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Airspeed, altitude & brains, you've gotta have at least two.

So what's it like being 0 for 3? Sorry they botched the longevity integration......
Information that I received from USAPA says that overturning the award via litigation would be "fruitless," but that a successor union would be "free" to negotiate with the company concerning integration. This is far from the (typical) FlightInfo hype that says the East thinks the award would be dumped if ALPA were toast on the property. How lame this place is, where everything gets blown completely out of any recognizable proportion.

However, there are many, many of us who want ALPA off the property for a vast array of reasons that the average AWA guy might not know about or understand. These problems date back to the days before AWA was ALPA, and they involve the political nature of the beast and the self-interests that get addressed behind closed doors. Most of us would like to see those boyz get out on the line and live with the contract they "negotiated."
So what's it like being 0 for 3? Sorry they botched the longevity integration......

Wow, thanks for the comic relief.

Yet another poster with the reading comprehension skills of a third-grader with ADHD all jacked-up on pre-sweetened cereal.

To sum it up for you; (And read carefully here putz)

  • I fly for a different major airline. Not US Airways. Not AWA.
  • I was posting out of concern over the vitriol heaped towards the East guys and was simply questioning why there wasn't more empathy towards a group of pilots who careers were destroyed.
There were one or two posters (not you) who were able to lucidly explain the reason behind the animosity, thus helping me better understand the situation.

Most were idiotic loudmouths like yourself, who don't even bother to read these threads carefully before coming on here with guns blazing. You just ASSumed that anybody posting anything resembling an empathetic stance towards the US Air folks, is one of them. (I certainly hope you don't bring this sort of limited, one-dimensional thinking to in-flight emergencies.)

My tag line stands. I certainly hope you've got the airspeed and altitude, because you don't come across as very clever.

As I said in a previous post, I wish all you guys the best. (Even you regionaltard.:) )
BTW, the USAirways east pilots are not interested in decertifying ALPA to have the Nicolau award thrown out, although if it can be that would be great. They are interested in calling ALPA out so that they answer for the inadequacies of the very group that should have protected them. Further, time is on their side. If they can delay the implementation of the award for a few years, the attrition that should have been theirs will be theirs. The AWA pilots can enjoy their great contract and the East guys can go on with their lives as well. Decertifying ALPA will not destroy the profession.


Every thing else being equal, if Nic would have chosen straight date of hire and allowed the furloughees to waltz back and displace PHX Captains, would the East by trying to through ALPA out? I don't think so. They would be carrying Prater around PHL on their shoulders singing [SIZE=-1]Kumbayaa and telling the West pilots to suck it up. [/SIZE]

You're right, BUT, the take away from the "free to negotiate" line is that they believe the award could be neutured by creating union bylaws that state contract seniority negotiations are to be DOH and only DOH. Thus, the grandfathered award would be in conflict with the bylaws and could be negotiated into oblivion.

I agree that as political and bad ALPA is, the road without them is much more bumpy, especially in the near term.

Good luck to us all.
Most of us would like to see those boyz get out on the line and live with the contract they "negotiated."

And that you guys voted for. And started the biggest slide this profession has ever had (well, tied with letter RJ's fly with non-mainline seniority list pilots).

To sum it up for you; (And read carefully here putz)

  • I fly for a different major airline. Not US Airways. Not AWA.
  • I was posting out of concern over the vitriol heaped towards the East guys and was simply questioning why there wasn't more empathy towards a group of pilots who careers were destroyed.

Hmm, I think that what I said applies to anyone who thinks that the East pilots driving this thing are anything more than a delusional bunch of crybabies who mistakenly believe that one miracle entitles them to another. If the shoe fits......

I'd like to reiterate my belief that the Easties are entitled to be upset about the way the longevity integration was handled-they really got hosed on that one.
However, there are many, many of us who want ALPA off the property for a vast array of reasons that the average AWA guy might not know about or understand. These problems date back to the days before AWA was ALPA, and they involve the political nature of the beast and the self-interests that get addressed behind closed doors. Most of us would like to see those boyz get out on the line and live with the contract they "negotiated."

I have no dog in this hunt really but I'm trying to get a better understanding. I sympathize with the hardships the good people at US Airways have endured but how is ALPA really to blame? The problem as I see it is that you were unfortunate to work for a company that was terribly mismanaged and made so many bad decisions for so long.
I have no dog in this hunt really but I'm trying to get a better understanding. I sympathize with the hardships the good people at US Airways have endured but how is ALPA really to blame? The problem as I see it is that you were unfortunate to work for a company that was terribly mismanaged and made so many bad decisions for so long.

If you are the junior guy on property with 18 years of service and in your SECOND bankruptcy - THE WRITING IS ON THE WALL.

Why these guys hung on after being raped in the tar-star for so many years is beyond me.........me thinks maybe they have grown to enjoy it ???

Actually, the smart ones left and moved on to bigger and better things - that means we are stuck with the dumbazzes..........

Most of us would like to see those boyz get out on the line and live with the contract they "negotiated."

Then perhaps you should recall them and replace them with better reps rather than getting rid of the entire union.

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