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AS Recalls?

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Well, You have done your homework, so I cannot fault you on background. Don't get me wrong, I would love it if ALK got a good hold in HI. It would be best for me if there was a base in the islands. But, I have worked for Error Group for too long. They are too smart for this. It would be analyzed for years and when all is said and done, the risk vs reward is just not there. ALK has much more promising streams of revenue back in their corner of the world. ALK is extremely conservative.
I hope you're right -- the only tlhing is the pit in the bottom of my stomach is telling me that they don't need to convine an emergency MEC meeting to do nothing.

It's just a "special" MEC meeting. No emergency. This was planned weeks ago. ANC and LAX are working well together to protect their interests. Who knows what will happen but sincerely hope one group doesn't take it in the shorts while one gets a windfall.

Pray for Mass recalls.
They are too smart for this. It would be analyzed for years and when all is said and done, the risk vs reward is just not there. ALK has much more promising streams of revenue back in their corner of the world. ALK is extremely conservative.

This I do agree with.

Anybody have any idea what happened today at the MEC meeting?
Special MEC Meeting Concludes
MEC Discussed Seattle ETOPS Base

During today’s Special MEC Meeting, your MEC, Negotiating Committee and Status Representatives discussed management’s proposal with respect to the creation of an ETOPS base in Seattle, and the potential ramifications absent an agreement.

At the end of the day, the MEC provided direction to your Negotiating Committee to continue discussions with management that would further enhance any potential agreement.

We understand that there are a number of rumors regarding what might happen with pilot staffing as a result of these ETOPS discussions. We encourage you to remain tuned in to MEC communications and be wary of rumors. As always, we will continue to keep you informed as there is new information available. We also encourage you to continue contacting your Status Representative to share your thoughts on this subject.
I was told recently by our CP that we will not be recalling for atleast 18 mo's ... Hopefully he is wrong. But after the senior guys over here get done eat their young... I think he is probably right. SEA ETOPS base no mater what the cost these guys have to make it to HI they are losing sleep because jr guys have better layovers then they do.
Mmmmm. Young pilots. Breakfast of (ALPA) Champions.
I SEA ETOPS base no mater what the cost these guys have to make it to HI they are losing sleep because jr guys have better layovers then they do.

That's the worst part of it. HI/blue water flying sucks. HNL layover is cool, the rest of them, (after 2 layovers) are just as boring and lame and any other 24 hr layover.

That Seasonal Affected Disorder runs deep up there. If we make concessions to get a SEA ETOPS base, I guarantee that SEA will eventually have buyers remorse.

HI just isn't that cool.

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