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B19 Flyer

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Bad management doesn't create unions, unions create unions. You are a pilot, you made a choice to become a pilot, knew the hours, knew the pay, knew what you were up against just like I did. We made a choice.

When unions were created they were there to help people survive with basic needs that couldn't fend for themselves in a society where they had no alternatives.

This isn't true in aviation today (or ever for that matter). You aren't pinned down by geographical barriers and have the ability to change jobs to better yourself and your career. That wasn't true 60, 70 years ago. You have choices, they didn't.

90% of management? Are you out of your mind? The kicker is, that you will stand behind your union and those running it with the thoughts that they are smarter than company management.

If those people were so smart, why are they not in the company management group making the money themselves rather than backing the company into a corner by making unreasonable demands? Is it because they don't have the skills to be a manager and the best they can do is be a schoolyard bully?

I fly for a nonunion shop. I don't want a union because I fly for a 10% outfit. But you will always be a tool because you think operations like Comair (former carrier) would be better off without a union. It was little better than slavery with a union. Without one it would have been a cocentration camp.
First round is on me for anybody headed too company recurrent on monday...ONLY, if we ignore mrs. ass clown. G200..you get a free second round strictly for the fact that I know you wanna put a hurtn on this fool. Time is ticking.......:beer:
Yeah he probably is and you're a really bad souless union buster. How long till we get released for self help and get to strike anyways?
It does beg the question. If management is always working so hard, and you are management, where do you find the time to post on FI?
It does beg the question. If management is always working so hard, and you are management, where do you find the time to post on FI?

Maybe it takes a long time to post for you, but I really don't spend a lot of time on here.

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