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Concerned Mom Won't Fly with Arabs (who train Marines)

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Wow that's really Klan-tastic! How about some pure-blood rhetoric? You're covering your own prejudice with a cloak of 'security' and 'patriotism' and it's just sad.

Not even slightly, I'm just not hiding my head in the sand. Honestly, we all have to draw a line in the sand, where we refuse to back away from. Maybe you'll have a different opinion after we get tagged the next time. Maybe some think it's way overdue already, and want to secure this country without any regard to feelings of the people that inevitable will get stepped on. It's a personal choice. The Klan, nah. A little paranoia, mixed with self preservation, yes. I don't have a problem with people trying to live an honest life for the good of all in America, but these self serving minorities (not talking blacks) I mean foreigners that are bombarding our legal system to change the laws to suit them, must stop.

The Klan, no. Put the Black Panthers at the trial of some of these self serving groups, I'm all for it!

As a matter of fact, how about Black Panthers and Hells Angles, in the jury pool. Nice!
Well said caveman.

She protected herself and her child and should be applauded.

If a creepy dude , with no know criminal history, moved into your neighborhood would you allow your children to play at his house just so that you wouldn't seem paraniod? I hope the answer is no.

She is safe today and probably feels better about it. Good for her.
Until the "moderate" Muslims of the world stand up and denounce the actions of the "radical" Muslims to the world, Americans will distrust (and rightfully so) ALL Muslims.

So, is it any wonder that Americans don't trust Muslims? I think not. We're not fukcing idiots. We're Americans. And we know what is most important in this world...and that's looking out for #1. We don't have a choice. No one else in the world gives a damn about us.

Speak for yourself. I as an American will not distrust ALL Muslims simply based on the actions of the radical Mulims. To distrust all of 1.5 billion Muslims because of the actions of the radical element isn't prudent.

There are plenty of Muslim airline pilots. You've probably flown with one, whether you knew it or not. Next time you fly with one, I expect you to refuse to fly with him, and call your Chief Pilot. Make sure you let the CP know the real reason you are refusing to fly with him, and that is because you don't trust your Muslim colleague. Refuse to fly that trip, and stick to your standards of distrusting ALL Muslims. If you don't, then that makes you a hyprocrite. $100 says that if this was a real situation, you would shut the eff up, and fly the trip.

But you know what happens? Everytime something hideous happens to Americans, i.e. 9/11, the moderate Muslims just keep their pie-holes shut. Many, in fact, literally dance in the streets that "the Great Satan" has gotten what it has deserved. Even in Kuwait, the country we saved from rape, pillage, and plunder in 1991, 66% say "we got we deserved," in the 9/11 attacks.

There's your problem... you are viewing 'Moderate' Muslims as those in Kuwait who danced on the streets. Of course many Kuwaiti people hate America, because they believe America was the puppet behind the Gulf War, and didn't care about Kuwait, just the oil. Standard Bush operation. It's the oil. Why don't you look at American Muslims. They are one example of good Muslims. At Michigan they stood next to Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc, in unity and observed silence in remembrance of 911. There are many muslim Americans supporting the war on terror, some serving in the military and overseas in battle, some serving in the FBI/CIA, others working civilian DoD jobs, etc. They're united to keep all of us Americans safe.

So to say you as an American should distrust ALL Muslims is very UNAmerican.

I know a Muslim US soldier who lost a leg in Iraq. I DARE you to go to his face and tell him that YOU, as an American, don't trust him because he's Muslim.

Only 16% of Iraqi civilians now support the American campaign.

Duh! Because the Bush led Iraq campaign has been a COMPLETE and TOTAL mess. MORE civilians are dying TODAY than under Saddam Husseins regime. Come on... are you seriously surprised?

Of course, they all want to be like us: America is simultaneously the most most hated, feared, and loved country on the entire planet. They are lined up by the bazillions, TO INCLUDE MILLIONS OF MUSLIMS, trying to gain citizenship to the United States.

This is no flame. It's the truth.

Flamethrowers: Save your effort; I'm not interested in debating fools and tools. I don't have the time. Shove it.

We're hated by the world because America is viewed us one of the most arrogant countries in the world. Your attitude personifies that very attitude.

And seriously, grow up.
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Statistically, in many cities, blacks account for the most armed robberies... so I'm assuming that whites should be wary of ANY and EVERY black man

It's probably safe to safe that for a large percentage of people that's the way it probably is. Again it's may not be right, but that's the way it is.
The only reading comprehension problem I have is with the vile you spew. You claim to be an American but apparently this is by legal status only. You dishonor the Americans that were lost on 9/11 by claiming that being suspicious of a member of a specific race, specific age range, and or religion that fits a profile is wrong.

YOU dishonor the Americans who lost their lives on 9/11 by being paranoid and fearful. I've said this time and time again, always be VIGILANT. If something seems truly suspicious, then take the right course of action. But do NOT be paranoid. Saying you're going to distrust and fear all 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, well that's pretty paranoid.

Be vigilant, not paranoid.

And btw, leave this American 'by legal status' out of the arguement. How 'legal' was your status when your immigrant ancestors stole the land after giving poisned blankets to the Native Indians? See what I mean? Do not rub this 'by legal status' into my face. I am 100% American in my heart and beliefs.

A question for you..........if a pit bull bit you while walking in your neighborhood, are you now more prone to avoid the next pit bull you see or do you simply walk up and pet it?

I'll play with your analogy. Yes, you should be vigilant of PITBULLS! But that doesn't mean ALL dog species!

In this case, the Pitbulls are the radical Muslim terrorists, and the 'all dog species' are the good peaceful Muslims.

Be vigilant, not paranoid.
Great points!

Until the "moderate" Muslims of the world stand up and denounce the actions of the "radical" Muslims to the world, Americans will distrust (and rightfully so) ALL Muslims.

But you know what happens? Everytime something hideous happens to Americans, i.e. 9/11, the moderate Muslims just keep their pie-holes shut. Many, in fact, literally dance in the streets that "the Great Satan" has gotten what it has deserved. Even in Kuwait, the country we saved from rape, pillage, and plunder in 1991, 66% say "we got we deserved," in the 9/11 attacks. Only 16% of Iraqi civilians now support the American campaign.

Even Japanese-Americans have publically expressed shame for the actions of their WWII Japanese ancestors. The South Koreans were publically horrified, ashamed, and disgraced by the actions of the Virginia Tech psycho.

So where is the public outrage from all the Muslims? IT DOESN'T EXIST!!!

So, is it any wonder that Americans don't trust Muslims? I think not. We're not fukcing idiots. We're Americans. And we know what is most important in this world...and that's looking out for #1. We don't have a choice. No one else in the world gives a damn about us.

Of course, they all want to be like us: America is simultaneously the most most hated, feared, and loved country on the entire planet. They are lined up by the bazillions, TO INCLUDE MILLIONS OF MUSLIMS, trying to gain citizenship to the United States.

This is no flame. It's the truth.

Flamethrowers: Save your effort; I'm not interested in debating fools and tools. I don't have the time. Shove it.
Another one with Great Points!

I agree 100%

I don't see what the fuss is all about. The lady evaluated the situation, decided she didn't like the risk vs reward equation and took action to remove herself and her kids from what she perceived as a potentially dangerous situation. She didn't demand anybody else be removed, she removed herself and her kids. She was uncomfortable and she took responsibility for her own safety. Textbook response if you ask me. Good for her.

I'd like to think of myself as someone that knows a few things about situational awareness. I've spent my entire adult life attempting to hone the skill in one way or another. The scenario described in that story would have set off every alarm bell in my head. Middle eastern males, travelling in a group, not sitting together, appearing to be reconning an airplane, not groomed in a way that matches what they said they were, etc, etc. Based on the information I had, I would be very concerned in that circumstance.

The lady had it right and for the airline to take some time and find out whether or not there was something to be concerned about was very appropriate. As it turns out, they weren't a threat, but how do you know unless you ask the question? I, for one, am not willing to forego my personal safety and the safety of the pax in my charge for the sake of political correctness. If the men in question can't understand that then they have no business being in the profession they are in. Same applies to any of you that want to lable this as profiling. It isn't profiling. It's called paying attention to what's going on around you.

There was enough information present in this situation to make a reasonable person concerned. If you can't see that then you are seriously delusional about the world in which we live.
We're hated by the world because America is viewed us one of the most arrogant countries in the world. Your attitude personifies that very attitude.

Ya, we're hated allright. But anytime another country needs their ass saved by the U.S. all of a sudden we are a$$holes if we don't help. This country is caught between a rock and a hard place. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

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