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Asa - 22 Crj900

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You should go buy a Cessna Cardinal with all of that money and go fly it to Albany, GA for lunch sometime.....

Why would anyone work there that didn't have to?


Someone is posting flamebait or drinking LOTS of company supplied Kool-Aid.
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but then they should understand the pay and benefits NORMALLY associated with regional flying.
Why should regional pilots accept traditionally low wages? Why should RJ pilots have to wait to make it to the majors to make a sustainable wage?

That is the way it goes. To bring down larger planes for less pay is WRONG.

I hope DALPA practices what you preach

Yes, things are eroding at the Majors currently, but that may not be forever, unless pilots are willing to fly larger for less at the regionals.

Things are eroding at the majors, and that may be forever, especially if pilots at Mainline are willing to fly larger for less at the majors......

For the record, I do hope for growth at the majors. However, why would the average pilot want to uproot his family, and give up his seniority for a job that will be only marginally better? Keep the majors salaries and work rules intact, and you may find support. Best of luck to you guys. I do mean that!
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rtmcfi said:
Why should regional pilots accept traditionally low wages? Why should RJ pilots have to wait to make it to the majors to make a sustainable wage?

I hope DALPA practices what you preach

Things are eroding at the majors, and that may be forever, especially if pilots at Mainline are willing to fly larger for less at the majors......

There are a lot of things that you are missing. First of all, we aren't bringing down the wages, we actually took them to the highest level they have ever been. (Oh, that must be why we are tanking right now---not the selling of the fuel hedges, buying $2 billion in stock prior to 9-11, etc...) Jetblue actually set the benchmark for EVERYTHING 100 seats and UNDER, including 50 and 70 seat RJs. Everything will be based off of that new rate, and your pay cuts will come too, not thanks to Dalpa. Sad but true. Look at the new proposed Comair rates.

Those planes we are going after are going to REPLACE our 737-200s eventually, so unless we want to shrink, we would be crazy NOT to go after the larger RJs. That makes sense, right? We may have to take less pay initially to get the planes on the property. If you let them go, you will never get them back. They are replacement aircraft for our current 737-200s.

If we don't take a stand now, things may never get better. We are attempting that right now.

Bye Bye--General Lee
General Lee said:
Those planes we are going after are going to REPLACE our 737-200s eventually, so unless we want to shrink, we would be crazy NOT to go after the larger RJs. That makes sense, right? We may have to take less pay initially to get the planes on the property. If you let them go, you will never get them back. They are replacement aircraft for our current 737-200s.

Bye Bye--General Lee
General: You let them go in 1996. Now you are trying to take them back while other ALPA members are performing that flying.
General Lee said:
If we don't take a stand now, things may never get better. We are attempting that right now.

Bye Bye--General Lee
I could not agree with you more. In fact, this is the position I took in 2000 and I'm holding the course. I am glad the Judge in the RJDC suit refused ALPA's request to hold the lawsuit in abeyance and actually accelerated the case given recent events.

Not that a decision in the RJDC suit will directly impact scope, but it would give SJ pilots a voice in the National Union. I don't think anyone is arguing for a reversal of the current hijack situation our union is in. We just want the union to be the representative democracy that it is supposed to be.
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The Big Picture
Sorry this is a neat discussion but you are all missing the really big picture. Delta is going to liquidate or merge. End of discussion. Scope the regionals out completely who gives a rats a$$. Delta has been unable to string together a profitable month since 9/11. General I know you're senior but liquidation is a catch all.
Place blame all you want... Management, Scope, RJDC, The RJ, Pilot pay, fuel hedge, stock buy back... At the end of the day Delta will not exist in five years. So there is your big picture... Don't forget you heard it first on FLIGHT INFO!!!
imagine that...

General Lee said:
Wow, you're awesome. You go girl. You should go buy a Cessna Cardinal with all of that money and go fly it to Albany, GA for lunch sometime..... Did you inherit that money? I bet you did, because you sound pretty dumb. Spoiled brat.
General Lee said:
Bye Bye--General Lee

Exactly as I imagined. You tell General Lee somthing he cannot spout Momma delta has all the answers and he reverts to "spoiled brat, and you go girl" in the truly elitist mindset that we have all grown to loathe.

I know its hard to comprehend but I am a 34 yo male. I started with nothing and have EARNED EVERY STINKING PENNY with nothing but hard work and determination. Which are things I know you know NOTHING about.

I know plenty of little men that feed their little ego's with items like gross take off weight and num of pax per plane but welcome to a true free market. People like you need Delta, you need that environment because you would have your a$$ handed to you if you every really had to compete in a true free market. You need seniority because head to head in the real world you would be the TBKANE plug in any corporation and when you log off at night on your st martin overnight you realize that.

Get over yourself and your gold bars...and like I said before, If i had a chance, you better believe I would take every single bit of flying from you if it meant better conditions for my family as I know you would to me.
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General Lee said:
We may have to take less pay initially to get the planes on the property. If you let them go, you will never get them back. They are replacement aircraft for our current 737-200s.

If we don't take a stand now, things may never get better. We are attempting that right now.

Bye Bye--General Lee
and all this time you idiots have been bitching about various regionals doing this exact thing. Now its ok because it benefits you? Oh, thats right, I forgot mailine pilots are the only ones that can help us all. Sometimes I'm still amazed by your incredible arrogance.
ohplease! said:
and all this time you idiots have been bitching about various regionals doing this exact thing. Now its ok because it benefits you? Oh, thats right, I forgot mailine pilots are the only ones that can help us all. Sometimes I'm still amazed by your incredible arrogance.

Spoken like a true high school grad. My how views have changed since my days at ASA. Please, show my beloved Auburn some respect and change your avatar.
800Dog said:
Spoken like a true high school grad. My how views have changed since my days at ASA. Please, show my beloved Auburn some respect and change your avatar.

yo dog. any AU grad with a shred of self respect would never have dog anything in their name. blow me.
Crash Pad said:
The Big Picture
Sorry this is a neat discussion but you are all missing the really big picture. Delta is going to liquidate or merge. End of discussion. Scope the regionals out completely who gives a rats a$$. Delta has been unable to string together a profitable month since 9/11. General I know you're senior but liquidation is a catch all.
Place blame all you want... Management, Scope, RJDC, The RJ, Pilot pay, fuel hedge, stock buy back... At the end of the day Delta will not exist in five years. So there is your big picture... Don't forget you heard it first on FLIGHT INFO!!!

You also said United and USAir would be be gone by now too. I will agree that it is likely that Delta will be merged, probably with NW (look at thread I created yesterday concerning DL/NW/AF/KLM), and it is uncertain who's name will continue (although DL is bigger). But, to say what will happen in 5 years is beyond me. How do you know? I believe Mars will attack and the "War of the Worlds" will come true. Steven Spielberg is a Genius----everything in his movie is TRUE. Start stocking up now........dig a cave, and hide---NOW!!!!

Bye Bye--General Lee

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