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Airtran Pilot/FFDO Arrested: Blows .05 in MSP

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With .05?
I'm really not that concerned- I'd fly w/ my mother and feel about as good as getting on with a regional crew that is scheduled to all nuttiness. It's not my favorite, but I have high confidence in virtually all flight crews- and we all prove it everyday putting our bodies through the ringer with this job. Look, it's the MADD dominated culture- driving is statistically factors more dangerous than flying and drivers much less responsible and well trained at their task. I'm not espousing being lit on the job, but why is it acceptable for Air France pilots to have a glass of wine across the pond, but we're thrown into a witch-hunt rooted in public ignorance of commercial flying when a pilot blows .05?

A dumb move considering the current rules and public perception? Yes ( IF he is in fact guilty)-- But are the current rules and public perception asinine and unfounded? I stand by that. The pendulum has swung too far.

I agree with your post. I have always tried to use some sort of self control on overnights. Depending on the length of the overnight, I may go as little as 2 beers on shorter turns, and with a long overnight I might get me a good buzz on.
Plus we don't know all the factors with this guy. Maybe he is going through a Divorce which almost half of Airline pilots do. I know it doesn't make it right. Tons of factors... Hell I beat if you really Get hammer on a overnight and have 12 hours to recover you might just still blow a .05

Good Luck to this guy!! Note, if you get hammer don't go around breathing on TSA people.
Can the same professionalism for which a 6-figure salary is justified, demand that you choose NO alcohol on an overnight, regardless of what is legal?
Can the same professionalism for which a 6-figure salary is justified, demand that you choose NO alcohol on an overnight, regardless of what is legal?

Nope. Just as they cannot demand certain bed times, tv shows, reading material and so on.

When you are off duty, you are not at work. The only time conflicts arise is when your off duty activities interfere in some notable way with your fitness to work when assigned.
When you learn to read it will be obvious that I said 1271 was a perfect approach. I made zero mention of 1455. I don't mind if you're a hater I'd just like you to get your facts straight.


I wasn't hating! And your right I screwed that up! I was just firing back at the guy that proclaimed that Airtran's screw up shows that don't belong in the same class as SouthWest.

I just showed that everyone is subject to screw ups.... So no, I am not a Hater!!
How did anyone miss the obvious posts?

Seniority number?

What line did he have? Is it in open time for 150% yet?

Who is the D-Bag talking about six figures and no drinking. Tell you what I'll stop drinking when the seven figure wall street types drop hookers and blow. We fly a couple hundred people. They mess with several hundred million.

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