Incorrect. Contact is defined as two-way communications, like you said, but the clock starts when scheduling picks up the phone to call you. I agree that leaving a message does not notify you, but as a reserve pilot, you are understood to be available within 2 hours of the need of the company (plus your hour to duty in, meaning the flight can be scheduled to depart 3 hours from when you were called.)
Now, as a lineholder, if scheduling leaves a message on your voicemail saying that you are junior manned and please report to the airport immediately, then you can safely delete the message and ignore them. Unfortunately with reserves there is a different mindset because you are expected to be available.
Wrong, I did the time starts now with scheduling for 1.5yrs on reserve and I am about to go back on reserve and I will do it again till told not to by the union and CP at the same table.
Never had a problem