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Wow- U Saw Who??

  • Thread starter 350DRIVER
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Occam's Razor said:
Name dropping!


Josh Hartnett and Scarlett Johansson had dinner at my house last month. I got home from a trip and they were in my dining room.

I had no idea, and didn't recognize either of them. My wife introduced me and I was as idiot.

Wife: "Josh is helping with our fund-raiser for the ____ this year, and Scarlett was in town with him."
Me: "Oh...Great. So what will you be doing?"
Wife: "Um...he's a movie star. He'll show up and say a few words."
Me: "What was your last name again?"
Josh: "Hartnett."
Me: "Oh yeah...'Blackhawk Down'...good movie."

Scarlett is an uber-Hottie and has an amazing giggle.

My wife made her crappy homemade ravioli with pesto. They both said they liked it. They are good actors!

U f()cking with us Razor??

Pretty cool if true.
I heard Tim Allen is also a big time pr*ck.
George W Bush (prior to becoming President)
Helen Hunt (Bitch)
Yoko Ono (simple)
Down town Judy Brown (with another british girl)
Tony Randall
Sean Lennon
Sammy Sosa
Mike Tyson (just a few months ago after Roy Jones JR fight)
Simeon Rice (all the time at the clubs in TPA)
Warrick Dunn
Cadillac Williams (same as simeon)
Anne Richards (just about two weeks ago)
Frank Thomas
Carlos Delgado (smoking serious cigars, surrounded by serious fine AZZ chics)
(flew him a bunch of times..also reggae club in TPA)
Most of the Yankees
Allen Iverson (one seriously cool cat!)
John Gotti Jr (prior to troubles)
Chicago Bulls, Whitesox, Toronto Blue Jays, Ottawa Senators, NJ Devils, Dallas Stars, Milwaukee Brewers, Oakland A's, Baltimore Orioles, Tampa Lightning, Boston Bruins, Most of White House Press Corps, Philadelphia 76'ers

many more I can't remember..
kilroy said:
U f()cking with us Razor??

Nah. My wife is on the Board of Governors of a large non-profit organization. She got tapped to run the annual fund-raiser this year, which blows (she'll work her hiney off putting it together). The group has a connection to Hartnett.

She claims she mentioned the visit to me before my trip...but I only listen to her when it starts with,
  • I wrecked the...
  • You forgot...
  • Why didn't you...
  • I won the...
  • Please kill....
...or, she's yelling.
Bob Saget CLT-ROA-No the Olsen twins weren't with him
Have flown:

Martha Stewart (was in a good mood - for her - that day!).
Peyton Manning (nicest, most down-to-earth celebrity I have dealt with. He actually apologized for the size of his and his wifes' bags, and offered to help load!).
His dad, Archie Manning.
Fred Couples (Golfer); nice guy.
Al Michaels (real down-to-earth and friendly).
Norwegian actress Liv Ullman (she and her party cleaned the airplane and bagged the catering and trash before we landed).
Jim Thome - nice guy.
Mack McClarty (Clintons' White House Chief of Staff and childhood friend - nice guy).

Have run across:

John Mellencamp
Emeril LeGasse
Michael Milken (babbling to a friend about some amazing kids toy);
LeLe Sobieski (hot actress).
Morris Chesnut (actor);
Terrence Stamp (actor-played lead bad guy from Planet Krypton in Superman movie).
Passed Aaron Neville on escalator @ ATL (had trouble holding onto rail due to too much Cocoa buh-uh-ter!
Darrell Waltrip
Some old guy who's a character actor in dozens of movies stuck his head in the pilot lounge @ LAS Executive (hey! It's That Guy!).
Annie Wilson of Heart (Huuuge gal).
NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue (asked me where men's room was @ Avitat HPN-had to go real bad!).
Reggie Jackson
Jessie Jackson (@MSY after Katrina).
Shuttle Astronaut John Grunsfeld flying an Aero Commander @ North American PWK (I was flying with a friend of his - talked with him for a while, and he gave me a Patch from his latest mission to service the Hubble Telescope).
Senators Evan Bayh, Christopher Dodd.
Dick Cheney (before he was Veep) @ Lane Aviation in CMH (almost ran into him as he came around a corner; we did the left/right dance and he nodded and said "How ya doin'").
Bill Richardson, then Energy Sec (now New Mexico Gov); had to wait to use the men's room @ Signature ALB while secret service guarded it so he could take a dump. Big guy!
Was @ IX Jet CLE when Air Force One came in with Clinton. Everyone had to vacate the FBO for about 20 min while Secret Service did a sweep with dogs. Saw him from a distance get off the plane.
John Kerry while campaigning, @ Galaxy PBI.
Mikael Gorbachev @ Dupage Jet Ctr.

dsee8driver said:
So...was she as hot in person? Now...that's old school porn there...

Yeah she was...Tiny little gal...(except for her natural endowments) she couldnt have been taller than 5'2" or so. Very nice, sweet, and easy to talk to.
I used to fly Tom Delay frequently in 2004. Actually flew him to the Republican National Convention in 2004. I'm still in church begging for forgivness. The man upstairs is still not talking to me.

Rusty Wallace at Jet-TEB in Dec for the Nascar awards dinner
Rudy Guliani- Never been to Million Air TEB and not seem him there
Ken Fineberg- 9/11 paymaster to the famalies. Spoke with him for about 10 minutes and he was surprised anyone knew who he was. Lots of respect for that guy

Lots of others I don't feel like hashing up right now

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