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Arrogant/cocky first officers

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YoYoJet said:
Well, by looking at how many times you have posted on this site it's obvious you have nothing better to do. I just asked a simple question to fellow captains. Sorry that you spend your precious time off from your ego boosting airline job responding to a honest question like angry little boys.

And we can tell by your idiotic question and forthright (tic) profile how incredibly mature you are. If you insist on signing on to act like a horse's ass, expect the retorts.

If you don't know how to deal with a weak (for whatever reason) crew member, perhaps you should reevaluate your leadership skills and whether or not you have the requisite people skills and character to call yourself a "Captain".

Just a thought.
What do you expect with a question like that?

But, it's like I said before, if you have to ask, then you have no business being Captain.

Ego boosting airline job? That's pretty funny. Apparently, more than your ego needs boostiing. How about one of those chairs like the give the little kids at the barber shop? Maybe it'll help you sit up straight and tall so those inexperienced FOs you're having so much trouble with with give you the respect you obviously crave, but just as obviously don't get. Gee....I wonder why??

You have much to learn, grasshopper.
Some of you guys are too harsh on this Captain. I would slap the first office and tell him to go stand in the back of the airplane. Or on second thought, I would send him to the dreaded Time Out. That would teach him a lesson.
So, I find it very hard to believe that Capt.s have to take the airplane from an FO at an airline.

It's a sad fact, but a true fact. I can no longer count on my hands and feet the number of times I've had to take the controls from an FO. Bear in mind that I was an Army helicopter pilot and a CFI, so it takes a lot to get the pucker factor going.

I've taken the controls from an FO for forgetting simple things... like bringing the power back up when leveling from a decent. I generally let it get real slow before I do anything. Once I had to take it during a missed approach when the FO stopped his climb at 500 feet and starting to sink. I've had to take it countless number of times during strong cross wind landings. No wind correction, the wrong correction, or landing sideways on a contaminated runway.

The majority of pilots I fly with are excellent. Some bad apples do certainly get through the training process and make it to the line. There is only so much mentoring and instructing that you can do.
Originally posted by chperplt I've taken the controls from an FO for forgetting simple things... like bringing the power back up when leveling from a decent. I generally let it get real slow before I do anything.[/B]

Um, just a thought, but wouldn't it have been easier to just say, "Hey, you might want to add a little power there." Why would you take the controls for something simple like this?
I have flown with many relatively low time co-pilots and some of them guys sure could fly the plane, and the ones that couldn't were were so far ahead mentally you couldn't tell. If any First Officer offers some insight or a recommendation, He probably see something or senses something I don't. Just because some fed made the mistake of passing you on your type ride, and company let you slip by on your IOE doesn't make you a Captian, it makes you the PIC. The true sense of a Captian is something you earn by respect amongst your peers. All you young "Captians" I hope for your sake and everyone else on that plane you listen to your FO.

chperplt said:
Bear in mind that I was an Army helicopter pilot and a CFI, so it takes a lot to get the pucker factor going.

Based on the rest of your post, I reckon that you are using "a lot" as a very subjective term.
Um, just a thought, but wouldn't it have been easier to just say, "Hey, you might want to add a little power there." Why would you take the controls for something simple like this?

Thanks for the advice Mr. PFT and proud of it. Maybe I did that from 220kias all the way down to the low 100s..
You know that same guy/gal that forgot to add power at level-off will upgrade as soon as their number is called. Contrary to popular belief "captain class" does not rid them of these habits or lack of focus, let alone stick. I think you can still be a good captain w/out stick. God knows, there is enough of them. People should learn how to be a good pilot before they get PAID to fly. They should learn how to be a good captain, by learning from every capt they have flown with. The learning curve does not stop, even after you master the airplane, book, etc. As for cocky Fo's, I have heard of a lot of them at my company coming from other airlines and trying to do it "their way". I came from another airline and if they were good I would not have dumped them. FO's should do whatever they can to get the trip over as safely as possible, if you don't have fun so be it, this is a job sometimes. If a captain doesn't like the way you do something he/she is probably the same jerk that let the shaker go off in a climb or forgot to add power after a leveloff. Just do it their way (safety permitting), and learn how not to be. I am a very sharp FO, it would be very hard to find a captain that thinks otherwise, but somebody probably does, you can't make everybody happy. If they don't like the way I do it, I will try it thier way and listen to the radio the whole trip. Confidence and cockiness are totally different. Don't be cocky, just bite your tongue and get the trip over with. As for the captain america who, we have all probably flown with, you know the one. Yeah, the one that forgets all CRM and is a one man/woman show. That is what sick time is for. Sorry about the soapbox.
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