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737 PFT: Set Me Straight

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The infamous PFT debate...ever heard of it.

Uhhh....yessir. That horse done died, but he sure is still stinkin' up the joint.

Folks, please, for the love o' Pete, let it go.

A less contentious discussion would be nice.

How 'bout ProLife vs. ProChoice.

How 'bout religion.

Anyone, anyone. Can we pick a new topic, pleeeeease???:D

I respect your opinion but I still disagree with you. The only difference I can see is that typical PFT is on a brasilia or jetstream, and southwest is a Boeing 737. Southwest is a great company with 737's and the people that critisized and condemned previous PFT are now trying very hard to draw lines of distinction so they can be in a different (better) category. They are trying to justify southwest PFT. It is PFT. There are people very qualified to fly for southwest but are not willing to buy the 737 type. By your definition, people that are applying there are cutting in line.


The pilot community knows where there loyalty lies. What the hell are you talking about. What loyalty? Who the hell do you think you are you arrogant judgemental schmuck. Where you work has a lot to do with luck. Don't claim luck as a rare and unique skill.
MetroSheriff said:
That horse done died, but he sure is still stinkin' up the joint. Folks, please, for the love o' Pete, let it go.
Well, I'm fairly new to this board...wanted to make sure I got my share. :D

A less contentious discussion would be nice. How 'bout ProLife vs. ProChoice. How 'bout religion. Anyone, anyone. Can we pick a new topic, pleeeeease???
Well, okay. I'll start: I think all aborted fetuses should be sacrificed to Lucifer. Who wants to fight about it?

(Take that look off your face! I'm just kidding!)
I'm on a mission from god

You see? This is the problem with the whole PFT discussion.

People get crazy.

It's really quite simple. If you pay a company for their training that's required by Federal Aviation Regulation then that's PFT.

That's it.

It's really simple.

PFT is nothing less; nothing more.

I've been checking into this (and other) boards for probably four years. People always use hyperbole in the worst form to justify whatever weak point they're trying to make.

Just stick to the point: Did you pay your employer for your Initial New Hire training? If so, then that's PFT.

A 737 type is *NOT* PFT.

I will forever correct this misconception because I'm on a mission from god--and I have nothing better to do.

Keep it simple, ok?

There are people very qualified to fly for southwest but are not willing to buy the 737 type. By your definition, people that are applying there are cutting in line.

If you are talking about my definition of PFT, that isn't correct. In order for a qualified person to be in line at SWA, thay have to have a type, either brand new and never used, or an old type from their old flying job (Vangard?). In either case, the money for the type doesn't go to SWA, ergo, it is not PFT.

Fortunately, this is still a free country, and we can agree to disagree. At the very least, we have made clear our beliefs on this contentious issue.

And, yes, I did have the money. No, a PFT operator did not get my money.

Are you flying these days, mar?
asacap said:

They are trying to justify southwest PFT. It is PFT. There are people very qualified to fly for southwest but are not willing to buy the 737 type. By your definition, people that are applying there are cutting in line.


If they don't have the type, they are NOT qualified for employment at SWA. You can go to their website ( http://www.iflyswa.com/careers/pilots.html ) if you are having trouble understanding their requirements. You can't cut in front of someone who doesn't meet those requirements. You either meet them or you don't. Define those criteria as you wish.
MetroSheriff said:

If they don't have the type, they are NOT qualified for employment at SWA. You can go to their website ( http://www.iflyswa.com/careers/pilots.html ) if you are having trouble understanding their requirements. You can't cut in front of someone who doesn't meet those requirements. You either meet them or you don't. Define those criteria as you wish.

Actually now they will put in the pool without the type, have you notify them when you get the type, and then activate you for a class date. They do this because they get a break in insurance with a 737 typed pilot. They do not charge you for the FAA mandated initial training which every pilot must go through at every carrier. Other carriers have charged for this training.

csmith said:
Actually now they will put in the pool without the type, have you notify them when you get the type, and then activate you for a class date. They do this because they get a break in insurance with a 737 typed pilot. They do not charge you for the FAA mandated initial training which every pilot must go through at every carrier. Other carriers have charged for this training.



Correct. You can be interviewed, and receive a "conditional" offer of employment. I was just trying to explain to ASACAP that without it you a NOT qualified for EMPLOYMENT. Poolies are not employees. As such, folks with the type are not cutting in front of those with out it. By definition, those without the type do not meet the "qualifications for employment. That is all.

For whatever his reason or rationale, he is just trying to tell us that SWA is the apple to Gulftream's orange.

As MOST folks know (or will admit)...that dog don't hunt.
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The real cost....

Ok guys, not that the horse is quite dead yet, keep on floggin'...

I have never wanted to work for any air carrier except SWA, so I did what was necessary to be as qualified as possible when I interviewed. Yes I paid for my 737 type.

I also paid for my CE-500 type and my Lear type. I also REQUIRED anyone who has ever been interviewed by myself for a job as a captain to not only be typed in the equipment I was operating, but to also have sufficient hours in said equipment to qualify for "preferred" rates from my insurance broker(s).

The INVESTMENT I made in myself has paid off. I am hanging out the the "pool" waiting for my class date at SWA. So what DID it cost, and was it worth it??? You decide....

$8500 for everything including hotel,airfare,car, meals, etc...

=17 year career at SWA (hopefully, IF they call soon)

Let's see - that works out to $1.37 per DAY for my training over the next 17 years..... HHMmmmmm, I just had a grande latte' at Starbucks that cost me $3.70.....

You can slice it, dice it, "spin" it, scan it, talk about it, and say just about any **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** thing you want to about it, BUT in "MHO" it was the best $$$$ I have EVER spent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cool:

Like many of you above have said - don't apply for a job if you don't like the policies or hiring practices. PLEASE go somewhere else, your attitude will probably play a large role in where you end up working (or NOT working) in the future anyhow.

FOr myself, I would rather see people HAPPY and enjoying the short time they have here... rather than all ragged off about whatever they are currently whining about.... lighten up....

Have a great day all - can't wait to make that 1st radio call... " Southwest xxx, ready for pushback from gate xx" - best $8500 I EVER spent!!!

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These guys arn't reading what you or I have to say about the issue. I'm glad I did what I did in getting the 737 type and I don't consider it "PFT."

I'll have 19 years with SWA and right now I have 9999.9 hours total time and hope my ten thousand'th hour is in a SWA 737 and it's my leg...it'll be on IOE so we'll see.

RJ #24 in the pool :D

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