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ALPA Endorses Kerry

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Big surprise. What I want to know is why my ALPA reps felt they had to send out letters before the endorsement was public explaining that the endorsement didn't really mean anything and was limited entirely to Kerry's perceived support of airline pilots. I guess that means they're not going to use any of my union dues to support his campaign. We'll see. In the meantime, ALPA's endorsement is worth about the same as all the other union endorsements. A big yawn.
SWA GUY said:
Al Queda endorses John F*cking Kerry too!

That's a cheap shot.

And who would you have ALPA endorse? Bush??

Get real. You call yourself a union member? Yet you support an illegitimate incumbent president who as far as organized labor is concerned...is the anti-christ. His hatred of unions is no secret. He is bought and paid for by corporate america who fully endorses his race to bottom mentality and hyper-inflated personal agenda.

Even if you don't personally like Kerry; at least his record of labor friendliness gives us hope that we can begin to retake ground lost at the hands of the Bush Administration.

For once....vote your conscience instead of your pocketbook.
DonVerita said:
That's a cheap shot.

Yet you support an illegitimate incumbent president....

Speaking of cheap shots...how did you decide upon using the word illegitimate in this context?
Newsflash Bush-haters.......

When they finally tallied ALL the votes available BUSH WON ......

HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE LEGITIMATE PRESIDENT and will win a landslide over Kerry.....
For once....vote your conscience instead of your pocketbook.

I will do both. Even a lot of dem's were saying "thank goodness Bush was in office" when 9/11 happened. That's because we needed a man with great leadership. Soooo, I will vote my conscience and voter for a leader. I will also vote my pocketbook and vote for lower taxes at the same time...
Just wondering how many pilots vote Republican but are also big supporters of their union and what it's done for them? From my experience there are a whole lot. Seems like a conflict of interest. Yes, I realize there is more to politics than just a career, but at least be consistent. So how can a pilot say I deserve and demand better pay, benefits, etc and as also complain that their UNION supports the Democrats? I seem to remember during the 2000 elections ALPA tried to have an interview with all the candidates about their feelings toward the airlines. Nearly all responded, both Dems and Repubs, except Bush. It would be nice to know what our future President thought about something so important in our lives. I am not a big advocate of the Democrats. I just find it funny that pilots I fly with want it both ways, but it just doesnt' work that way. Pilots are simply blue-collar labor. This career is all a game....you just have to decide what team you want to be on.
ALPA should not have endorsed anyone and just stayed out of this whole presidential election. There's too much going on today for them to make such a blanket endorsement of Kerry on behalf of its members

Ditto !!
In Dec., 2000, Sen. John Kerry said of the proposed merger of USAir and United Airlines...

"A USAir bankruptcy, which would result in the loss of 45,000 jobs and service to many small and medium communities is an acceptable alternative to the proposed merger between USAir and United Airlines."

Somebody convince me that this is pro labor, which is apparently one of the primary sounding boards of Democrats. Just as someone has already stated, Sen. Kerry will back off from his statement and re-twist his words into something different.

Now that ALPA has endorsed him, I would like to hear what he has to say now about his stand on any future consolidation within the industry. Can anyone say Waffle.

ALPA endorsing Sen. Kerry is like pouring salt on an open wound, and that is why I will never contribute to ALPA Pac.

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