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737 PFT: Set Me Straight

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1) You pay money to a specific carrier in order to fly for that specific carrier.

2) You take a position in return for that money which would normally be filled by a paid, competent pilot, who is paid a wage as a cost of doing business, not from the money he paid in.

Southwest no doubt saves money by hiring typed pilots who are then trained in the Southwest operation. The many Lear operators (Citation, Hawker, Falcon, G-IV, etc) who want to look at only typed candidates are doing the same thing.

Types are good at any operator. PFT money is spent only at one.
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Re: Re: reasons

Typhoon1244 said:

Unless somebody can assert that SWA's training department saves absolutely no time or money by dealing with pre-typed pilots, I gotta go with uwochris and BigFlyr on this one...I'm forced to conclude that this is a form of PFT.

Bad conclusion.

Sorry my friend but we gotta part ways on this one. SWA still has to send them thru training, and the applicant does NOT pay for that, SWA does.

It is a requirement for hire that is all. Just like 1000 turbine PIC, or a college degree, or a nose ring, or whatever. It is just a criteria. No one said you had to pay for the type, you could get it from Vanguard, or AWA, or United, or Delta, or Continental, or Uncle Sam. If you don't have it, then you are free to pay for it. You are NOT paying for SWA to train you.

SWA in not PFT.

That being said, draw your conclusions folks, and call it what you like. It is still the best darn airline in the world...period.

My question is who gives a $hit? PFT is a dead rotting corpse of a horse that continues to get beat. I don't agree with it, nor support it, but in the tough economic climate we are in, I'd bet the farm it comes back at some companies. Pilot jobs are a seller's market. If it does, it will go like this:

Some will do it, because they can afford it (lucky), some will do it even though they can't afford it (smart), some won't do it because they can't afford it (unfortunate), some won't do it because they don't beleive in it(pricipled, but who ever got ahead in aviation on their principles), and then there are those who won't do it because they can't afford it, but will spend the rest of their live's sitting on their imaginary high horse, telling anyone who will listen to how they didn't do it because of their strong moral fiber and helped bring the PFT henchmen of mgt to their knees and ridded the world of a terrible evil (bull$hitters).

Just like the 90's. It is what it is. Do what is right for you, and go on about your business. Some like it, some don't. Who cares???

BTW, if any of you disagree or are repulsed by SWA policy, GREAT!!! Don't apply. That is one less pilot that I have to compete with for my dream job.
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Southwest hires Captains. They hire with the intent of the new hire to be a captain someday. Having the type rating assures SWA this pilot is Captain qualified.

Also, I've been told the insurance costs less with 2 qualified Captains in the Cockpit versus one.
w8n4swa said:
Southwest hires Captains.
Also, I've been told the insurance costs less with 2 qualified Captains in the Cockpit versus one.

All airlines have the same "we only hire captains" shpeel... The fact that SWA saves money by hiring 737 typed guys reinforces what I said before... Its all about the $$$ baby!!! And yes we ALL know that SWA has to train their pilots regardless of typed or not BUT they save on the EXTRA ck-ride they would have gotten with the FEDS at time for upgrade.

THAT BEING SAID... I would still love to work for SWA!!!

Explain to me how it saves them "$$$" on the checkride. I would assume that when an FO is ready for upgrade to Captain s/he, or rather the company, has an option. 1.) Use the FAA at no charge during the upgrade. 2.) Use a company designated examiner. Since it can be done in the simulator these days, and SWA owns them, it's little or now cost even if they had to call in a designated examiner off the street, what's that cost, $250-$300. I would assume that they would have a company designated examiner in the training department.

Please elaborate on the cost break down if you will. I don't see how it saves them that much. My opinion is that it's a weeding out process and shows them just how much your desire is to work for them.

SWA requiring a 737 type is not PFT.

Polar Air is looking for FOs and their ad says, "747 type preferred" or something to that effect. They might as well say required because thats what is going to get you the job.

SWA is not PFT because you are not guaranteed an interview by buying a type rating. When you PFT w/ NW Airlink for example, your check guarantees you an interview (and most likely a seat for training).

SWA also doesn't tell you to go buy a type. They require one.

So if UAL says they require a 4 year degree, does that make them PFT because you might have to BUY a degree?
RJones said:

Explain to me how it saves them "$$$" on the checkride.

Please elaborate on the cost break down if you will. I don't see how it saves them that much. My opinion is that it's a weeding out process and shows them just how much your desire is to work for them.

Ok...Now I'm not an Airline Manager or CFO or anything like that. If I were I wouldn't be wasting my time on this forum. I may be wrong but I would think that if SWA can spare the simulator session required for the 737 type rating then they are saving money whether they own the sims or or not. Not only do they save on the session but they save on paying the instructor and the guy that would be flying support. Multiply that times the number of captain upgrades at SWA in a year and it probably adds up to a subtantial amount of $$$!

As for the weeding-out process is concerned... Give me a break! The 737 type is probably the easiest one, IMHO, that you can buy(didn't buy mine and proud of it).

Years ago, the "real airlines" didn't require ATPs and Type Ratings because their pilots would get them as they upgraded to Captain. It was all in the cost of doing business. :p

All that said, I think SWA is a great airline and has set the standard for efficiency. The "real airlines" (and you know who you are) will have to restructure to compete.
I have a question for all of you in the know? In the heyday of Flight Safety's Bridge programs, if you went through one and spent your 12,000.00 and got your interview and were not hired, would you have been more competitive at a non bridge airline(assuming you did the brasilia training which I believe was the bulk of the bridge programs)? In other words if Co-Ex or ComAir did not hire you, do you think that you would have had a leg up at SkyWest?
Suppose instead of the program being tailored to a specific carrier, it was simply a EMB-120 or a SF-340 type rating program with generic 121 profiles. And in order to be hired at SkyWest or ASA or Express Airlines 1 you had to have a type. What would we have called it back then....hmm........
in the book "nuts" it explains how SWa wants pilots to have an investment in their career at SWA. If an applicant was to spend 10 grand to get an interview then they were commited. This is in addition to the lower insurance, etc. Greatest carrier in the world guys.
As if all the sweat, blood, tears, poor wages, horrible employers and tens of thousands of dollars in flight training weren't an investment into the career to that point.

If someone tells me they want me to spend $10k to show that I am committed to my career, I'd beat the daylights out of them.

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