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CoEx to keep the 69 erj's

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Popeye0537 said:
I hope you guys don't lose your jobs, but if you get another code share you will be inturn "stealing" another regionals flying as how its been put by most of you.

Welcome to the race to the bottom guys.

Are you serious? If we replace another regional's flying with our own, how would that be contributing to the "race to the bottom?" Wouldn't that demonstrate that it is possible to have the highest pay rates and work rules in the 50 seat market, and still be able to gain work without concessions and whoring ourselves out, as so many other regionals have done? I would think this would be a good trend for all of us.
Some of you numbnuts that are trying to point out anything you can and spin it negetive need to relax. The chief pilots came in and talked to us today and said that the planes are being placed into service where all XJET employees will be working with them. Not just pilots but MX, MGMT, Agents, etc. The plans that are in place are to protect jobs as well as to make money. The difference between XJT and alot of other companies is that the Company tries to make sure that we work as a team and have respect for each other. Think about it, MGMT could have easily come to us and asked for pay cuts to better compete for the CAL flying. They never asked for 1 cent from us. We have a good company over here that the majority of people i would assume would agree that they are proud to be an XJETer. For this level of the career chain its a good place to work.

Also think about this, If our mgmt didnt already have some other flying already set up do you think they would have announced this already? We had till the end of Sept to disclose whether we were going to keep the planes or not. If we didnt have something lined up we would have dragged our feet till the last min. Somethings are already in place, i know our mgmt would takeon the planes yet with the hopes of landing some flying. JMHO
Not to rock the boat or anything, but what would happen if COEX managment decides to just park the airplanes? ya know, if we can't have them nobody will kinda thing.
propsarebest said:
Not to rock the boat or anything, but what would happen if COEX managment decides to just park the airplanes? ya know, if we can't have them nobody will kinda thing.

Not gonna happen, we will fly them point to point before we park them. Whatever mgmt comes up with has a long time to try and make it work. The difference between this and Indy is that we have 75% of CALs feed with a gurenteed profit until the end of 2009 in which CAL can either take 25% again. these next few months are going to be interesting.
propsarebest said:
Not to rock the boat or anything, but what would happen if COEX managment decides to just park the airplanes? ya know, if we can't have them nobody will kinda thing.

Parking the aircraft would be a spiteful yet totally wasteful thing to do. Remember, they're in the business of making money, not getting back at people. You think someone who's trying to make money would park 69 planes with a multi-million dollar bill to pay each month? Just to prove a point? Not happening.....
Yeah, I don't think anyone is ready to uncork the champagne yet. These planes could still be sent overseas or somewhere else where we won't be flying them.

I would expect maybe a dozen of them to be flown in an independent scheduled operation between the US and Mexico, maybe a few dozen sent overseas, a few dozen used in another codeshare, and a half a dozen or so used in an on-demand/frac type operation.

If we found a way to keep just half of the 69 operating here in the states that would probably be enough to avoid furloughing any pilots.
Diesel said:
Trust me unless you guys are flying for teams or something no NJ, FLOPS, CS, or Flex is going to touch a worn out erj. The owners aren't flying erj's for a reason.

69 planes to put on charter is a huge chore. Not to mention what happens when the pax show up a couple of hours late.

see you in ASE

I agree with old worn out erjs but the problem is that 44 of those aircraft are Brand new XRs some of which arent even a month old. We have a 135 cetificate already inplace that we bought into last year. www.wingaviation.com With buying wing we also have the ability to convert our aircraft to corporate cabin layouts.

ExpressJet Purchases Non-Controlling Interest in Wing Aviation
HOUSTON, Texas - June 20, 2005 – Wing Aviation announced today that ExpressJet Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: XJT) purchased a non-controlling interest in the company.

“The Wing Aviation team providesexcellent leadership and a developedprivate aviation business that is second to none. We intend to combine our economies of scale with Wing Aviation’s exceptional quality and service to maximize the benefits for both companies,” said Jim Ream, President and Chief Executive Officer of ExpressJet. “Through this partnership our goal is to become the lowest cost, highest quality provider of private aviation services.”
ExpressJet and Wing Aviation will provide aviation services ranging from high-quality commercial and private travel to exceptional airframe maintenance, avionics installations and aircraft painting.
“This agreement allows ExpressJet to establish a presence in private aviation, utilizing an established and respected brand, ” said Brian P. Wing, President of Wing Aviation. “ExpressJet recognizes the value of our employees and our ability to consistently and successfully deliver a quality product. Together, we can provide premium service and unparalleled reliability to our customers.”

On top of that we own our own mx shops and paint shops. The idea was that we could offer a large cabin aircraft with good range for a cheaper price because we have all of our own ops already in place to spread costs out over. I am curious what the range would be on the XR if it was taken down to 19 seats or so because we are doing IAH to BOI now with 50 PAX and full bags. This is only one option the company is looking at but who knows till it happens. The truth is today was the first step in the right direction for us as a company and over the next few months we are going to be finding out more.
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If we replace another regional's flying with our own, how would that be contributing to the "race to the bottom?" ...and still be able to gain work without concessions and whoring ourselves out...

You mean like CHQ? Good for the goose...

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