Pot Pourri here...eeh!
A little bit of everything, I guess.
It is amazing how tragedy will bring the bretheren together just so that they can tear it apart again.
Though necessary, championing of TORT reform is misplace in this thread.
I will say, however, ONLY one Candidate on the Ticket for Pres has promised addressing this issue if RE-elected. There was a time when a great degree of proof that management/ownership SIGNIFICANTLY contributed negligently to a mishap in aviation prior to filing papers in pursuit of damages (ie loss of loved-ones and/or property). We need to go back to that time for our lively hoods and those that depend on that transportation service (Corpex) in those areas others can't or are not willing to go.
Attorneys are necessary to expeditiously file necessary claims on behalf of families dependant on the loss of income from their family who may have parished in these accidents. THAT IS RIGHT.
A - C - C - I - D - E - N - T - S
Every passenger on every airplane flown for hire is covered by a $75,000 policy. If your loved one is traveling for business, the company insurance will always have a policy for employees of some coverage. Many retirement accounts are tied up and an Attorney is a definate necessity to navigate the legal road map gathering the professional PROBATE assistance neededd to minimize the disruption of income and exposure to a very grievous process.
Submittal of prophecy regarding the demise of parties involved in this unfortunate event is purely a waste of time and terrible bedside manner given there has yet been 24 hours since this accident occurred. Some one carefully pointed out operators still in existance who themselves were called upon and met the undesireable challange of managing mishaps like these. Leave the speculation the PROFESSIONALS at the NTSB.
What is God Speed? And what does it do? I have never understood this and am just curious. The Word of God says that He will never leave us nor foresake us. He knows the numbers of the hairs on our head, when we are hurt and troubled. We have all fallen short of the glory of God and His presence, Yet NOTHING seperates us from the power of his Love. Is it like he was busy doing something else and didn't stop this tragedy from occurring? I don't pretend to know how or why these things happen. The lives that have been touched by these people that are no longer with us and the memories that they will keep can ONLY be known by God. Why did Christopher Reeve not die the day he fell off his horse and instead live many years longer? How are there two lives from this accident hanging in the balance? Someone quoted Job here and I must carry this torch further. In all the trouble and loss suffered by Job, he never cursed God, complained or pretended to know why he suffered so. He simply pressed on, never allowing his faith and love for God to fein. He had a ministry of triumph in all that he perservered. So, too, do these survivors of the crash and the surviving family members of the casualties. This is all bigger than any of us and once we realize that, it makes our miniscule point of speculation seem so small, it is barely worth mentioning. Our job in these situations ( if we step up to the task) is to lift the memories of these people up so that they are celebrated and not mourned. We must lift up the lives of the survivors for their fortune will be paved with great reconstruction of their faculties and rehabilitation of their physical and emotional well being. The families need our prayers and not our good intentions or 'nice' condolences. There is power in prayer and tremendous power when we are in agreement and not scattered about. There is no I in team and yes, Schilling was very good last night and his stuff was also very good. He still needed 8 men on the field to hold the infidel yanks to only 2 runs. Certainly, he needed 4 of his compatriots to do their part and get on base to score those runs that brought them the victory. The families of the loved ones are now pitching the hardest and best games of their lives and they are counting on us to score some runs for them. Step up.
we come to you now, humbly standing together as bretheren and in faith that you are the mighty and powerful God that you say you are. We thank you for the people you have blessed us to be with and though we will miss them and their presence, we have a lifetime of fond memories of birthdays, jokes and experiences we have shared that can never be taken away and the blessed assurance we will again one day stand face to face with them and in your glorious presence. Lord, we call on you and the holy spirit to form a hedge of protection around the hospitals and care units where these two people are fighting for their lives. Be with them and their families now, take them in your arms of wonderful comfort and peace knowing you are at work and their physical and emotional healing is in store. Give all of them a testimony to your goodness as this event is not at your hand. It is the devil who roams about roaring as a lion, seeking whom he may devour. Most of all, Lord, help the members of the NTSB as they search out the cause of this and other very recent investigations. Lord, give them the strength they need and the clarity of thought. Reveal to them what they need to see and help them quickly find the error chains and how to prevent future failures. Lord if it be of terrorism, STOP IT NOW! IN JESUS NAME! Your word says NO weapon formed against us shall prosper. Lord we have seen what the enemy is capable of and how they will stop at nothing to see this holy and consecrated land we built on your word and in your blessing, to be destroyed and wiped cleanly from the face of the earth. You are Great and Mighty and we will never again sleep in our excess while this enemy violently takes 3,000 of our loved ones from us. We give you all the glory and the honor and praise in all that you do in love of and for us. Your word declares it. We believe it. And Surely It Is So!
And all the brothers and sisters, say,
A little bit of everything, I guess.
It is amazing how tragedy will bring the bretheren together just so that they can tear it apart again.
Though necessary, championing of TORT reform is misplace in this thread.
I will say, however, ONLY one Candidate on the Ticket for Pres has promised addressing this issue if RE-elected. There was a time when a great degree of proof that management/ownership SIGNIFICANTLY contributed negligently to a mishap in aviation prior to filing papers in pursuit of damages (ie loss of loved-ones and/or property). We need to go back to that time for our lively hoods and those that depend on that transportation service (Corpex) in those areas others can't or are not willing to go.
Attorneys are necessary to expeditiously file necessary claims on behalf of families dependant on the loss of income from their family who may have parished in these accidents. THAT IS RIGHT.
A - C - C - I - D - E - N - T - S
Every passenger on every airplane flown for hire is covered by a $75,000 policy. If your loved one is traveling for business, the company insurance will always have a policy for employees of some coverage. Many retirement accounts are tied up and an Attorney is a definate necessity to navigate the legal road map gathering the professional PROBATE assistance neededd to minimize the disruption of income and exposure to a very grievous process.
Submittal of prophecy regarding the demise of parties involved in this unfortunate event is purely a waste of time and terrible bedside manner given there has yet been 24 hours since this accident occurred. Some one carefully pointed out operators still in existance who themselves were called upon and met the undesireable challange of managing mishaps like these. Leave the speculation the PROFESSIONALS at the NTSB.
What is God Speed? And what does it do? I have never understood this and am just curious. The Word of God says that He will never leave us nor foresake us. He knows the numbers of the hairs on our head, when we are hurt and troubled. We have all fallen short of the glory of God and His presence, Yet NOTHING seperates us from the power of his Love. Is it like he was busy doing something else and didn't stop this tragedy from occurring? I don't pretend to know how or why these things happen. The lives that have been touched by these people that are no longer with us and the memories that they will keep can ONLY be known by God. Why did Christopher Reeve not die the day he fell off his horse and instead live many years longer? How are there two lives from this accident hanging in the balance? Someone quoted Job here and I must carry this torch further. In all the trouble and loss suffered by Job, he never cursed God, complained or pretended to know why he suffered so. He simply pressed on, never allowing his faith and love for God to fein. He had a ministry of triumph in all that he perservered. So, too, do these survivors of the crash and the surviving family members of the casualties. This is all bigger than any of us and once we realize that, it makes our miniscule point of speculation seem so small, it is barely worth mentioning. Our job in these situations ( if we step up to the task) is to lift the memories of these people up so that they are celebrated and not mourned. We must lift up the lives of the survivors for their fortune will be paved with great reconstruction of their faculties and rehabilitation of their physical and emotional well being. The families need our prayers and not our good intentions or 'nice' condolences. There is power in prayer and tremendous power when we are in agreement and not scattered about. There is no I in team and yes, Schilling was very good last night and his stuff was also very good. He still needed 8 men on the field to hold the infidel yanks to only 2 runs. Certainly, he needed 4 of his compatriots to do their part and get on base to score those runs that brought them the victory. The families of the loved ones are now pitching the hardest and best games of their lives and they are counting on us to score some runs for them. Step up.
we come to you now, humbly standing together as bretheren and in faith that you are the mighty and powerful God that you say you are. We thank you for the people you have blessed us to be with and though we will miss them and their presence, we have a lifetime of fond memories of birthdays, jokes and experiences we have shared that can never be taken away and the blessed assurance we will again one day stand face to face with them and in your glorious presence. Lord, we call on you and the holy spirit to form a hedge of protection around the hospitals and care units where these two people are fighting for their lives. Be with them and their families now, take them in your arms of wonderful comfort and peace knowing you are at work and their physical and emotional healing is in store. Give all of them a testimony to your goodness as this event is not at your hand. It is the devil who roams about roaring as a lion, seeking whom he may devour. Most of all, Lord, help the members of the NTSB as they search out the cause of this and other very recent investigations. Lord, give them the strength they need and the clarity of thought. Reveal to them what they need to see and help them quickly find the error chains and how to prevent future failures. Lord if it be of terrorism, STOP IT NOW! IN JESUS NAME! Your word says NO weapon formed against us shall prosper. Lord we have seen what the enemy is capable of and how they will stop at nothing to see this holy and consecrated land we built on your word and in your blessing, to be destroyed and wiped cleanly from the face of the earth. You are Great and Mighty and we will never again sleep in our excess while this enemy violently takes 3,000 of our loved ones from us. We give you all the glory and the honor and praise in all that you do in love of and for us. Your word declares it. We believe it. And Surely It Is So!
And all the brothers and sisters, say,