I wouldn't worry about Skywest and CHQ too much. I'd really focus on the pilot sitting shotgun next to you in the cockpit. Most I fly with still don't understand that they will be at a regional for a LONG time. I didn't think I'd still be here. They have heard so much "the industry is going to turn around soon, the majors will recall and hire in massive numbers." "You need to get your 1000 PIC now no matter what (even if it means sitting on reserve for a couple of years." The only way to upgrade in this stagnent industry is to expand the fleet. The only way Delta/DCI will allow expansion is with concessions. Concessions to an FO is still a hefty pay raise if there is an upgrade possiblity. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, reserve captains want to get off reserve and need folks below them to get a flying line.
Focus inward not outward on your problems.
I hope I'm wrong because Comair has a fairly unified group (per last vote.) But, the world has changed since 2001.
Focus inward not outward on your problems.
I hope I'm wrong because Comair has a fairly unified group (per last vote.) But, the world has changed since 2001.