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Delta to Drop CHQ?

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Thanks for the response. I understand it was a good business deal, for SkyWest only. But, that is what they are supposed to do, get good deals. Ron "Insulated" Reber, though, likes to brag aloud that high fuel doesn't bother him, while his major partners are getting killed. Then he brags how well SkyWest is doing, when at the same time he could give his employees difference pay for larger aircraft--something everyone else does, except Comair now that they had to follow your lead. I am not mad at you per se', rather what your whole group did as a whole, which was change the landscape of negotiations for the Regionals. Jetblue did the same thing for 100 seaters, of course their pilots did not set that rate, their management did. Nevertheless, now everyone has to start with the Jetblue benchmark when negotiating for anything close to 100 seats. SkyWest set the benchmark for one pay rate fits all jets up to 99 seats. And your "association" sounds like it is closely tied to management---with the pay and 100+ hours a month pay for the leaders. It just sounds like a strange relationship. IF you lost that 1.2% pay raise because of the proposed 100 seat rate combined with your last agreement, then good for you. That is a step in the right direction.

And yes, my hot wife has two sisters---one just graduated from USC, and the other is a nurse in NYC.

Bye Bye--General Lee
SlapShot said:
A DAL painted aircraft does not due us any good for the United operation.

If there is a DAL painted spare, it does no good sitting on the ramp in CMH. The generic painted airplanes SHOULD be the spares whenever possible, but that does not seem to work out.

I saw a united CHQ painted airplane (with the united stickers torn off) flying the delta system, and for quite some time. So dont tell me the paint job dictates where a plane is sent.
General Lee said:
2300 of those really senior, loyal, Captains just retired. Everyone left has been touched by scope in the last 5 years.

Bye Bye--General Lee

So THAT's why everybody's being recalled!!! :rolleyes:
We do have a bunch of generic 145/135's floating around generally as spares. Also to cover charter ops. Our generic planes are pretty much just blue and white.

It wasn't just a good deal for Skywest. Delta gets something out of it! Maybe it was an ok deal for Delta. Maybe it was the best of the worst. But I'd bet my salary against yours that your managers would do it again. I doubt Delta's board would sign-off on something that only produces gains for another entity. It is disingenuous to imply otherwise.

Reber brags about the fuel agreement? Have you heard him speak during anything besides an investors call? I haven't. What would you expect him to say when institutional investers ask him about how fuel prices effect SKYW? You need to quit trying to stir up a hornet's nest with this "bragging" stuff. That's what a successful company does during a conference call, big guy!

What regional did you work for? How long were you there?
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My apologies to everyone for the hijack.

I don't think CHQ is going to paint over the Delta colors anytime soon.
737 Pylt said:
Sorry, but where is the general wandering off to?? Did he get lost along the way! LMAO! Sorry, but after reading the above, I couldn't get past that to read the rest of your post!
Yeah, I know what you mean 737. Kind of like when you misspelled miserable in this post, huh? Miserible?

I can't tell by your post if you're being a d1ck, or honestly were caught off guard by it and it made you laugh. If you were just laughing and not trying to give PBR a hard time, then I am way off base and apologize.

If you're being a d1ck, well, then bite me.

Poor grammar and bad spelling drive me crazy too, but if someone makes a small mistake, but is otherwise making a clear point (whether I agree with it or not) I’m not going to call them on it.

You people amaze me sometimes. When you can’t win on substance, you go for a technicality? 737, I don’t know that you care one way or the other about this thread, but how smart is it to laugh at someone for misspelling a word when you did the same thing. The FIRST of your posts I searched contained the error.

Once again, if you were just laughing and not trying to give PBR a hard time, then I am way off base and apologize.

Ok, I’m done now. Man, I gotta get some sleep. ;)
General Lee said:
Oh don't worry, Mookie already reemed me for stating that the "union" or association is NOT appointed by management. I got it. But, I do have a question that Mookie never did get back to me with an answer. Who pays for those "association" leaders? ALPA pays our MEC members when they skip trips for union work. What about your association? Who pays them? I am really curious. Also, do they get a lot of credit time, or in other words, are they compensated well? I, along with every ALPA member pay for Duane Wuerth and his cohorts. Who pays for your association leaders? Just curious!!!! And, I have a great attitude, and I love the job. Tootles, and please answer the question.

Bye Bye--General Lee
gEneral tootles, SAPA is funded by SKYW INC. Are you suprised, I do not think that you will find many senior guys who will disagree, we get exactly what we pay for and managment gets exactly what they pay for. Are you suprised at this revelation? Oh yes, the "leaders get 105hrs of company money to deliver managments decrees, the "reps get their line credit when they are conducting the companies business, for the company, the entity that pays for their services. Any other questions?
jumppilot said:
Just heard from CHQ peeps that mother Delta is looking to drop CHQ due to costs. Not sure if this is the real deal or not, but word around the crewroom is that Bedford is going to ATL next week to negotiate rates and future business.

Anyone else heard this?

Then why is CHQ expanding service to ATL in MAY?

Just a few of the many addition in MAY:


Check dlnet if you don't believe me.

BB is in ATL on 2/28 to exand the codeshare. CHQ to open ATL base soon.

The new rumor is DL wants RAH to purchase Comair with Skywest type protections included. BB not very interested in Comair unless the CRJ700 can be transfered to ASA/SKYW, reduction in CRJ200 fleet and RAH gets longterm 170/190 rights at DL. Hows that for rumors?
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