with in ATL. SKYW isn't the place it was a few years ago either, but I don't think the management at my company is evil. Jerry Atkin & Ron (Insulated) Reber got Skywest the best contracts from United and Delta they could. Is it SKYW's fault for asking to be covered on fuel or your rock star managers for agreeing to it?


P.S. Does your wife have any sister's? :)
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