AJV (cargo) mostly does China runs out off Kansai and Narita and they added a Singapore flight recently, On the USA flights they go to ANK and ORD but the latest is that the ORD flight will be done by another company under a wet lease and the will do mostly China flights and ANK.
AJX (passengers) we do DLC, CAN, PVG and HKG in China, SIN and HNL. adding another SIN and a Taipei next month
AJV does a lot of DH's since they operate from different bases and they are business class
AJX only does one DH on the return flight from HKG because it is returning to Haneda, not Narita and we are provided a taxi that takes us back to any destination you want in Narita (hotel, apartment, back to the airport)
The commute back and forth from home (In both companies) is done with your choice of $2000 commute allowance and ZED fairs or business class tickets. You can choose from month to month as long as you do it ahead of time
They are currently only hiring DEC's and F/O's at AJV (cargo) AJX is currently hiring F/O's and generally an opportunity for upgrade should come within your first contract, if not your second contract should be as a Captain.
Do you foresee much expansion on either company?
Are the new hires getting apartments during training or hotels? Shin Takanawa?