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Delta to Drop CHQ?

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joe_pilot said:
Yeah, I know what you mean 737. Kind of like when you misspelled miserable in this post, huh? Miserible?

I can't tell by your post if you're being a d1ck, or honestly were caught off guard by it and it made you laugh. If you were just laughing and not trying to give PBR a hard time, then I am way off base and apologize.

If you're being a d1ck, well, then bite me.

Poor grammar and bad spelling drive me crazy too, but if someone makes a small mistake, but is otherwise making a clear point (whether I agree with it or not) I’m not going to call them on it.

You people amaze me sometimes. When you can’t win on substance, you go for a technicality? 737, I don’t know that you care one way or the other about this thread, but how smart is it to laugh at someone for misspelling a word when you did the same thing. The FIRST of your posts I searched contained the error.

Once again, if you were just laughing and not trying to give PBR a hard time, then I am way off base and apologize.

Ok, I’m done now. Man, I gotta get some sleep. ;)

Apology accepted. I was too busy laughing and not trying to give pbr a hard time!
We all need a little comedy!
737 Pylt said:
Apology accepted. I was too busy laughing and not trying to give pbr a hard time!
We all need a little comedy!

Thanks 73. You're a real sport. :D

On a serious note, I saw you guys in SLC today. Standing with you guys 100%.

Good Luck wednesday.

PBRstreetgang said:
gEneral tootles, SAPA is funded by SKYW INC. Are you suprised, I do not think that you will find many senior guys who will disagree, we get exactly what we pay for and managment gets exactly what they pay for. Are you suprised at this revelation? Oh yes, the "leaders get 105hrs of company money to deliver managments decrees, the "reps get their line credit when they are conducting the companies business, for the company, the entity that pays for their services. Any other questions?

No, not surprised at all. How are the talks going about that 1.2% raise? Any changes? Are those association guys working hard to get you your deserved cash? I hope so. If I got paid 105 hours from the company for doing SAPA work, I would be doing that nonstop---to keep getting 105 hours of pay. What a great deal. I would be talking to JA and Ronny R. every darn day. Tootles.

Bye Bye--General Lee
General Lee said:
You know what you said doesn't make sense, right? Your 50 seat rate has a set amount for each year, up to 12 years? Right? Maybe 18 years like Comair's? Whatever. The larger the plane, the larger the pay, usually. If a 5th year Captain was supposed to make $55 an hour on the 50 seater, and still makes that on the larger 70 seater when he should have made $65 or more, wouldn't that be the same for that senior Captain who now avoids the 70? Yes, he is still flying the 50 dor the same rate he has always had, but he should be making MORE on the 70 if the pay rates were different. And, most airlines are paying 12 or more year Captains to fly their 70 seaters, vs SkyWest paying their new Cpatains who just upgraded and did the transition training. Is Jerry paying top dollar on the 50 seater? He hasn't even given you that 1.2% pay raise yet.

Bye Bye---General Lee

GL, what you said doesn't make sense, RIGHT? As usual you're trying to twist what you said earlier about how the junior guys are all flying the 70's so Jerry is getting them flown at even lower cost because of that... My point was that they still have to pay the senior guys the top rate whether that is in the 50 or 70 seater, so they aren't really getting lower cost overall as you insinuated with your argument that the junior crews flying the 70's is what "Jerry wants" because then it costs even lesss.
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General Lee said:
I don't hate everyone, I just am direct and to the point with my opinions. I think we at DL have a lot wrong too, and I have stated such. And, these are just my opinions, so try to remember that. The SkyWest pilot group has it's head up it's a$$. What's with their "union" and why does management appoint the leaders? Is that wrong or what? Ridiculous. And they started the whole "we'll fly anything for one pay rate" deal and now others have been FORCED to follow (via a judge).

Bye Bye--General Lee

Before you go making your typical blanket statements like the one above, you might want to realize that a lot of us voted against the TA !!! So, try and ease up a little with your overall hatred, and or being so "direct and to the point" with all your opinions...
General Lee said:
Then your senior guys mostly started to avoid that CR7 because of the pay deal, which is really what the company wanted anyway. You see, now they upgrade people and make them take the CR7 conversion training, and then put them in the left seat, at an actual LOWER rate--since most have less longevity at the company. So, a 5 year Captain flies a larger plane for less per hour than a 10 year guy who avoids it. What a mess. But, your CFO feels INSULATED from the threat of higher gas bills, and higher labor costs.

Bye Bye--General Lee

This is the post I was referring to wherein you make it sound like the "company wants the junior guys flying the CR7", as if that is somehow going to save them more money. My point was they have to pay the senior guys the top rate whether it in the 50 or 70, so your argument didn't hold much water...Hope that cleared things up a little better?
Gr82Aviate said:
This is the post I was referring to wherein you make it sound like the "company wants the junior guys flying the CR7", as if that is somehow going to save them more money. My point was they have to pay the senior guys the top rate whether it in the 50 or 70, so your argument didn't hold much water...Hope that cleared things up a little better?

Top rate? Compared to which airlines? Your top rate, at 18 year Captain, is $93 an hour, and there probably aren't that many guys who are at that stage. A 12 year Captain makes $78 an hour on the 50/70 at SkyWest, and at Eagle and ASA they make $85/86 an hour on the CR7. An extra $7 an hour (which you SHOULD have on your CR7) multiplied by 85 hours a month is almost $600 a month, or $7200 extra a year. Your senior guys are "mad" at the company (which they should be) and the majority aren't flying it, and the junior guys just off of upgrade are, since they are now trained for the CR7 in the sim. SkyWest understands this, and also knows that their 5 year Captain rate is $6 less per hour compared to Eagle, $5 less than ASA, $1 less than Comair, $3 less than PSA, and only $1 more than MESA. How well is SkyWest doing again? I know most of you voted down the TA, but what are you going to do now? We are in a fight with a judge and a company in BK, you are NOT. Your acceptance of "one rate for jets" really started the ball rolling DOWNHILL.

Bye Bye--General Lee
General Lee said:
Top rate? Compared to which airlines? Your top rate, at 18 year Captain, is $93 an hour, and there probably aren't that many guys who are at that stage. A 12 year Captain makes $78 an hour on the 50/70 at SkyWest, and at Eagle and ASA they make $85/86 an hour on the CR7. An extra $7 an hour (which you SHOULD have on your CR7) multiplied by 85 hours a month is almost $600 a month, or $7200 extra a year. Your senior guys are "mad" at the company (which they should be) and the majority aren't flying it, and the junior guys just off of upgrade are, since they are now trained for the CR7 in the sim. SkyWest understands this, and also knows that their 5 year Captain rate is $6 less per hour compared to Eagle, $5 less than ASA, $1 less than Comair, $3 less than PSA, and only $1 more than MESA. How well is SkyWest doing again? I know most of you voted down the TA, but what are you going to do now? We are in a fight with a judge and a company in BK, you are NOT. Your acceptance of "one rate for jets" really started the ball rolling DOWNHILL.

Bye Bye--General Lee

HOLY CRAP, I AGREE WITH THE GENERAL!!!! Black is white, day is night, up is down!!!

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