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I usually dont respond to this stuff with your name attached because I know who you are..but, I am with them on this. You seem to get on every thread about anything and suddenly you are the expert. You bash us JB guys for everything and anything when you have no vested interest in my company. You pull the same crap over on airlinkpilots (yes, I still occasionally read whats going on) and you are just as bad if not worse over there and thats your own web board. NOW, you come on here and try to include yourself in a conversation about an airline that you dont work for..and you once again have no vested interest in. Out of everyone, including the usuall suspects, you are the only one who consistantly post on JB threads about crap you know nothing about. You do the same on NWA threads...which you think you know something about..but you dont. UPS threads..once again Ditto. Gemini..ditto again and the list goes on and on. Being an elected official at pinnacle, you should be concentrating on efforts to keep your company alive, not worrying about my company, or anyone else for that matter. My god man...stop shoving your nose up everyone's ass and stick to putting it up your own. (that might get me banned...sorry ahead of time..ive tried to be good) Sorry PCL, but I finally had it with ya.

BS aka longhorn
someone said this....i cannot believe i wwanted to work for this company...but then i wanted to work at NWA and realised their MEC members stab people in the back
Longhorn, you are suffering from the same problem that most JetBlue pilots are: you think that what happens at one airline doesn't affect every other airline in the industry. One of the biggest problems that we have in this industry is that pilots don't get involved in what's going on in the industry around them. Sitting back and only focusing on your little corner of the industry is counter-productive.

Transcon turns at JetBlue, SCABs on the CAL MEC, concessions at CMR, and alter-egos like G o - J e t negatively affect the entire profession. Ignoring these things and sticking your head in the sand isn't the right thing to do.

I only got involved in this thread because Occam (also not a CAL pilot by the way) made a statement in defense of the CAL MEC. If it had just been a bunch of CAL pilots conversing then I wouldn't have gotten involved.

The whole intent of a public message board is for pilots of all different airlines and backgrounds to discuss topics openly. If only CAL pilots should discuss CAL issues, then why even bring it up on a public message board? If it's something that is only pertinent to CAL pilots, then post it on the CAL ALPA boards. If it's posted here on flightinfo, then it's fair game for every member of flightinfo. That's how a public message board works.
Thank you genius for reading the instruction manual on how the board works. My point is that not only do you have a skewed opinion, but a very over the top..my crap does not stink attitude. I think that if you came onto the board with just a little humility you may have earned the respect of everyone here. Instead, you act like you know everything about the industry. I am not trying to throw stones, but from someone who reads this stuff and usually does not respond that is how you come across. You may not realize it but you do. I know that you are trying to do what is best for your airline in your position, and I respect that, its just the way you come across on here. And before you go on about how I think like every jetblue pilot, keep in mind that I was at pcl for quite a while, was a comittee chairman, and flew cargo for 3 years before that. I paid my alpa dues and know the union inside out. 75% of our so called JB thinking pilots put more time in unions that you will ever see. Worked at eastern, pan am, usair, braniff, hughs air west for gods sake and you have the nerve to try to tell our pilots how the industry works. On top of all that, you paid an eastern scab (gulfstream) money to raise gear and watch clouds go by in the islands so you could say that you had experience to get on at pcl. btw..i did not pay at pcl. I had the time and that program was over when I got there for guys/gals with 1500tt or more. So with that in mind, for you to act all high and mighty is just beyond many of us here at FI because you praise alpa, denounce scabs yet help one pay for his house by signing up for his program then you use the excuse that you were new in the buisness and did not know. I call BS sir. Your father was involved in the union and could have told you otherwise. You PAID AN EASTERN ALPA SCAB MONEY to be involved in his time building program. For you to even be involved with alpa is amazing. Well, now that you pissed me off, which I never get mad about anything, except this chick that had braces...but thats another story...I am done
Edited by request..... So did you hear the one about the priest, the rabbi and the hooker?
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Longhorn said:
then you use the excuse that you were new in the buisness and did not know. I call BS sir. Your father was involved in the union and could have told you otherwise.

You must have me confused with someone else. My dad's a real estate agent. His union days were many years ago, and it wasn't a pilots' union. You, Boeingman, and 100LL can believe what you want about why I made the PFT mistake. I honestly don't care. Just don't expect me to sit back silently about transcon turns and the like simply because some of your fellow JBlue pilots worked at Braniff, Pan Am, and other ALPA carriers years ago. The people that have been in this industry for 5 years have just as much right to an opinion as the guys who have been here for 35 years. Sorry if that bothers you.
Ok..so maybe it was not a pilots union but a union never the less. Let me remind you of one line from a PM you sent me.

"I just come from a long line of proud union guys from both sides of the family."

So dont pull that crap about your family being in a union a long time ago like it was not a big deal. According to you, you came from a long line of PROUD UNION GUYS. Nice to see that you helped finance a SCABS lifestyle. You have no respect or merit on this board.
This guy is an LEC or MEC member for PCL? Sheesh

PCL_128 said:
You, Boeingman, and 100LL can believe what you want about why I made the PFT mistake.

You never made a mistake because you are an opportunist. Just like a scab is an opportunist. Your problem is you're just to ignorant to keep your mouth shut. What makes you even more comical is your chastizing (not giving opinions) others given your PFT history.That along with being such an arrogant know it all is the reason why people think you're a complete tool.

BTW junior for clarification you keep refering to the prior CAL MEC as scab('s)(plural). In reality there was only one and it was understood by all on the picket line why he crossed. The other 2 were former PEX pilots. Now I know that facts easily confuse you but what else is new?
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seahorse said:
PCL 128,

You don't even work at Continental Airlines. Why are you on here trying to lecture senior pilots like Boeingman who were probably flying jets while you were breast feeding from your mom. So you logged on to the ALPA website and read a CAL newsletter... big deal.

Did he PFT for a breast feeding course? PTS? (Pay to suckle)?

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