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Delta and the DC-9s

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My hope is that mainline will fly these hypothetical replacements!

You know, this whole "They against Us" theme is getting old. It was the MAINLINE carriers who were "TOO GOOD" to fly the RJ's in the first place. Of course, when they jumpseat, they are like....WOW...this is a nice flightdeck....(instrument package, not necessarily the room)

The MAINLINE guys dropped the ball on this one! If they would have taken the planes in house problem solved...instead, you have to continue to listen to all of them "Piss and Moan" about how these planes are taking their jobs. Well, how about having a little foresight instead of just focusing on ME...ME....ME! Wow, what a refreshing concept! If they would have been thinking about "down the road," they might have realized that a CRJ can fly as far as most 737-100 models and a CRJ700 and 900 would be able to outfly a Boeing 717. The short sightedness of the mainline guys has KILLED this profession.

Now I know, you will all jump on this and "Cry me a RIVER" about how if these guys would stop taking crappy pay...blah...blah....blah. These people are out there just like everyone else trying to improve their lives. Now I am not in ANY WAY saying that crossing a picket line is okay...EVER. What I am saying is that to come down on someone just trying to get to the next level is pretty crappy to do to someone. ESPECIALLY if they are just trying to get home from a very long trip. Before all you MAJOR guys start casting the stones...have a look at YOUR glass houses. You could have all prevented this, BUT YOU WERE TOO GOOD FOR THE RJ's. Well guess what, that is now biting us all in the proverbial AZZ! Because I guarantee that those guys in the RJ's ever dreamed of "Retiring" in an RJ, I know that was not my dream. The only way I see of fixing this thing is to take all the carriers that are affiliated with a major and merging them "date of hire" among the regional carriers and then stapling them to the bottom of the majors list. Now this would possibly cause an "accordion" effect, but in the long run it would all work out. This would end all of the ALPA Mainline VS Regional guys BS and would eventually start the pay moving in the right direction.

Just some food for thought to all of the MEC's at the Majors out there....okay, LET ME HAVE IT! :rolleyes:

PS...wouldn't you guys rather park those old crappy dinosaurs and fly a E-175/190? STATE OF THE ART....no round dials. WOW[/QUOTE]

Well I'll not let you have it but two things to remember. Most the mainline pilots on property now were not around when the decisions to let RJ's fly the decision was made. And those of us who on properties at the time considered it a contract to contract thing, not permanent. I never like giving up the flying myself but heard every excuse imaginable why we didn't want to fly CRj's. None were valid to me. I think ALPA just got out smarted about 20 years ago and had no vision or foresite.Even as an old guy close my way out I still believe in one color one list...Beer time by
My hope is that mainline will fly these hypothetical replacements!

....okay, LET ME HAVE IT! :rolleyes:

PS...wouldn't you guys rather park those old crappy dinosaurs and fly a E-175/190? STATE OF THE ART....no round dials. WOW[/QUOTE]

I'll take that dinosaur any day.... you can have your SJS... and chase it with a nice dainty shot of Grape Koolaide..... Get a sack!:laugh:

because they are free

Wouldn't the E-190 be a considered an economical replacement of the DC9-50 series and the Bombardier CS-300 for the MD-80? Of course the main driver of the timing for replacement of these fleets will be the cost of energy going forward.
I would think because the 9's are owned free and clear the over head burden makes them a reasonable airplane to operate. Fly it 5 hours a day with no pressure to get 14 hours of use every day. At least that was the content of a 2002 AW article.

A national seniority list would be great, but the problem is not all company's hiring practices are the same and it would cause a flow from one company to another. In theory this would only work if they re-regulated the industry.


A national seniority list would be great, but the problem is not all company's hiring practices are the same and it would cause a flow from one company to another. In theory this would only work if they re-regulated the industry.


Jo, I am not sure you would have people leaving any list after they were hired say at "Delta Connection," because they would never have to interview again and they would eventually flow up to mainline. I see what you are saying about "different hiring practices," but lets be honest here...that is only for some companies who try and say that THEY are the Best. Like I said, it would take sacrifice by all involved, but in the end, it would be better for everyone.
Jo, I am not sure you would have people leaving any list after they were hired say at "Delta Connection," because they would never have to interview again and they would eventually flow up to mainline. I see what you are saying about "different hiring practices," but lets be honest here...that is only for some companies who try and say that THEY are the Best. Like I said, it would take sacrifice by all involved, but in the end, it would be better for everyone.

So you're telling me that the Mesa hiring process is equal to the Delta hiring process? or the UPS process?
The only reason that is has become us versus them is because there is no career porgression over the last 10 years. People have decided to make the Regional Airline their home and therefore hope and work towards gaining more flying as it falls off the mainline list. It betters their career expectations. That is very simple and should be expected.
Mainline needs to stop the sale of flying so that there is one again in place a reason to leave the 100K job at a regional and move to mainline. Many of us still did it, but there are many that are choosing not to.

We need to keep the 100 seat flying, make the jet arrive and fly on the mainline list. When this happens the normal order will start to once again occur. Until we stop giving away flying that is below a persons current seniority we can expect there to be a conflict between those at mainline and those at a regional.

Fighting for more flying to fall off the mainline lists is very short sighted, but given the career span of the majority of regional pilots, it is what they have seen and come to expect.

Mainline needs to take the first step.

The E-170/-195 is WAY too small to replace the -9-50s. They are the Bombardier large "C" size. Bombardier is rumoured to be looking into a larger "C" that WOULD compete with the later models of 737/Airbus-321 and the MDs.

NWA was planing to buy the "C" to replace the -9s. DAL was also looking at it.


The E-170/-195 is WAY too small to replace the -9-50s. They are the Bombardier large "C" size. Bombardier is rumoured to be looking into a larger "C" that WOULD compete with the later models of 737/Airbus-321 and the MDs.

NWA was planing to buy the "C" to replace the -9s. DAL was also looking at it.


Cliff, the DC-9 only holds 90 people. The E175-E195 hold just as many and more. It goes from 90-125pax. So I am not sure by what you mean by saying they are WAY too small...they are actually BIGGER. Check out the specks for yourself, AND they are state of the art. Just saying...

Well lets be honest, no the hiring practices are not the same, but you still have D!CKS at all places, so it would most likely be a wash in the end. Again, look at the "Big Picture" of where it would take us in the next 10-15yrs.

ACL, I agree with you, but it is up to us to make this change happen for the betterment of our profession. Otherwise you are going to be hearing about how Majors continue to get smaller and Regionals get bigger....and the paychecks will still suck! I am just trying to make this a better place for all, and we need to start some "outside the box" kind of thinking...because the thought process right now is NOT getting it done.

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