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Airtran MEC voted no

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Not sure what you mean. I'm not too happy that I didn't get a say in the matter, but I'm not sure what GK has to do with what happens next. As per the process agreement, this goes to Mediation through September 30th, then if no agreement it goes to Arbitration.

Negative. The Process Agreement was a blueprint for how the negotiations would work if the operations were to be integrated. It doesn't force an integration.
GK said currently there is no plan B. But he also said that doesn't mean there couldn't be a Plan B. I'm hoping we see Plan B.
I hope this works out for the AT and SW pilots in mediation/arbitration, I mean, what could possibly go wrong? If this outcome is what the majority of AT pilots wanted that's fair but there's no way to know that for sure now. I still think there is hope for a "tweak" in mediation or a mutal, negotiated deal at some point during arbitration before a forced outcome is handed down.

I think this could be done by DOH with the CA retirement vacancies from both sides "fenced" for the respective native pilots so upward movement from attrition remains the same as before the deal came along. Add some other provisions to equalize some other perceived injustices on both sides and a deal is still possible. I still think the known of some sort of negotiated agreement (just not this one I guess) is better for both sides than a total crapshoot involving an arbitrated list and the joint CBA (won't those negotiations be fun) to follow. I haven't lost hope in the negotiations yet. After a brief period of anger and distrust this may make both sides focus harder and get more creative. Anything can get done of both sides really feel it's important to make it happen. Let's get back to the table and hopefully get this done, I know it CAN be done.
I think this could be done by DOH with the CA retirement vacancies from both sides "fenced" for the respective native pilots so upward movement from attrition remains the same as before the deal came along.

Well let's make it fair and you hold what seat your seniority bears...oh,let me answer, you can't have OUR Seats
I think this could be done by DOH with the CA retirement vacancies from both sides "fenced" for the respective native pilots so upward movement from attrition remains the same as before the deal came along.

Well let's make it fair and you hold what seat your seniority bears...oh,let me answer, you can't have OUR Seats

This sounds fair to me.
News flash

Lear, good luck buddy, our BOD has emphatically stated the negotiations are over, no room to mediate if YOUR side already agreed in principle.

Now, a last minute deal, maybe, but consider this: Gary has never improved upon a negotiated deal, the results after a group has rejected his first offer have always been less, with every employee group confronted. Think about that.

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