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US Airways Contract Projections

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Agreements are not forged in the fringes of extremes. Conversations at Dallas this week won't even go there. All bets are that the opportunity to move forward won't be scuttled.
A Usapa supporter suggesting integrity, that's rich! Merry Loa93 Xmas (what are you going on 10 years of it). Still waiting for usapas lup to materialize. What's the hold up?

Glad you like my avatar Chuck Duece.

Chuck Duece...I like it! I hope you read the book "Flying the Line" Vol 1 and 2. Airline managements will try their very hardest to keep your pay and bennies as low as possible and due to force majour, chap 11 and the good old RLA they will always win. I would estimate that about 75% of the pilots I fly with have their own business as do I, so with our extra income the low rates don't bother me and many other LCC pilots as much as you are assuming. I SAP down to mins every month. I would recommend to any airline pilot to establish a safety net.
I'm still not sure what you guys and gals are not understanding. We are OK with these rates as opposed to your new hires being our captains. No your guys who were still in training at the time of the merger WILL NOT BE MY CAPTAIN. This is not opinion it is fact. How is your nic working for you so far? I don't think it's working out to well for you...look at the list.

Hey superrobin grow up and get some integrity and respect for women and remove your teenage type avatar. You're one of those AWA new hires aren't you.

Oh c'mon there charlie2 -

The former AWA guys could never be your Captain if the Nic was active - cause when they closed the LAS base - all those West pilots would have displaced all you junior East guys onto the street - so it would have been the fairest way ya know - a base that the EAST never had closes and all those former West Captains and First officers come and fly East.

One more thing - I was wrong about "They could never be your Captain" - I guess when you would have to go looking for another job - they could be the crew on your plane!
I'm still not sure what you guys and gals are not understanding. We are OK with these rates as opposed to your new hires being our captains. No your guys who were still in training at the time of the merger WILL NOT BE MY CAPTAIN. This is not opinion it is fact. How is your nic working for you so far? I don't think it's working out to well for you...look at the list.

Hey superrobin grow up and get some integrity and respect for women and remove your teenage type avatar. You're one of those AWA new hires aren't you.

And a pilot who was furloughed at the time of the merger will never be mine.
Oh c'mon there charlie2 -

The former AWA guys could never be your Captain if the Nic was active - cause when they closed the LAS base - all those West pilots would have displaced all you junior East guys onto the street - so it would have been the fairest way ya know - a base that the EAST never had closes and all those former West Captains and First officers come and fly East.

One more thing - I was wrong about "They could never be your Captain" - I guess when you would have to go looking for another job - they could be the crew on your plane!

First of all it's now Chuck Deuce but every thing else you said is spot on!
Ethics depends on individual vantage point. If you asked the 3000 US east pilots all will tell you that the Nic IS UNETHICAL. I will advise you in a fact of life. Nothing good or bad lasts FOREVER.. My bad will soon come to an end, one way or the other.. In your case, better start saving for the inevitable..
Again I reiterate, put your money were your mouth is. If not, then STFU!!

And I'll pass on taking advice from an unethical liar who lives on regional wages. STFU indeed.
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And I'll pass on taking advice from an unethical liar who lives on regional wages. STFU indeed.
What I "live on" is non of your business. I can assure you that what I make is far beyond what YOU may expect. I too choose to fly as little as possible and place my focus on other ventures. Most guys here are doing the same. Seniority IS NOT FOR SALE!! You can sit there in the confines of your pathetic little world and spew insults to those that most likely came before you. I can care less. The reality is the Nic is dead, and most on the east will see incredible upward movement as WE recapture OUR attrition..If this bothers you, then go ahead and vent. Carry on with the insults and child play. I've got better things to do than argue with a hypocrite such as your self...
If the shoe were on the other foot.......
What I "live on" is non of your business. I can assure you that what I make is far beyond what YOU may expect. I too choose to fly as little as possible and place my focus on other ventures. Most guys here are doing the same. Seniority IS NOT FOR SALE!! You can sit there in the confines of your pathetic little world and spew insults to those that most likely came before you. I can care less. The reality is the Nic is dead, and most on the east will see incredible upward movement as WE recapture OUR attrition..If this bothers you, then go ahead and vent. Carry on with the insults and child play. I've got better things to do than argue with a hypocrite such as your self...
If the shoe were on the other foot.......

If the shoe were on the other foot, I would abide by the agreement that I entered into. I am not an unethical liar like you and your ilk.

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