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ALPA National changes policy, now supports Age 65 retirement

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Worst. Reasoning. Ever. And you f**kin' boomers think my generation is selfish...

Why do folks have such a hard time realizing someone like myself will never recoup the total wealth I stand to lose with a 5 year delay in my career progression, even if I'm at the top of my earning potential for an extra 5 years?

I am sympathetic for the loss of pensions because it negatively affects everyone in this career ...but why should young/junior/furloughed pilots have to finance the retirement of old/senior/employed pilots? Especially when you consider these same folks have been in the very top percentiles of wage earners in the US, that emotional appeal is hogwash.

If having enough money at retirement was an issue, why didn't "healthy 60 year old regional pilots" take a job with a much higher earning potential years ago? After all, its not like Age 60 retirement is a new thing..

I betcha I won't. I like my job flying airplanes for a living, but I have no intention of subjecting myself to 12-14 hour duty days with 4-7 legs a day, 14-17 days a month, for 42+ years of my life.

This whole change from 60 to 65 retirement doesn't have anything to do with becoming ICAO-standard or abolishing age discrimination. It does have everything to do with $$$. Age 65 is just as arbitrary an age as 60 is, its just 5 years later. It is entirely possible that in 1, 5, 10 or 20 years I'll look back and be thankful for all this and wonder why ALPA hadn't been more proactive...but I seriously doubt it.

Well son, the writing is on the wall.

You got two choices :

1. Deal with it.

2. Find another career.

What's it gonna be ?
... "giving those guys a chance to do something for themselves" is coming at my financial expense. Many older pilots had to eat a sh!t sandwich and it may or may not have been because of something they themselves did or did not do...but why make me take a bite, too?
Dude...I feel like Milton waiting in line while the last few pieces of cake are being handed out to the others. These old farts gotta go! I have a career time-line to keep pace with, and now this puts me behind schedule!!!:bawling:
Hope you folks that were apathetic to this change don't mind your career being postponed another 5 years; you'll never makeup the lost income.

Please be sure to tell those who benefitted their whole careers from advancement due to Age 60 but recently decided such rule was unfair "your welcome"...because their windfall is at your expense.

And how old are you exactly chump?
Dude...I feel like Milton waiting in line while the last few pieces of cake are being handed out to the others. These old farts gotta go! I have a career time-line to keep pace with, and now this puts me behind schedule!!!:bawling:
Spoken like the true $hitbag that you are, greedy, want everything now, without having to work for the bare minimum. I for one am glad that this will prevent you and your poor judgment from commanding anything larger than the crap barge you are currently in. With any kind of luck you will become quickly frustrated at your lack of advancment into the left seat of the 787 and be caught jacking off at the kindergarden fence that you loiter at when not at the charity employment position you had your parents buy for you.
No cake for you, just a Swingline Dash-8, painted with shiny paint.
Spoken like the true $hitbag that you are, greedy, want everything now, without having to work for the bare minimum. I for one am glad that this will prevent you and your poor judgment from commanding anything larger than the crap barge you are currently in. With any kind of luck you will become quickly frustrated at your lack of advancment into the left seat of the 787 and be caught jacking off at the kindergarden fence that you loiter at when not at the charity employment position you had your parents buy for you.
No cake for you, just a Swingline Dash-8, painted with shiny paint.
I wouldn't expect you to see it MY way...if you're older than 28..then get outta my way, GRANDPA! There's alotta 747's out there with the left seat just calling my name!
All that's happening is the changing of an outdated safety oriented rule. Unions, pilots and contracts will adjust to the change.
For all you guys that think this is a new issue. I remember a Capt at Southern running a marathon distance to work on his last day to prove a point back in like 82/83.These change the Age 60 rule folks have been working on this along time.
I wouldn't expect you to see it MY way...if you're older than 28..then get outta my way, GRANDPA! There's alotta 747's out there with the left seat just calling my name!
You are right junior, until the horrible day you achieve the much entitled 4th stripe, you will just be a gear monkey, nothing more than an inflight amusement package for your unfortunate Captains, who because of the cramped cockpit cannot avoid watching you jackoff onto the control column hitting the mic, which you will soon pick up to make your "we are now flying over the hog processing unit at Hormel" PA. Much to the annoyance of your pax who just wanna be left alone and endure the ass-stench wafting up from the unwashed seats and cracked and missing trim on the soon-to-be freight hauling taco-wagon. You are immaterial, your spidermonkey attention span will cause you loose interest and get the job you are most qualified for, lead grill/fry cook at the bowling alley. The only 747 left seat you will occupy will be in the front row of the economy section, where you will annoy the pax with your innane commentary. Seems like you annoy everyone you come into contact with from Capts, to pax on planes you fly on to, yes, the internet. I bet your parents are glad you are away from the basement you "rent" from them 5-6 days a week, and stuck whacking off in the crash pad in ORD you call home now, where the only people you annoy with the above mentioned jerkin' manuvers are your room mates. Now go back to airliners.com and rub one off to your fav JPG of the vaunted 74 of your fantasies.
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