Rez O. Lewshun said:I'd think a MIL guy and an Air Line guy would understand brother's keeper better than anyone. Worst than the liberals are the Law of the Jungle types that are ready to pound their chest and scoff at thier "brothers" for not having the strength to keep up. Problem is there is always someone better, faster and you really want to compete with that guy? Cause he will scoff at you when you can't keep up.
Real men and women are holistic
The real issue isn't a pilot showing up to fly drunk. With 100,000 Air Line Pilots in the US, there will always be pecentages of pilots who are alcoholics, diabetic, cancerous, bi-polar, etc.
The issue is how professional Air Line Pilots respond to our brothers and sisters indescretions. We all make mistakes, what we do afterwards defines who we are. But just as important is how we treat our fellow pilots when they make mistakes. Treating your fellow pilot with repsect, empathy and assistance doesn't condone thier faults. Rather it is the progessive win/win path.
those damn liberals, always demanding stuff. like equal rights