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You stay classy Linden Hillman

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Defensive? How's that exactly?

The overblown reaction to the letter

1) The letter you claim was fabricated and were wrong about?

2) "I smell bullshat" FAIL

3) "It's funny when people who have no clue as to what the hell they're talking about, post as if they do." Whoops!

4) "Some of you sound like such children. Grow up."

5) "Your lack of maturity is an embarrassment to yourself"

That, boy, is exactly what I am referring to. Congrats on your winning lottery ticket. I am legitimately happy for my friends at AirTran.
Offer the trannies a staple. Take it or leave it. Bet they all vote to take it.


I predict that SWA and SWAPA will soon tire of all the back and forth nonsense.
You get a better company, pay, benefits, bases, etc.

How long have you been in the airline biz? I ask because you post as if things never change. The SWA contract has an ammendable date, a seniority number does not. If things go badly for SWA, the first thing to go will be the pilot contract that I gave up seniority to get. No thanks. Aples to Oranges comparison. It's a known (seniority) v.s. a variable (Contract). like I said before, arbitrators know this and in the past have given very little weight to differences in contracts

What does SWA get? Please do not say aircraft, ATL, growth, etc. They bought that.

They get a growth and seniority advancement that they wouldn't have had otherwise, they get a larger profit sharing check, they get 27hr layovers in the Carribbean and Cancun. BTW, the pilots didn't buy us.

If SWA gives SWAPA a raise you will get that also. You get everything they get plus all the benefits they already have.

What if they give concessions in 5 years from now, will I get that too? Think that will never happen? Talk to guys fron UAL/DAL/UsAir. SWA guys were leaving in droves to go to those airlines 10 years ago when the SWA contract was the anchor of the major airline industry.

My point is, things change in this business, seniority, not so much. Arbitrators know this. Apples to oranges my friend.
In the end, we'll reach an agreement that will pass on both sides (yeah, right) or it will go to arbitration. Scare tactics don't work, but feel free to continue if it makes you feel good.

I hear you guys are commenting internally about not even negotiating; but just going straight to arbitration. Regardless of the comments on this forum, the two sides agreed to negotiate. Do you not support your team's efforts?

You want to say, "Give us relative, or we'll see u in arbitration." Real nice.

Btw, how's the weather in SW FL?
How long have you been in the airline biz? I ask because you post as if things never change. The SWA contract has an ammendable date, a seniority number does not. If things go badly for SWA, the first thing to go will be the pilot contract that I gave up seniority to get. No thanks. Aples to Oranges comparison. It's a known (seniority) v.s. a variable (Contract). like I said before, arbitrators know this and in the past have given very little weight to differences in contracts

They get a growth and seniority advancement that they wouldn't have had otherwise, they get a larger profit sharing check, they get 27hr layovers in the Carribbean and Cancun. BTW, the pilots didn't buy us.

What if they give concessions in 5 years from now, will I get that too? Think that will never happen? Talk to guys fron UAL/DAL/UsAir. SWA guys were leaving in droves to go to those airlines 10 years ago when the SWA contract was the anchor of the major airline industry.

My point is, things change in this business, seniority, not so much. Arbitrators know this. Apples to oranges my friend.

You ask how long I have been in the airline business. I am not in yet. I graduate from High School in 2 years. I hope that doesn't make you feel like a jerk because you debate a high school student. Good Luck. I think you need it.
Yes, after several phone calls and internal message board posts from our pilots about it, the AirTran ALPA MEC put out a statement yesterday on our message board about the letter (which actually happened several weeks ago, shortly after the PA was signed, which is what I figured), detailing how it came up, what the letter said, and how it was received.

The AirTran ALPA MEC received a pleasant letter back from MV stating that yes, it had been a wording error in the initial press release after the Process Agreement was signed. That's all ALPA really wanted, to make sure that SWA management agreed with the Process Agreement for what happens after arbitration in the same way ALPA interpreted it, which the MV reply letter clearly states that they do.

Yes, the letter asked for a public retraction. No, ALPA didn't get it. My personal opinion: ALPA then knew better than to push their luck, had what they needed legally by written mutual agreement of what happens after arbitration concerning the integration process, and decided not to further rock the boat. End of story. Should ALPA have written the letter? Absolutely. Would I have asked for a public retraction in the initial letter? No. But I don't get a vote. ;)

However, methinks that MV got about as upset about that letter as BJ did at SWAPA over the grievance regarding the nose art sticker; both were probably a little annoyed and that was likely the end of it, but as always in "the turbine turns", both stories seem to have taken on a life of their own at our respective companies.

Most people dismiss rumors of "excessively angry management" as just rumor unless said management goes on the public record about it, just as SWA guys have about the BJ "nose art angst" rumor. I would think that both MV and BJ are probably much more even-keeled guys than that, it's just business after all, but I could be wrong... it's happened before.

Just another slow news day... ;)

You ATN guys are hillarious! Lear comes on to say he read a thread on your forum saying everything is cool, so you just believe it. Will your MEC Chair admit he screwed up with that letter? NO! Has he even engaged y'all regarding the letter? I bet not. He is too busy firing committee guys and directing your MC to bother.

Don't take Lear's opinion. Ask to see the letter for yourselves. Then see if Lear's summary jives with the truth.
You ATN guys are hillarious! Lear comes on to say he read a thread on your forum saying everything is cool, so you just believe it. Will your MEC Chair admit he screwed up with that letter? NO! Has he even engaged y'all regarding the letter? I bet not. He is too busy firing committee guys a

While I have never seen an AAI pilot come on here and comment about SWAPA's internal affairs, there is no shortage of SWA pilots who seem to think that they are free to comment on ATN71 matters.

No one cares what you think about our union, but if you want to guarantee this thing goes to arbitration, just keep poking your finger in our eye. . . . .

Be careful what you ask for, though. :erm:
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