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Concerned Mom Won't Fly with Arabs (who train Marines)

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I agree with Flyer1015 on everything!

The world's problems are all caused by the Republicans and the Bushes. So what if just 10 to 20 % percent of the world's Muslims are radicalized, that's only what a hundred million or so, what kind of problem is that? I also choose to ignore any behavior issues with Muslim people because I wouldn't want to offend anyone because I'm not ignorant like all you right wing whack jobs.

All is well, go hug and kiss your neighbor's pit bull today!

I also choose to ignore any behavior issues with Muslim people because I wouldn't want to offend anyone because I'm not ignorant like all you right wing whack jobs.

It's not 10%-20%, it's lower. The world's problem isn't all caused by Bush/Republicans, BUT in the last 7 years, they have had a huge hand in it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not major Clinton fan either.

Read back what I posted. I've said over and over again that we should ALL remain VIGILANT. That does NOT mean ignore. Be vigilant (I say that now for the umpteith time), not paranoid. If you don't know the difference between vigilant and paranoia, then I can't help you.

With idealogy like this...

Well I for one can't wait to see the total extermination of all Muslim infidells. It's our obligation to protect the Isrialites in the Holy land to prepare it for the second comming. We must destroy the non-believers and be ready for the rapture. Only then can the world be a truly safe place. Jews of course are OK because once they are taken up before God they will instantly see that Jesus is the true Lord and repent. After all, it says so in the Bible so it must be true.

... there will never be peace in the Middle East.
... there will never be peace in the Middle East.

In your opinion, what will it take for there to be peace in the Middle East? I'm not looking for platitudes, slogans, or anything of the like. What kind of specific actions and attitudes do you think will lead to peace in the region? Not a cease fire, but lasting peace. What are your ideas?
Well I for one can't wait to see the total extermination of all Muslim infidells. It's our obligation to protect the Isrialites in the Holy land to prepare it for the second comming. We must destroy the non-believers and be ready for the rapture. Only then can the world be a truly safe place. Jews of course are OK because once they are taken up before God they will instantly see that Jesus is the true Lord and repent. After all, it says so in the Bible so it must be true. At least that's what the late windbag Jerry Falwell was preaching.

I actually had some idiot recite this to me in the cockpit one day a few years ago. I embelished the last sentance though. He apparently was a big fan of the late looser Falwell.

How many times over the last few years did I hear guys say how much they were looking forward to going to the middle east to show those "towel heads" who's boss. Let them feel the fury and wrath of "my God" was also a popular sentiment.

Sounds like they all deserve each other to me. Maybe Darwin had it right. The fundamentalist Christians and Muslums can all remove themselves from the gene pool and let the rest of us with more profound values of life move on.

For those of you who are over there trying to help a dire situation I have the utmost respect and wish you the best. Those of you over there who fit the previous mold who get some pleasure out of "killing the non believers" quit being part of the problem and be part of the solution.

As for the lady who wanted to get off the plane. She had every right to not get on a plane if she wasn't comfortable with the situation. I for one do not want anyone on my aircraft who doesnt' feel good about the flight. A number of years ago I taxied back to the gate to let a customer off who was anxious about flying and "had" to get off. It's easier to defuse that on the ground than in the air for sure. Beyond that it sounds like AA messed up and tried to blame her for their screw up.

This problem will probably never be resolved in our lifetime. It's been 2000 years so far. It can only be managed. Keep alert and stay informed. Thanks to the policies of the current administration it is more dangerous out there today than it was 6 years ago. This war was a really foolish idea. Diplomacy 101 says:

1) never get involved in a ground war in the Middle East.
2) see rule 1.

Somone wasn't reading their history books.

Good luck to us all.

Best post of the thread!!!!! Agree 100 %

I was going to stay away from this, but I'm going to bite. The way I see it, she exercised her right of "freedom" and got off a flight she felt was unsafe. I'd do the same if I felt something was not right and I hope all of you would too. Maybe she "broke the chain". I don't know if she did and I really don't care about how "they" feel. I know "they" don't care how I feel and would rather see me dead! And that is the truth, I do not care what you believe.

I've been to those parts of the world and can tell you what they think of the good old USA and the "non-Muslim" I went there with an open mind and well was shock at how that side of the world operates. If you as a born US citizen have never been to the Middle East and are not Muslim, you cannot talk about what they are thinking and I suggest you go there for your next family vacation and gain some knowledge! If you think 9/11 is a hoax, well I feel very sorry for you.....

I think everyone needs to go back and look at history. Thomas Jefferson studied the Middle East and we should too. Get off of CNN and FOX, etc and read the history books. There you will find the real truth. One example is:


We have been at war with these guys since our Independence and "we" did not not even know it! I'm not big into conspiracies but this is our history.

I ask you a few days from now on 9/11 to remember what happened to you on that day in 2001. Remember where you were and how you felt. Remember what you said you wanted to do and do you still feel it? I'd like you also to remember that was the first time that we were attack in the lower 48 since WWII and that defense is still important.

I'd also like everyone here to step aside from all your technical stuff (i.e. cell phones, ipods, internet , etc) and just be family and normal people. We in the US rely on too dam much communication. That is going to be our end. We need to know everything right NOW. NOT! We can stand to get the info a little later on some things so we can relax and give and intelligent answer.

Remember 9/11/2001......I do, it changed my life!
Al-Qaeda is everyones enemies! They have killed more moslems that what happened on Sept. 11. The one the stands out in my mind is the guy who made the Halloween movies. He was an arab and during his daughters wedding in Jordan, the terrorist struck. No one is sticking up for terrorist. I havent seen one person do that on here yet. Al-Qaeda wins everytime we hate each other, scare each other or attack each other. Dont believe me? How many rights have we lost because of them. How much have we suffered and lives lost because of our fear of them. Now Bush has made a breeding ground in Iraq for Al-Qaeda. Afghanistan was legit. All Al-Qaeda has to say is boo and the stock market takes a crash. Just to tell you how much Americans are afraid of Al-Qaeda I had a redneck tell me that he was terrified that they were going to start flying airliners in his grain silo and thats how they are going to attack America next.
Ahhhh...and just what alternative fuel do you propose that will be readily available and economical? You talk as though a little money (or a lot for that matter) and effort towards that direction will make it happen overnight...well...it won't. People smarter than you or me have been working on it for years,,,there is no answer yet. So, like it or not the world's economy runs on oil...and if Bush were gone tomorrow that would not change, so quit blaming everything on on big bad Bush. Have you ever considered what your life without oil would be like? You wouldn't like it very much.

So please fill us in on the quick solution. My Master's degree in Chemistry is awaiting your ready solution to the quest for an alternative fuel.

A masters degree in Chem. wow. I am so impressed. I guess you have to have a masters in chem. to think it would be a good idea to invest billions into finding alternative fuels. We dont have an alternative now. Thats the problem. We wont find another alternative unless we throw money at the research for it. But hey if you want to keep supporting Saudi Arabia where most of Al-Qaedas money comes from then great. Kudos to you for supporting terrorism. Damn Saudi (I mean bush) lover.
I was going to stay away from this, but I'm going to bite. The way I see it, she exercised her right of "freedom" and got off a flight she felt was unsafe. I'd do the same if I felt something was not right and I hope all of you would too. Maybe she "broke the chain". I don't know if she did and I really don't care about how "they" feel. I know "they" don't care how I feel and would rather see me dead! And that is the truth, I do not care what you believe.

I've been to those parts of the world and can tell you what they think of the good old USA and the "non-Muslim" I went there with an open mind and well was shock at how that side of the world operates. If you as a born US citizen have never been to the Middle East and are not Muslim, you cannot talk about what they are thinking and I suggest you go there for your next family vacation and gain some knowledge! If you think 9/11 is a hoax, well I feel very sorry for you.....

I think everyone needs to go back and look at history. Thomas Jefferson studied the Middle East and we should too. Get off of CNN and FOX, etc and read the history books. There you will find the real truth. One example is:


We have been at war with these guys since our Independence and "we" did not not even know it! I'm not big into conspiracies but this is our history.

I ask you a few days from now on 9/11 to remember what happened to you on that day in 2001. Remember where you were and how you felt. Remember what you said you wanted to do and do you still feel it? I'd like you also to remember that was the first time that we were attack in the lower 48 since WWII and that defense is still important.

I'd also like everyone here to step aside from all your technical stuff (i.e. cell phones, ipods, internet , etc) and just be family and normal people. We in the US rely on too dam much communication. That is going to be our end. We need to know everything right NOW. NOT! We can stand to get the info a little later on some things so we can relax and give and intelligent answer.

Remember 9/11/2001......I do, it changed my life!

Great post! That day changed my life as well! I grew up in NY, and my sister and I used to play in those buildings in the summertime. W'ed race up to the observation deck in seperate elevators, to see who would get there first.

Political Correctness does not belong in this discussion. You wear a diaper on your head, and not on your a$$, i'm going to get nervous. These radicals will kill us in an instant. Good for that lady, and I hope she doesn't apologize. Is there an Al Sharpton type for muslims?
In your opinion, what will it take for there to be peace in the Middle East? I'm not looking for platitudes, slogans, or anything of the like. What kind of specific actions and attitudes do you think will lead to peace in the region? Not a cease fire, but lasting peace. What are your ideas?

One big a$$ nuclear bomb.

I believe there is an Al Sharpton for muslims-he calls himself flyer1015 here. This is guy such an apologist tool!

"not all muslims are evil" "my family Dr. is from Pakistan, he is a muslim and he has great lotion for my genital warts." Blah, blah, blah, and blah.......

Eat me, you pollyanas! These Policially Correct idiots are just as dangerous as the terrorists-they play right into their plan.

Jackasses like flyer1015 can stick their heads in the sand aal day-as for me, I'll be watching these muslim jerkoffs carefully-I want to stay alive!
And yet another word from the peace loving Islamic folks.

FRANKFURT, Sept. 5 — The police in Germany have arrested three Islamic militants suspected of planning major terrorist attacks against several sites frequented by Americans, including the busy United States air base at Ramstein and the Frankfurt international airport.
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Wolfgang Ratta/Reuters
One of the suspects, left, with German special police officers today.

The suspects — two German citizens and a Turkish resident of Germany — were in advanced stages of plotting bombing attacks that could have been deadlier than the terrorist strikes that killed dozens in London and Madrid, police and security officials said Wednesday.
“They were planning massive attacks,” the German federal prosecutor, Monika Harms, said at a news conference, outlining a vast six-month investigation. She said that the suspects had amassed huge amounts of hydrogen peroxide, the main chemical used to manufacture the explosives used in the suicide bombings in London in July 2005.
Ms. Harms said the two German suspects were converts to Islam who had trained in terrorist camps in Pakistan. They had amassed 1,500 pounds of hydrogen peroxide to make explosives, which they had hidden and were preparing to move when they were arrested on Tuesday afternoon. Officials said they also had military grade detonators.
“This would have enabled them to make bombs with more explosive power than the ones used in the London and Madrid bombings,” Jörg Ziercke, head of the German Federal Crime Office, said. Mr. Ziercke said the suspects belonged to a radical Islamic group with “close links” to Al Qaeda.
German officials were visibly relieved by the arrests, which they said were a six-month investigation involving 300 people from the police and prosecutor’s office. On Wednesday, police raided 41 houses and apartments across Germany, seizing computers and other evidence.
One of the suspects, Fritz Gelowicz, a 28-year-old German born in Munich, was under surveillance by German investigators as early as December 2006, after he was seen scouting American military barracks in Hanau as a possible bombing target, according to court documents.
The arrests were made at a vacation home in Oberschledorn, a remote village of 900 people in North-Rhine Westphalia, north of Frankfurt. The suspects had rented the house to store chemicals to make explosives, officials said, and were preparing to leave when security forces swooped in.
One of the three men fled and, in a scuffle with a police officer, wrested a pistol from his holster and shot him in the hand before he was subdued. The officer was slightly wounded, officials said. Residents described the raid, by an elite police unit, as something out of an action movie.
The arrests came a day after Danish police arrested eight people in a suspected terrorist plot there. The German interior minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, said there was no evidence of a direct link between the plots, despite similarities, including a suspected link to Al Qaeda.
Germans officials said the attacks could have come within days, noting that the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks falls next week and that the German Parliament will soon take up a politically sensitive debate about extending the deployment of German troops in Afghanistan.
“There was an imminent security threat,” the German defense minister, Franz Josef Jung, said on state television.
Ms. Harms said the three suspects arrested Tuesday belonged to a German cell of the Islamic Jihad Union, a radical Sunni group based in Central Asia that split from the extremist Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.
While this group has not been linked to terrorist attacks in Europe, it has claimed credit for suicide bombings in July 2004 near the United States and Israeli embassies, in the Uzbek capital, Tashkent. The group has called for the overthrow of the secular government in Uzbekistan.
For months, German officials have warned that the country was under threat of a terrorist attack, in part because of Germany’s involvement in Afghanistan. Officials said they were particularly worried by reports of Germans taking part in terrorist training camps in Pakistan, near the Afghan border, and then returning to Germany with a goal of carrying out attacks.
“The modus operandi looks pretty much like the one we had warnings about,” said an official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Mr. Ziercke said the United States aided German authorities in their investigation. Another security official here said the Americans tipped off the Germans to the existence of the Islamic Jihad Union.

An American intelligence official said Wednesday that suspicions that the cell might be plotting an attack in Germany that led the American embassy in Berlin to issue a warning earlier this year. American officials, who have spoken publicly about Al Qaeda’s growing abilities to attack western targets, believe that the group in Germany likely has ties to Al Qaeda operational figures in Pakistan. American spy agencies believe that Al Qaeda leaders have established a safe haven in the western mountains of Pakistan, where they have set up small compounds to train operatives for attacks on western targets.
American military officials here said the Germans contacted them on Tuesday evening to warn them about the plot. They did not have further information about a threat to the Ramstein air base.
“This was a German-led investigation,” Lt. Cmdr. Corey Barker, a spokesman for the U.S. European Command in Stuttgart, said. “We do appreciate their commitment to safeguarding us against a terrorist attack.”
Ramstein is the largest American air base here and a transportation hub for troops deploying to Eastern Europe, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Commander Barker said the base had not lifted its force protection level, which is currently at “bravo,” the second-highest designation.
Frankfurt’s airport, the second-busiest in Continental Europe after Charles-de-Gaulle in Paris, was operating normally on Wednesday morning, said a spokesman for the airport, Robert A. Payne.
Last April, the United States warned Americans living and traveling in Germany to exercise special caution because of security threats. A spokesman for the American embassy in Berlin, Robert A. Wood, said the State Department had not decided whether to issue a new warning.
“The successful operation carried out by Germany reminds us that the threat of terrorism is real and requires close cooperation by all like-minded nations, in order to put an end to this scourge,” Mr. Wood said.
Germany narrowly missed a terrorist attack in July 2006, when a pair of suitcase bombs left on commuter trains in Cologne failed to explode. German officials said that attack was motivated by anger over the publication of satirical cartoons about the Prophet Mohammed in a Danish newspaper.
Unlike in that case, in which police said the suspects used crude materials to make relatively small explosives, these suspects amassed enough hydrogen peroxide, which when mixed with other chemicals, could yield a bomb with an explosive force equivalent to 1,200 pounds of TNT.
Last June, Mr. Schäuble and his deputy, August Hanning, warned that the terrorist threat was comparable to that in the months before the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks in the United States. That plot was largely hatched in Hamburg by a circle of Islamic militants posing as students.
Mr. Schäuble coupled his warning with a call for stricter anti-terrorism measures. He would like police to be able to conduct surreptitious searches of computers belonging to suspected terrorists.
“There is a growing problem with home-grown terrorism that’s also evident elsewhere in Europe,” Mr. Schäuble said at a news conference in Berlin.
Some critics here have accused Mr. Schäuble of ratcheting up fears of terrorism in order to push his tougher measures. The debate has been particularly fierce because of Germany’s deep aversion since World War II to law enforcement tactics that threaten individual liberties.

There were reasons for Crusades; it's time for another.

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