I would suggest leaving the "emotional" side at home when you step into your office. A true professional whether it be a pilot/flight attendant/etc usually does not let comments of this nature effect them in any way, shape, or form. A very simple and elementary solution would be to rise above it and look the other way. It is rather easy to blow it off and let it go in one ear and out the other, kind of a childish post if you ask me... Even though these kinds of people are not going to be on every one of your flights you can always expect this kind of attitude every now and then so handle it, deal with it and move on. If safety was being compromised in any way then you may have a valid point but when such a simple comment is made that you take "offense" to that a fellow company employee directed towards you and post it on a public board then it makes some of us wonder and have to say what the fuc$... As long as I have frequented this board I have never come across any other posts such as this one. This tells me one thing, people don't let their emotions get the best of them since obviously this does go on within the industry... Pilots and flight attendants are paid to get passengers from point a to point b safely without scratching a pax or dinging a piece of metal in the process, not to make friends with each other. Simple as that. Funny during IOE/checks, etc when a pilot gets corrected or a comment is made that he does not "like" he does not get all emotional and b!tch, whine, etc, on a public board. Go figure. (no sarcasm intended)
Amen Caveman..
3 5 0
If you hate your job quit and go back to telemarketing or whatever it is you did before your cursed this airline with your meanspirited, whinyassed countenance.
Amen Caveman..
3 5 0
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