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Concerned Mom Won't Fly with Arabs (who train Marines)

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Africa has needed help for a LONG time, and the US has never bothered with Darfur. Do you know how many MILLIONS have been killed, maimed, and/or displaced?? No one raised a finger for them. Make no mistake... the Bush cowboy (both dad and son) will act for whatever interests best suits the Republican party and oil corporations.

It's beyong me why people have to be paranoid and hate, distrust, and fear all 1.5 billion Muslims in the world. Why can't be as Americans just be vigilant? Not paranoid, but vigilant.

You do realize that Darfur is a slaughter of thousands by Muslims, don't you?
Good for her, speak English in America and you will not have this problem.
And Dearborn MI, is a breeding ground for terrorist here in the US.
My point was that although the US gives lots of aid as a superpower, we often don't get involved unless US interests are directly involved. That helps to explain our heavy presence in the Middle East, and virtually none in Africa. Also, investigate the links between Bush and the Saudi Royal family.

Can you imagine what SA would be like if the royal family were removed. Osama Bin Ladan has made that one of his priorities. If that happens and another Iran like regime gets into SA then what?

Oil is a fact of life. Don't think that only Republicans are addicted to oil. Democrats are also. I don't remember any major advances in alternative fuels during the Bubba years. Hopefully we will get a big enough public push to get home made fuels so we can get away from the mid east. Until we as consumers speak with our wallet it will never happen.

If you mention the Bush/royal family connection then don't forget the Clinton/Chinese (another very repressive regime) connection. We could have a repeat of the 90's China connection if we aren't careful in 08.
Yeah, Islam is a religion of "peace".

Looking at the actions of 8 radical Danish Muslim terrorists to label an entire religion of 1.5 billion Muslims doesn't say much about your own intelligence.

Ahhhh...and just what alternative fuel do you propose that will be readily available and economical? You talk as though a little money (or a lot for that matter) and effort towards that direction will make it happen overnight...well...it won't. People smarter than you or me have been working on it for years,,,there is no answer yet. So, like it or not the world's economy runs on oil...and if Bush were gone tomorrow that would not change, so quit blaming everything on on big bad Bush. Have you ever considered what your life without oil would be like? You wouldn't like it very much.

So please fill us in on the quick solution. My Master's degree in Chemistry is awaiting your ready solution to the quest for an alternative fuel.

You're missing the point. Oil is one of two big US interests in the Middle East. The Bushes (Sr + Jr) are in bed with oil king pins of Saudi Arabia. Plus, the Republicans must satisfy oil corporations and corporate leaders, and never have them held accountable for anything... like how Ted Stevens dismissed a democratic call to swear in oil corporate people during a session.

That must chap your hide to see people driving around reminding you of Kerry's (where is he now)defeat.

Nope! On the contrary, the Bush-Cheney sticker chaps the hide of ALL those who voted for them in 2004, but now REGRET that decision due to the continual f*** ups of this current administration.

You do realize that Darfur is a slaughter of thousands by Muslims, don't you?

Well, it's true that the Second Sudanese Civil War was fought primarily between Muslim (in north) and Christian and Animist (in south) But almost all of the combatants and victims in Darfur are Muslim. But the cause of the conflict is not religion, as you seem to infer. The causes are fast population growth, desertification, environmental calamity, political opportunism, and to some degree, regional politics.

siucavflight said:
And Dearborn MI, is a breeding ground for terrorist here in the US.

Siucav, I'm shocked to hear this kind of thing from you. People who say that are 1. Never been to Dearborn, and 2. Don't know anybody from Dearborn. Do you really want to know the breeding ground for terrorism in the United States? It's the White House. Due to the actions of the Bush administration in the White House, there are now MORE terrorists in this world, despite Bush's remarks that the world is now 'more safer.'
There were 8 years between HW Bush and W Bush. It was called the Clinton years. Nothing was done in Africa during that time. We are always told that Dems are for the minorities, especially during elections. The Bushes didn't, and havent, acted because there is no oil there, right? Why then did Clinton not act? I think there were a few murders in Rowanda during the Clinton years. I'm sure those were Bush's fault also.

Africa has plenty of oil. So with your line of thinking we should be in Africa now.

If Iraq is all about oil, why haven't oild prices dropped? Let me guess, Haliburton is raising prices to make a profit for Cheney.

While I was just a lurker on this particular thread, I could not help but bring somethig up. You can blame Clinton all you want but the problem was, and still is a certain group called Al-Queda. Last I heard Al-Queda is up and running...6 years after 9/11...why??????????? That's what REALLY bothers me...and thats the problem I have with Bush and all of his cronies. We have done NOTHING about the problem except invade Iraq and make more problems. That stinken organization should have been history already. Had we invested all of the resources and efforts on Al-Queada instead of Iraq...we might not be having this conversation. Clinton made mistakes...but Bush has done NOTHING to fix the real problem. As long as Al-Queda is up and running, Iraq will never get fixed...why? Because they booby trap every accomplishment the U.S. makes over there. No progress will be made there...and it will only get worse. How do you fix Iraq???? Eradicate these radicals...starting from the top over there in Afganistan and pakistan...I know at this point al-queda might never go away, but if you cut the head off the animal, it might take a while to grow a new one. That's my two cents...and that is why Bush has made the worst blunder in U.S. history. This is beyond democrats and republicans...it is something all of us will have to live with for God knows how long. If my neighbor breaks into my house and steals my stuff...I go after my neighbor...not the guy accross the street who saw this happen. Apperantly Bush forgot who attacked us on 9/11...good thing he is gone soon...whoever comes in republican or democrat will have quite a mess to deal with. Because Al-Queda is still a threat (bigger than before) I have to racially profile when at work...what a bunch of crap...Al-Queda should be history.
puddlejumper101, I agree, and you bring up great points.

To everyone else, lets just end this thread.

Agree to disagree.

If you really fear, hate, and distrust ALL Muslims, then Al-Qaeda is winning, for it is their goal to instill fear/hate/distrust into the hearts of Americans. I, as an American, will not distrust all Muslims simply because of the actions of the radical Islamic terrorists.
I agree with Flyer1015 on everything!

The world's problems are all caused by the Republicans and the Bushes. So what if just 10 to 20 % percent of the world's Muslims are radicalized, that's only what a hundred million or so, what kind of problem is that? I also choose to ignore any behavior issues with Muslim people because I wouldn't want to offend anyone because I'm not ignorant like all you right wing whack jobs.

All is well, go hug and kiss your neighbor's pit bull today!
>Looking at the actions of 8 radical Danish Muslim terrorists to label an entire religion of 1.5 billion Muslims doesn't say much about your own intelligence.<

My intelligence? Suggest you go to the top of this page and start reading post 91 and work your way down.

I would say I'm pretty much on the mark. Perhaps it is because, unlike you, I have put my butt on the line for this country and have seen the other side of tyrany.
Well I for one can't wait to see the total extermination of all Muslim infidells. It's our obligation to protect the Isrialites in the Holy land to prepare it for the second comming. We must destroy the non-believers and be ready for the rapture. Only then can the world be a truly safe place. Jews of course are OK because once they are taken up before God they will instantly see that Jesus is the true Lord and repent. After all, it says so in the Bible so it must be true. At least that's what the late windbag Jerry Falwell was preaching.

I actually had some idiot recite this to me in the cockpit one day a few years ago. I embelished the last sentance though. He apparently was a big fan of the late looser Falwell.

How many times over the last few years did I hear guys say how much they were looking forward to going to the middle east to show those "towel heads" who's boss. Let them feel the fury and wrath of "my God" was also a popular sentiment.

Sounds like they all deserve each other to me. Maybe Darwin had it right. The fundamentalist Christians and Muslums can all remove themselves from the gene pool and let the rest of us with more profound values of life move on.

For those of you who are over there trying to help a dire situation I have the utmost respect and wish you the best. Those of you over there who fit the previous mold who get some pleasure out of "killing the non believers" quit being part of the problem and be part of the solution.

As for the lady who wanted to get off the plane. She had every right to not get on a plane if she wasn't comfortable with the situation. I for one do not want anyone on my aircraft who doesnt' feel good about the flight. A number of years ago I taxied back to the gate to let a customer off who was anxious about flying and "had" to get off. It's easier to defuse that on the ground than in the air for sure. Beyond that it sounds like AA messed up and tried to blame her for their screw up.

This problem will probably never be resolved in our lifetime. It's been 2000 years so far. It can only be managed. Keep alert and stay informed. Thanks to the policies of the current administration it is more dangerous out there today than it was 6 years ago. This war was a really foolish idea. Diplomacy 101 says:

1) never get involved in a ground war in the Middle East.
2) see rule 1.

Somone wasn't reading their history books.

Good luck to us all.
I don't blame the woman for getting off the airplane.

There was no way to tell these guys were training Marines.

I think it's comical when people who fly jets for a living bit*h about oil.

Darfur has lots of oil. Lots and lots of oil. China and France are in big...not the US.

The only sure way to prevent slaughter in Darfur is to roll in with gunships and troops. Arab militias are the responsible parties in the "genocide" and they only understand one language.

If we send troops, we get accused of being imperialists and "inciting terrorists."

I just got an FCIF from my chief pilot telling me to be extra special sensitive to Muslims during Ramadan or they might go batsh*t crazy over every real or perceived slight and cut my head off. I did not get that FCIF in December.

I'm not a knee-jerk "right wing, KKK, racist nut-job named Bubba from the South who blindly supports Bush" (although all of you that think I am betray the principles of tolerance, understanding, and respect you claim to possess).

There is nothing wrong with what she did.

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