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B6 to Sell FIVE A-320s

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JP4user said:
Amazing what the mind can conjure up when fear takes hold.
Is this the most true statement about all pilots or what? I found myself saying the same crap as independence air when down the toilet.

I believe SWA took delivery of about 12-15 planes last year. I also believe we will be dumping them soon because it just financially sound. We will then buy new ones because it will preserve cash. I think the B6 guys are seeing a mirage in a barren desert.

Sorry guys. I know you love your airline and it is a great product but please stop the circular logic. It's embaressing.
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active_herk said:
The math is a little fuzzy here. You divided it out to 6 million/year, and I'll accept that. You are assuming I believe that by having the aircraft out of service you are losing around $3 million in revenue. I don't have the numbers, but I'll believe you. If you are going to look at it that way though, you have to subtract out the costs created in order to generate that revenue. Unless you have a 100% profit margin, I am assuming it will cost $2 million to $2.5 million (using an 18% to 33% profit margin... I think I am being generous here) to generate that $3 million in revenue. Therefore, you should only be adding 1/2 to 1 million to the $3 million C-check cost which works out to 2/3 of a year payment. But then again, that is only for one year. So you are losing $2 million the first year and then $6 million a year for the next 4 years per aircraft replaced. That works out to $130 million lost over 5 years for 5 aircraft. You do, however, have the benefit of depreciation.

You've gotta be one of the Springs 130 guys I met at the deid. Got that former United, current FedEx, nose in the air stink on you. Most you guys are pretty cool, but what's up with the FedEx guys? Ran in to a couple of them out there and gotta say the arrogance maid me ill. Had to say it. My apologies If I'm mistaken.
Well.... I was a former 130 guy, am a present FedEx guy, was never a United guy. I don't know what the "deid" is. I'm not sure why you think I have my nose in the air. I was just asking a question and trying to get an answer. I wish nothing but the best for anyone in the airline business, sorry if I've offended you in some way.
starvingredtail said:
WTF? Might as well have the auction tomorrow.

That would be premature. It is a seven-year airline after all...........
active_herk said:
Well.... I was a former 130 guy, am a present FedEx guy, was never a United guy. I don't know what the "deid" is. I'm not sure why you think I have my nose in the air. I was just asking a question and trying to get an answer. I wish nothing but the best for anyone in the airline business, sorry if I've offended you in some way.

al-udeid, qatar colloquially known as "the deid"
So they are getting rid of some airplanes... so you get stuck as an FO on that Embraer 190.... who cares because the FO rates on that are good. Sure it's only $39/hr first year, but then it goes way up... $40/hr... then $42/hr... then $44/hr. LOL
The real, true reason that this profession is on the decline is that pilots never pass up the opportunity to blast away at a fellow flyer. So much for sticking together as a cohesive group of professionals earning a buck in an honest profession.

JP4user said:
Or they are hallucinating from too much Blue Aid.

You've changed your tune over the last week or so...or are you just growing tired of masking your true colors?

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