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US Airways Contract Projections

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I don't have cable or satellite so no MNF for me. Perhaps I'll get it when I get paid what other airline pilots make.

Either that or your boys will be playing in the NFL by then and you can just go to the game with them. Might take about the same amount of time.
Perhaps you are OK with LOA 93. I'm still an airbus F/O on reserve making about 30K less than my counterpart at Delta with 7 days of vacation. I couldn't even make as much as a Delta 320 F/O if I was on the 330 and no amount of attrition will even get me to two weeks of vacation for years to come.

I am not starving or living on the streets, but anyone that says they are "OK" with LOA 93 is plain crazy.

We would all like to make Delta wages and obviously would accept wages like that if it were offered to us.

Doug has been obsessed with a merger three times now. If he fails again he will eventually have to come back to the table here at USAir.
. If he fails again he will eventually have to come back to the table here at USAir.

If Dug fails again, you're going to be on LOA 93 for several more years. The East pilots delivered endless delay to Parker on a silver platter. USAPA isn't the only one who can twist and contort the law in ways never intended or envisioned for their own selfish aspirations.

Parker will NEVER be forced to the table with USAPA around.
West pilots, Zero.

East Pilots:

141 new captain awards on A330, 767, 737, 320
181 New FO bids
98 New FOs on A330, 767
Untold numbers of people getting off reserve across all types
So how many are transfers off the 737?

Even without considering that, you're still looking at roughly 11% of the east pilot group and about 8% of the combined pilot group benefiting while 89-92% suffers.

How can you convince 92% of the pilots that they should subsidize your land grab while they languish? Better yet, how does your union which extorts money from the same group that is suffering, defends the premise that the clique which runs it should be the sole beneficiaries of the merger?
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The West or East May bid?

If I were a West pilot I would be telling my West BPR reps to start talking with the other reps to change the CB&L DOH to LOS, yesterday.

A card drive to oust USAPA would be far more effective. Look at the tattered remnants of the Cleary Cabal and how they whine and moan from the outside looking in. Imagine if the entire USAPA faithful were in that glorious position of having their reign of destruction truncated. If the majority of the pilots who want to move forward (and from the sound of those who wanted the MOU to go to a vote, I'd say that was substantial) were to take control form the inept angry F/O's we could get unparked from the NMB and put a contract to a vote and slowly regain some of the relevance we deserve.

Or we can count to 100 after which either the tantrum stops, or we continue to count to 200.

Call for cards. DUMP USAPA
Sometimes the bad guys win.
This would not be one of those times!

If DOH is put into a contract, the entire list will have to be DOH, and the support for that quickly evaporates. Plus the courts would have to side with the elimination of Binding Arbitration and there is no LUP anywhere for that.

If Parker determines that he could be on the hook for damages (up to and including un-bumping and flushing) he will make sure USAPA pays for it.

No, I think you'll find USAPA trying to play the waiting game and when they feel they've gotten all the upgrades they want, they'll come out and say NIC is it.

If you want to stop that, join the drive to dump USAPA. There are far more good guys out there than you think.
If Dug fails again, you're going to be on LOA 93 for several more years. The East pilots delivered endless delay to Parker on a silver platter. USAPA isn't the only one who can twist and contort the law in ways never intended or envisioned for their own selfish aspirations.

Parker will NEVER be forced to the table with USAPA around.

I happen to agree that Doug wouldn't feel too forced to come to the negotiating table if he screws up the AA merger. Just look at how he deals with the FAs. The FAs have voted down two TAs and have voted over 90% to strike yet Doug yawns, and all we hear is that he can't pay more to any of the employees if we dont' become as big as Delta. Sans a merger with AA the only pay raises and quality of life will come via attrition. It should not be limited to one side.
So how many are transfers off the 737?

Even without considering that, you're still looking at roughly 11% of the east pilot group and about 8% of the combined pilot group benefiting while 89-92% suffers.

How can you convince 92% of the pilots that they should subsidize your land grab while they languish? Better yet, how does your union which extorts money from the same group that is suffering, defends the premise that the clique which runs it should be the sole beneficiaries of the merger?

How many were transfers to the A320 from the 737? First lets admit we are talking about how sour the grapes are, rather than whether or not their are grapes... There were 54 new bids on the A330 and B767, so its probably safe to guess at least as many were also upgrades to backfill the pilots that upgraded to them but the bid award is out for anyone that wants to narrow down exactly how sour it is. One could compare it to our last bid 12-04 and determine how many pilots upgraded, how many are no longer on reserve, etc, etc..

There were 27 retirements on this bid and increase of 5 A330s and 5? E190s.... resulting in 367 new bid awards and 120+ bids still open. There will be more retirements to account for in the May bid (and every new bid for the next ten years) and these changes should benefit all USAir pilots.
There were 27 retirements on this bid
So you still didn't answer the question. What percentage of the total pilot group saw a verifiable substantial increase in pay as a direct result of this bid? And how many yielded a pay rate in excess of $142/hr?

There are 92% of the pilots with a vested interest in your answer.

Oh, and while you're at it explain how installing USAPA brought you to this El Dorado of yours any better than you could have under ALPA? Had USAPA been the back seat abortion it should have been, the west would be fighting ALPA in court on ALPA's nickle. You had your little chubby advocate Prater willing to do whatever it took to placate you. You could have perpetuated your delay just as effectively.

If you're willing to try honesty on for size, you'll admit that USAPA has done nothing for the millions in dues it has collected, except get an injunction slapped on the pilots which greases the rope others will have to climb in future contract negotiations.

So when someone comes to you looking for your signature on card to replace USAPA, how will you defend the Charlotte-ans who stole from their own pilots?
So you still didn't answer the question. What percentage of the total pilot group saw a verifiable substantial increase in pay as a direct result of this bid? ...

Existing USAir pilots were awarded 367 new bids and 120 new pilots will be hired by March. Those 487 pilots probably aren't too disappointed with the change, neither are the hundreds of new line holders, not to mention the hundreds of pilots that expect to have improvements in the next bid. These changes should be available to all USAir pilots.

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