The first time the Airtran Mec president wrote to MVD of SWA you (at) all published the reply and had your circle jerk celebration of relative seniority is coming. Now the calculated word is that something brown is blowing back from the fan towards the Airtran group. Whatever word that comes out is not by accident. Expectations and opinion can be moved by either side. Reality versus fantasy is coming. SWA is not letting flightinfo decide corporate decision making.
And......that's exactly why we have a four party process agreement that is being followed to a "t". That's also why Airtran ALPA diligently acquired protection from SW management before the process started. We all sleep real easy on the AT side because of the above. I think SWAPA should sleep easy as well knowing that a "fair and equitable" solution will be arrived at. There's really no reason for the useless fear mongering folks.
It's great to be on board and I really look forward to flying with all SW pilots. Together we can be far more successful than either could have been alone. Cheers!