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ALPA National changes policy, now supports Age 65 retirement

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I cannot avoid watching you jackoff onto the control column hitting the mic,
above mentioned jerkin' manuvers are your room mates.

Now go back to airliners.com and rub one off to your fav JPG of the vaunted 74 of your fantasies.

You must be a blast to fly with. All you do is think about your FO's playing with themselves. Even in the other post, you mentioned how you like to think of them rubbing one out infront of little kids.
You're one sick puppy. Puppies like need to be put to sleep.
You must be a blast to fly with. All you do is think about your FO's playing with themselves. Even in the other post, you mentioned how you like to think of them rubbing one out infront of little kids.
You're one sick puppy. Puppies like YOU need to be put to sleep.

Missed a word, my personal editor took the holiday weekend off.
If you were really worried about your financial expense, you would have never gone to the regionals, or into the aviation industry at all.

My financial situation now is just peachy...but if you can't wrap your head around the long-term career (hence financial) ramifications of this change for a young/junior/furloughed pilot you are either naive, stupid, or both.

You're just pissed because you realized your little pipe dream sucks, being away from home 20 days a month and making the crap pay that you do, isn't worth it.

Wrong on all counts, but if you really want to believe that, be my guest.

Somebody get this biatch a tissue.

Don't need a tissue there, Chief, but thanks for the concern.

Only on Flightinfo is someone "bitching" when they stand in opposition to your point of view, even when facts and figures are presented to support their position. I love it....
As posted on another website...
You speak of a sense of entitlement in younger folks...just what do you think old folks have??? I've heard a bunch of incredulous attitude from pro-change folks that older pilots are seemingly "owed" another 5 years because of their 1. seniority, 2. sacrifices post-9/11, 3. loss of pensions or the most foolish of them all, 4. age. Older pilots have fought their battles and faced their adversity; younger pilots will do the same in their time. Why should I have fo fight for both? Why should my earning potential and career progression fund their loss of pension, ex-wives, toys, and financial mismanagement simply because of my young? If that's not narcissistic, I don't know what is!

The absolute only thing I feel "entitled" to is the same benefit of career progression as a 59 year old had when he was in my shoes. Actually, I also feel entitled to folks telling the truth about this whole deal...its not about "the right thing to do", its not about ICAO, its about money....
Want some cheese with that whine?
As posted on another website...
You're stalking my posts on APC?


Want some cheese with that whine?
Funny. The pro-change crowd has called me spoiled, whiny, bitching, stupid, etc...but nobody has once offered a logical reason as to why my position is flawed or otherwise "incorrect". Nobody has once addressed in a reasonable manner the negative impact this will have to the career and earning potential of junior, furloughed, and young airline pilots.

I've been nothing but upfront and honest about what is motivating me...is that too much to ask of everyone else?
What irks me most about age 65 is the timing of all this. So much pro-65 sentiment is coming out because so many pilots are nearing retirement and do not have enough saved. I know pensions were raped, but that is a seperate legislative battle. Make congress rule that pension obligations are obligations, and that underfunding that occurs during the years prior to bankruptcy must be paid back to the employees, and that pensions can only be frozen, not removed. But DO NOT make everyone else pay for your shortfalls. Because of age 65, I will now be stuck at a lower pay rate for 5 years, and with a lower QOL as a regional FO and soon junior regional Captain. This comes at a time when I am trying to support my newly growing family; I am now going to have to suffer through lousy schedules for five years longer, during the years when my presence at home is most needed.
You can tell me that i am here by own choice, but rest assured your lack of compassion for the pilots who have been trying to follow in your footsteps will not go unpunished. Try non-revving as a retiree on my flight, after you made me miss 5 more of my children's birthdays, and after I missed 5 more years of family holidays and get-togethers, and after I had to listen to YOU for for five more years telling ME that I am ruining the industry and that I am responsible for the race to the bottom. I will leave your old sorry ass sitting in the terminal til the next flight...then maybe you can miss your grandkids graduation.
You reap what you sow... you can erase my bitterness during your five more years by making changes that benefit your junior brethren. The unions will listen to you, becuase you can hold executive seats, and you pay the greatest dues. But if you continue to demand personal windfalls and leave the rest of us to rot, rest assured I will leave you to rot as well.
You're stalking my posts on APC?

I thought this post looked familiar...
Funny. The pro-change crowd has called me spoiled, whiny, bitching, stupid, etc...but nobody has once offered a logical reason as to why my position is flawed or otherwise "incorrect". Nobody has once addressed in a reasonable manner the negative impact this will have to the career and earning potential of junior, furloughed, and young airline pilots.
Dude, where do you get off lecturing other pilots on this? You've been a pilot HOW long and you're complaining about how bad you're going to have it? What sacrifices have you made in the name of being a pilot? What mountain of experience are you preaching from? How many grey hairs are on your head because of divorces, fatigue, substance abuse, health issues, and financial problems? But I get it...you read a couple of Ernest Gann books while studying aviation in college, and that's like walking a mile in his shoes. Probably logged some time in "The Two" while you were at it, right? With that kind of experience, who SHOULDN'T listen to you?

Using that as an insight, it comes across as pretty selfish for you to tell someone else who really gave something for their career to get out of your way.
Once again...insulting and attacking me personally, instead of my position.

Using that as an insight, it comes across as pretty selfish for you to tell someone else who really gave something for their career to get out of your way.
I've not once said "get out of my way", or "lectured" anybody. Regarding a change in the retirement age...some folks are going to make out like bandits, for others it will be a wash, and finally there will be those that have their careers stagnate and their lifetime wealth diminish as a result. I'm in the last category, and to console me with "At least you'll get another 5 years too!" is naive, bordering ignorant. You may not like or agree with my opinion, and you might think I'm being selfish, but you can't honestly say there isn't a major downside involved for a large portion of ALPA members.

Some guys didn't expect their pensions to be lost. I didn't expect the (long-standing) rules to be changed in the middle of the game for the benefit of those senior to me. Might be the first time, but I'm sure it won't be the last.

Expectations are a bitch, aren't they?
Expectations are a bitch, aren't they?
That's my advice to anyone interested in Aviation...you'll do fine as long as you don't have any expectations.

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